
When you log into your Arcturus account for the first time you will be asked if you would like to take a tour of the Welcome screen.  Click Start to begin, Skip Once to be reminded next visit, or Skip Forever to hide the tour. 


Please note that you may re-enable the tour prompt at any time by clicking On Profile and selecting the Re-Enable Tour button.


The WELCOME TO ARCTURUS screen is divided into the following three sections:

ACCESSIBLE DATABASES - The accessible databases section displays the total number of accessible sites and provides a link to access each one of those sites.  To access a site click on the site name, you will then be directed to the site's Dashboard screen and all software menu options will be displays on the left hand side of the page.

ACCOUNT INFORMATION - The account information section allows you to add, edit, or delete super admin users, and manage which databases (sites) they may or may not have access to.  You can also access the account information screen where you may change your email address, update registration information, or change your password.

SUPPORT - The support section includes the AutoCrib Technical Support phone number, as well as various links to the AutoCrib Support Portal.  You may browse the AutoCrib support portal for AutoCrib manuals, quick guides, how to guides, and troubleshooting guides.  You may also download software updates, subscribe to technical support news and alerts, AutoCrib news, and create a technical support case.

welcometo arcturus

Dashboard Screen

From the Dashboard screen you may Edit your Profile by selecting the Edit My Profile link, or customize your settings by selecting the Customize My Settings link. You also have access to the System Health Syncing Monitor.  If the System Health is Yellow, this means that there is a machine or several machines that are currently having a problem syncing.  A red System Health indicates that all machines are currently NOT syncing.  A green System Health indicates that all machines are currently syncing successfully.  To access the Syncing Monitor click the View Monitor link:


The Autocrib Syncing Monitor Report pop up will appear.  The report will show you the Syncing Computer Name, Last Synch Time, and the number of Pending records.  The Lines showing up in red are not syncing, and lines showing up in green are syncing: 


Click on a line to view additional sync details, the Sync Detail screen displays the Table Name and the number of Pending records for each table:


To view additional sync details for a specific table, click on the TableName you will then be able to see the Recordid, TableName, Key1, Key2, Key3, and LastUpdated date and time:


You may also select the View Sync Exception link from the Autocrib Syncing Monitor Report window:


The Sync Exception window will display the Recordid, ComputerName, TableName, Exception (reason for the failed sync for the record) and the DateTime the exception occured:


Account Information

The ACCOUNT INFORMATION screen displays the MyProfile fields including E-mail address, User ID, Contact, Company, Account type, Registration Date, and it allows you to re-enable the tour prompt.

The Following buttons are also available on this screen:

Change my email address - Allows you to change the account's email address.
Update my registration information - Allows you to update the following information:  Contact, Company, Address, Phone, and Fax.
Change my password - Allows you to change your account password

Account Information

Change my email address

AutoCrib keeps track of you based on your email address.  You receive confirmations and reports via e-mail.  The Change my email address screen allows you to change or update the email address associated with the account.

To change you account E-mail address type your new email address in the E-mail address field, then click the Update button.  You will be sent a confirmation email message containing a special confirmation code and instructions on completing the change of email address.

Note:  Your new email address is not valid until you confirm your change of email with the special confirmation code.
Note:  If you don't receive the confirmation email, it is likely that you entered and invalid email address.  In that case you'll need to try to change your email address again.

Update my registration information

The Update my registration information screen allows you to make changes to the following information:  Contact, Company name, Company address, Phone, and fax.    To change or update the information, type the new information in the appropriate field and click the Submit button.

Change my password

The Change my password screen allows you to change your AutoCrib.NET umaster login password.  To change your password type the new password in the New password and Confirm new password fields then click the Update button.

When creating a new password make note of the following password policy:

Password minimum length:  6
Password maximum length:  20
Required upper case letters:  1
Required lower case letters:  1
Required special characters:  1
Allowable special characters:  ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) - _ = { } ; : ? , .

Tool Cribs

The Cribs menu consists of modules that store the information, settings, and configurations for all physical and virtual cribs, their bins, and access restrictions to the station/crib and items.

The modules are as follows:

Tool Cribs - defines the virtual and physical cribs and the business rules they enforce, as well as displaying historical data, open issues, and default settings for each crib.
Bins - defines the virtual and physical bins and the business rules they enforce, as well as displaying historical data, open issues, and default settings for each specific crib and bin.
Access - limits access to an item, a set of items, and cribs to an employee, a group of employees, or to an entire department.

The SHOW ALL TOOL CRIBS screen lists all the cribs that have been added to the AutoCrib.NET system.  To view additional details for a specific crib select the crib from the list, you will be directed to the crib DETAIL screen.

The list of cribs may be filtered and not show all cribs based on the AutoCrib.NET software login, group rights or cribs that are tied to a specific supplier.  The columns can be expanded or decreased and column filters may be used for each column by clicking the down pointing arrow next to each column name.


Tool Cribs Detail

The Tool Cribs DETAIL screen provides additional details for the selected crib.  Click the Edit button to make changes.

The fields below dictate the crib's functions and access controls. The settings and fields shown change depending on the Crib Type selected. The DETAIL screen separates common functions from crib-specific functions.

The following fields and settings are available for all machines:

:  A unique number assigned to each crib.  As this is the basis for multiple cribs, each crib number must be unique.
Description:  A description for the crib (examples are Station 1, North Wall, Main Crib, Vending Machine 1).
Crib Type:  Designates the type of crib. The crib types are as follows:
  • Vending Machine - An automated helix/coil machine consisting of up to 70 bins, which can hold up to 30 packages or items per bin.
  • SuperStation - A physical combination of a Vending Machine and a number of attached AutoLockers.
  • AutoLocker - An automated bank of AutoCrib classic lockers (Make sure to select Polling from the Robo Type dropdown field) or AutoLocker FX (Make sure to select FX from the Robo Type dropdown field) .  Lockers can be used with expendable, oversized, calibrated, and/or durable types of items.
  • ToolCabinet - This is a semi-automated and honor-based cabinet that allows access to one area at a time.  When setting up the standard AutoCrib ToolCabinet select Standard from the Robo Type dropdown.  This crib type is also used with AutoLocker FX Scale and AutoCab FX, make sure to select FX from the Robo Type dropdown field.
  • ToolRoom - A traditional or virtual tool room or store that tracks items in and out using a variety of dispensing systems or the AutoCrib .NET software.
  • RoboCrib - This is an automated dispensing machine that consists of a system of counter rotating carousels controlled by a touchscreen interface.  When this crib type is selected, the field next to the Crib Type field must be selected as well.
    • Note:  The RoboCrib can be enhanced with a combination of AutoLockers to make a SuperRoboCrib. A SuperRoboCrib is not a separate machine type but an integrated system of a RoboCrib and  FX AutoLockers frames controlled by the same interface.
  • Shuttle - This is used to set up a Vertical Lift Machine (VLM), which utilizes a shelf retrieval system.
  • Elevend - This is a dispensing system which utilizes elevating trays to bring stacked products to the top of bins with secured doors, which when unlocked, give access to the products.
  • VisiCab - An object recognition toolbox with 8 rotating trays that can hold a variety of tools.

External:  This must be checked when using the External Items Function and the Crib Type is ToolRoom, ToolCabinet, or AutoLocker.
Emp Access:  Activates the access controls for this specific crib.  This also activates the employee cost limit and FOD control.
Job Access:  Enables the Job Access Control feature, please note that Emp Access must be enabled to enable Job Access.
Enabled:  Enables the crib for use.  If this is not checked, an 'Out of Service' message comes up.
Returnable:  Allows perishable and durable items to be returned to the crib.
Consigned:  Enables a crib to a specified supplier.  You must also designate the specified supplier in the Supplier field.
Use Lot:  Enables the LOT Control function for the crib.
Start Time:  Specifies the time a crib starts to be operational.
End Time:  Specifies the time a crib starts to be out of service.
Supplier:  This specifies the sole vendor who supplies this crib.  It is not applicable if more than one vendor supplies this crib. It is used in conjunction with the Consigned checkbox.  Also, when you log into the AutoCrib software with a login that has the supplier field filled out in Tools > Security, you can see only the cribs that have the same Supplier field as your login in Cribs > Tool Cribs.
Adjustment Bins:  Enables mistakenly dispensed item to be adjusted back into the crib.  Note:  The Adjust check box must be checked for each employee in Databases > Employees; Employee Detail screen.
Allow Adjust For Last:  Dictates the number of days a crib allows an adjustment for a mistakenly dispensed item.
Auto PO:  Enables automatic purchase orders for the crib.
PO Method:  Determines which reordering method will be utilized:
  • At/Below Min:  Creates an order for all items or bins that are below the minimum level.
  • Below Max:  Creates an order for all items or bins that are below the maximum level.
  • DBO:  Creates an order for items based on Demand Based Ordering calculations.
Time:  Works with AutoPO Schedule By Crib function, it determines the time of day when the Auto PO scheduled by crib runs.
Days:  Works with the AutoPO Schedule By Crib function, it dictates the days when the Auto PO scheduled by crib runs.
Note:  AutoPO Scheduled By Crib  is enabled in Tools > Options > Defaults, and must be enabled to utilize the Time and Days fields.
Last Issue
:  Identified the last date an item was dispensed from the crib.

The sections below show the fields specific to each crib type:

  The fields below are specific to the RoboCrib and the variable configurations that comprise its machine set.  This includes the SuperRoboCrib (RoboCrib with FX Lockers attached) and ScaleMate:


RoboCrib Type
:  Designates the type of RoboCrib and the available settings based on the selection type. This setting is listed within the common crib settings but exclusive only to the RoboCrib. The RoboCrib types are as follows:
  • 2000 - Setting for all generations of RoboCrib 2000 - B model and higher.
  • 1000 - First generation RoboCrib 1000.
  • 500 - First generation RoboCrib 500.
  • 1000-B - Second and third generation RoboCrib 1000 including the RoboCrib VX1000 and TX750 (for TX750 must also check the Tambour check box).
  • 500-B - Second generation RoboCrib 500 including the RoboCrib VX500.
Config Stacks:  This indicates whether the RoboCrib has configurable stack(s):
  • None - Select none if there are no configurable stacks.
  • Partial - Select Partial if the RoboCrib has one or more configurable stacks.
  • All - Select All if all the stacks in the RoboCrib are configurable, or when setting up a TX750 RoboCrib.
External Crib Control: This is used when setting up the External Items/Key function, where keys to AutoLockers, ToolRooms, or ToolCabinets are stored in the RoboCrib.
Single Issue: When this is checked the RoboCrib goes back to the login screen after every issue transaction.
Fetch Tray Before Issue:  Allows the user to cancel an issue transaction at the RoboCrib after the bin has been fetched and the bin door opened.
Allow Return by Different User:  Allows employees not designated as supervisors to return open issues.
FOD Adjust:  Enables retrieval of FOD items in adjustment bins.
Adjust Expendables Only:  Enables the process where only expendables can be adjusted in the RoboCrib.
Verify Adjustments:  When this is checked, items adjusted back must be retrieved, inspected, and verified by a stocker or supervisor before it can be issued again.
  • Scale - Enables the RoboCrib's ScaleMate.
  • Scale COM - Configures the communications port for the scale.
  • Type - The brand of the scale being used; Mettler Toledo or Acculab scale.
  • User Discrepancy Reporting:  Allows the user to report a discrepancy.
  • Enable Discrepancy Qty Input:  Allows the user to insert a discrepancy Qty when reporting a discrepancy (User Discrepancy Reporting check box must be enabled).
  • Simple Input Prompt:  Allows the user to select one of the following three options at the RoboCrib software when User Discrepancy Reporting check box is enabled:  Wrong Count,
    Out of Stock, Contamination.
  • Lock Bin on Discrepancy:  When enabled, bins that have a discrepancy reported on them will be locked. Users will not be able to issue out of those bins until the discrepancy has been verified and corrected by the supervisor.
ToolRoom:  The fields below are specific to the ToolRoom crib.  This includes the MiniCrib, MobileCrib, IntelliPort, and ToolRoom:

  • External:  Check the External check box for the external crib when setting up External Items/Key Function.
  • Receipt Printer - This is checked if a receipt printer is attached to the computer running the AutoCrib, ToolRoom, or IntelliPort software.
  • Use Door Strike -  ToolRoom keypad with an electronic latch can be configured to unlock a crib or cage door when a user is issuing or logging in through the ToolRoom software.  Use Door Strike enables the ToolRoom software to unlock on issue or return.
  • Unlock on Login - Enables the ToolRoom software to unlock on employee's login.
  • Shop Floor - Used for Gage Calibration Center.
  • Allow Return by Different User - Allows employees not designated as supervisors to return open issues.

RFID - These settings are specific to the communication between the RF Reader and the PC on the IntelliPort. To enable this section, enable the checkbox located to the left of the IP field.  This checkbox will enable the IP/Port and the Add/Delete sections:

  • RFID Reader:   To enable the RFID section check the RFID Reader check box (This checkbox will enable the IP/Port and the Add/Delete sections)
  • IP:  Enter the network address that is assigned to the reader. Note:  The default IP assigned to the reader by AutoCrib is (The IP can be changed if needed)
  • Port:  Enter the communication port assigned to the reader.  Note:  The default Port number assigned to the reader by AutoCrib is:  80
  • Usr:  User Name for the RFID reader
  • Pwd:  Password for the RFID reader
  • Add:  Select the Add button after you have completed the IP, Port, Usr, and Pwd
  • Delete:  Removes the selected IP Address and Port number
  • Print RFID only on Tags:  When selected the RFID printer will print only the RFID numbers on the labels.
  • Print Bar-code on RFID Tags:  When selected the RFID printer will print the Item Information, RFID number, and the barcode on the lables.
  • Disable IntelliPort Photos:  This disables the cameras at the IntelliPort so that it does not take pictures when entering and exiting the IntelliPort.

Classic AutoLocker, Vending Machine, and Superstation: 
The fields below are specific to the classic AutoLocker, Vending Machine, and SuperStation. This includes the TouchVend, Auxiliary, and TouchVend Lockers.

  • Deduct on JAM - Enable inventory deductions when a JAM is registered. A JAM dispense will deduct inventory and record an issue transaction.
  • QTY Prompt - Enable inventory deductions when a JAM is registered. A JAM dispense will deduct inventory and record an issue transaction.
  • Circular - Enables successive bin dispenses for an AutoLocker or Vending Machine. The system dispenses the next successive bin with on hand inventory.  Note:  The same item must be assigned in all bins within the crib.
  • InActivate - This allows a kit to be sent to repair, and prevents it from being issued until it is serviced.  When a kit is returned, you will be asked if the kit needs to be serviced.
  • Notify Bin - Enables a restock onscreen notification at the keypad when the Notify Bin is dispensed.  Note:  This works in conjunction with the Circular Option.  Tip:  Utilize one of the last few bins in the machine.  For example in a vending machine set 78 or 88 as Notify Bin.
  • Single Issue - When this is checked the TouchVend software goes back to the login screen after each issue transaction.

ToolCabinet, EleVend, and VisiCab: 

The following options are specific to the ToolCabinet, EleVend, and VisiCab:
  • Deduct On JAM - Will enable inventory deductions when a JAM is registered. A JAM dispense will deduct inventory and record an Issue transaction.
  • Allow Return by Different User - his allows an item issued out to be returned by an employee that did not perform the issue transaction. Note:  This is not available on the EleVend.
  • Adjust Expendables Only - Enables the process where only expendables are allowed to be adjusted.  Note:  This is not available on the EleVend.
  • Allow Issue by Door - This option is only available with ToolCabinet crib type.  When enabled, the user will be able to add a door to the cart from the machine's software Issue screen.
AutoLocker FX, AutoLocker FX Scale, and AutoCab FX:  The fields below are specific to the AutoLocker FX, AutoLocker FX Scale, and AutoCab FX:

  • Scale - Enables the RoboCrib's ScaleMate.
  • Scale COM - Configures the communications port for the scale.
  • User Discrepancy Reporting:  Allows the user to report a discrepancy.
  • Enable Discrepancy Qty Input:  Allows the user to insert a discrepancy Qty when reporting a discrepancy (User Discrepancy Reporting check box must be enabled).

The PED (Personal Electronic Device) option is specific to the AutoLocker FX.  It helps manage the issuing delay intervals to ensure the device is fully or partially charged before the next employee attempts to issue the device.  The charging interval can be set in the software Item detail screen
  • Charge Level Enforcement - When set to Warning a warning message will appear on the screen if th device is issued before the minimum charge is met, a user then can either continue to issue out the item or cancel the transaction.  When set to Restrict a message will appear on the screen if the device is issued before the minimum charge is met, the user is then forced to cancel the transaction.  Note:  The default setting is None which means that when a user issues out an item before the minimum charge is met, they will be able to issue out the item without any warning or messages on the screen.


The Tool Cribs EDIT screen allows you to edit the crib detail fields.  Click the Save button to save any changes.
The Tool Crib NOTES screen can be used to enter free form data or information relating to the Tool Crib that you have selected.  Enter any notes necessary for future reference by typing in the data in the open Notes: field and then click the Save button.

The Tool Crib HISTORY screen displays a rolling 24-month usage by Crib, displaying both expenditures in dollars and issues in packages.

The Tool Crib ISSUES screen lists in a tabular format all transactions for perishable and durable items that have been issued out but not yet returned to the selected crib. Open Issues are taken into account during reorder processes and can prevent improper restocking of an item.

The Tool Crib ISSUE DETAIL screen provides additional details for the selected Issue transaction.

The Tool Crib TRANSACTIONS screen lists in a tabular format all transactions that have occurred for the selected crib.

The Tool Crib TRANSACTIONS DETAIL screen provides additional details for the selected transaction.
The Tool Crib SHOW ALL DOORS screen Allows you to add the door numbers for the AutoLocker FX Scale and AutoCabinet FX.  Select the AddDoorButton button to add a new Door Number.
The ADD DOOR screen allows you enter the following information when adding a new Door to the AutoLocker FX Scale or AutoCabinet FX:
  • Door: Enter the Door Number
  • Description 1:  Enter the description of the items that will be stocked in this door
  • Description 2:  Enter additional information about the items that will be stocked in this door
  • Bin Scale Zone:  This must check box must be selected if the Door is an AutoLocker FX Door that has scales.
  • Picture:  You may upload a picture of the door which will be displayed in the machine's software Issue screen

Tool Cribs MINMAX

The Tool Crib MINMAX screen lists all items assigned to the selected crib and their total bin count, total capacity, and minimum and maximum reorder points.

The minimum, maximum, and critical level for the items in a RoboCrib is set here.  Items having different package quantities have a separate line entry and can have different minimum and maximum levels.

:  If the Create PO's by Crib Min Max checkbox is checked in Tools > Options > Defaults, the minimum and maximum level for items in a Vending Machine, FX AutoLocker and ToolRoom are set here.

To set the Min and Max values start by typing in the Max qty first then the Min qty in the respective fields, then click the Update button.

To set and enable the Critical Level for the Item check the Critical check box and type the Critical Qty Level in the Level field, then click the Update button.

Crib Defaults

The Crib DEFAULTS screen is used to view, enable, and modify keypad or cost center prompts for a crib.  You may modify those setting by clicking the Edit button.

You may want the issue transaction at a crib to be recorded against a cost center. To do so, the corresponding checkbox under Keypad Prompts must be checked.  When Use Departments, Use Jobs, Use Machines, Use Parts, or Use Reasons is checked, the crib will prompt you to enter the corresponding prompt when issuing from it. The Departments, Machines, Jobs, Parts, or Reasons must be set up in the Database module. 

As an example, a transaction for a department will not show up in the department reports unless a department was entered during the issue transaction.  For the department to be entered during the transaction, the Use Departments checkbox must be checked.
The department field can be automatically populated at the machine if the Lock Department checkbox in Database > Employee > Detail is checked for the employee. 

The checkboxes for Dynamic Departments, Dynamic Machines, Dynamic Jobs, Dynamic Parts, and Dynamic Reasons enable entering freeform prompts at the machine that are not set up in the Database module.

The Default Department, Default Job, Default Machine, Default Part, and Default Reason fields are used by the RoboCrib and TouchVend software.  These contain the values that show up by default in the Department, Job, Machine, Part, and Reason fields at the issue screen.

The Filter Prompts checkbox filters the prompts that can be used at the issue screen based on the prompts that were already selected.  If this is checked, when a certain department is selected only machines assigned to this department can be further selected.  Then based on the selected machine, only certain jobs can be further selected.  Then based on the selected job, only certain items can be issued. Before this can be used, machines have to be assigned to departments, and jobs have to be assigned to machines

The names for the prompts at the issue screen are Department, Machine, Job, Part, and Reason by default.  The Departments Alias, Machines Alias, Jobs Alias, Parts Alias, and Reasons Alias fields change the labels for these fields at the issue screen.  For example, if you want the issue screen to say Work Center instead of Department, populate the Department Alias field with Work Center
Note:  For keypad machines, the number of characters in the Alias fields and the value of the prompt should not exceed 16.  Otherwise, you will not be able to type all of the characters at the keypad.  For example, if the Job Alias is set to Work Center, the possible values for the job should not exceed 5 characters.

The External Key field is active when External checkbox for the ToolRoom or ToolCabinet in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Detail is checked.  This is for the External Items function.

Return Type - The return type check boxes give you the ability to designate the type of return function(s) to be allowed at the machine, by default all three are allowed:  Return, Regrind, and Scrap.  For example to allow Return only without the Regrind, and Scrap options check the box under the Return field.  The Default Return Qty dropdown gives you the ability to designate the default return Qty, by default it is set to 0.  Other options include to set the default return Qty to 1, or Issue Qty.

Category-Family-Type Search: check box when selected, will change the default Issue screen at the machine to use Category-Family-Type drill down functionality when searching for items.  By default this checkbox is not selected which defaults the Issue screen at the machine to the Item list (The user will still be able to search by using Category-Family-Type drill down).

List By:  When Item Code is selected (default option) the items at the machine's Issue screen will be sorted by the Item Code, when Description1 is selected the items at the machine's Issue screen will be sorted by the Description1 field.

First Pass Acceptance:  When enabled, the First Pass Acceptance feature tracks the frequency of stock out events, frequency of subsequent requests of the stocked out inventory, and the time to replenish the inventory and remediate the stock out condition. These events may be review in the Open FPA report located in the Standard Reports Transaction category.

Large Screen:  This checkbox denotes whether a machine is a Platinum model with a large, vertical screen, or a standard machine with a smaller, horizontal screen, and resizes the RoboCrib software accordingly. As of our 6.1.368.13 release, the RoboCrib software dynamically resizes.

Disable FX Door Tab:  This option is only available with ToolCabinet crib type. When enabled , the Door tab will be hidden in the machine's software Issue screen.


The defaults EDIT screen allows you to enable, and modify keypad or cost center prompts for a crib.

Tool Cribs BIN

The BIN screen provides a list of all cribs, and a list or a graphical view of the bins.  To view the bins for a specific crib, select a crib from the All Cribs grid box section, the bins will then populate in the Bins grid box section.

Note:  You may use the bottom scroll bar in the Bins section to view additional bin information such as; Bin Size, Bin Capacity, On Hand Qty, Burn Qty etc.

The way the bins are displayed in the Bins section, and options available depend on the type of crib selected.

Vending Machine bins will display in a graphical format, click the Bin Number displayed under each round circle to add/edit the bin:

ToolRoom machine displays a list view of the bins.  Click the bin number from the list to edit the bin. Click the Add New Bin link to add a new bin, or Configure Bins to complete a bulk upload of item to bin assignments, quickly assign an item to one or more bin locations, and/or quickly and easily remove one or more bin assignments.

Configure Bins:

After selecting the Configure Bins link you will be directed to the OTHER CRIBS - CONFIGURE AUTOMATIC screen.  This screen has three buttons:   Configure – Automatic, configure – Manual, and the Remove Bin Assignment.  Each of the buttons are explained below: 

Configure - Automatic - Configure Automatic allows you to bulk upload a list of items to be assigned to multiple bin locations automatically. 

Complete the following steps to generate and upload a list of items and their bin assignments:
  1. Click the Sample Excel Bin link, this will automatically download the BinOthers.xls file


  1. Open the BinOther.xls file (It contains 5 lines of sample data) replace the sample data and add your bins and item assignments as follows:
    • Column A = Bin - Enter the new ToolRoom Bin number that you wish to assign the item to
    • Column B = Item - Enter the Item code you wish to assign to the bin
    • Column C = PkgQty - Enter the desired package qty for the bin
    • Column D = Bin Capacity - Enter the desired BinCapacity for the bin
    • Column E = Bin Max - Enter the desired Bin Max quantity
    • Column F = Bin Min - Enter the desired Bin Minimum quantity
    • Column G = On Hand Qty - Enter the desired On Hand quantity for the bin
    • Column H = Burn Qty - Enter the desired Burn quantity for the bin
    • Column I = Shelf (Only used with VLM Machine to enter the bin's shelf number).  For a ToolRoom enter 0 in this column.
  2. Save the updated file and select the Browse button (located next to the Upload file:  Choose File field, navigate to the file location and select the file, then click Open


  1. Click the Process Bin Assignments button, you will see the message "Bins have been configured and all invalid rows have been skipped. Click to review Log file for more detail.Note:  The message: "Click to review Log file for more detail." will appear only if Invalid rows have been detected.  Click the Log file link to view the reasons for the Invalid rows. Correct the file then re-upload.

Configure - Manual -Configure Manual allows you to select an item and quickly assign the item to one or more bin locations.

Complete the following steps to assign an item to one or more bins:
  1. Step 1:  Select the item you wish to assign from the item selection box.
  1. Step 2:  Enter the settings that will be applied to each bin: 
    • Package Quantity - Enter the desired package qty for the bin
    • Bin Capacity - Enter the desired Bin Capacity for the bin
    • Bin Min - Enter the desired Bin Minimum quantity
    • Bin Max - Enter the desired Bin Maximum quantity
    • OnHand - Enter the desired On Hand quantity for the bin
    • Burn - Enter the desired Burn quantity for the bin
  1. Step 3:  Select the empty Bin or Bins that will be assigned with the Item by checking the check boxes next to the bin numbers, then click the Process Bin Assignments button, you will see the message "Item assigned to the respective bin(s)".

Remove Bin Assignment -  The Remove Bin Assignment screen allows you to un-assign an item from a bin or multiple bins. 

Complete the following steps to un-assign an item from a bin or multiple bins:
  1. Select the check box or check boxes next to the bin numbers that you wish to remove the items from.
  2. Click he Remove Item Assignment button
  3. Click OK on the message "Unassign item from selected bins(s)", you will see the message "X items have been removed form their bin assignments. Undo".  Note: Click the Undo link to undo the changes, you will see the message "X items has been assigned back to their bin assignments:.

RoboCrib VX/LX machine displays a list view of the bins.  Click the bin number form the list to edit the bin.   Click the RoboView link to view the bins in a graphical format, or Configure Bins to bulk assign items to bins.


Configure Bins:

After selecting the Configure Bins link you will be directed to the CREATE BINS screen.  This screen has three buttons:   Configure – Automatic, configure – Manual, and the Remove Bin Assignment.  Each of the buttons are explained below: 

Configure Automatic - Configure  Automatic allows you to generate a list of items to be assigned to multiple bin locations automatically.

**Important Note:  For a new RoboCrib VX500, VX1000, and/or LX2000 with no bin assignments you may complete a bulk upload of the bins by following the steps below.  Before completing this process be sure to have the bin configuration sheet for the machine handy.  You will need to reference the bin configuration sheet when completing the bins upload spreadsheet.
  1. Click the Sample Excel Bin link, the Sample Files pop up box will appear.


  1. Select the template for the machine type that you would like to setup the bins for (Robocrib VX 1K, Robocrib LX2k, Robocrib VX 500, or Robocrib 500).


  1. The selected file will automatically start downloading.
  2. Close the Sample files pop-up box by clicking the red x in the top right corner.
  3. Open the downloaded sample file, then complete the template by copying the information from the Bin Configuration sheet into the template:
    • Level = RoboCrib Door Number 1 - 15
    • H = Door Height (start with 1, 2, etc 0 = Support Bin)
    • Cofig = F - Standard Stack, T - Configurable Stack
    • 11X, 12X, 13X etc. - Round Stacks, insert 1=Full Pie, 2=Half Pie, 3=Third Pie, 4=Quarter pie, 6=Sixth Pie, 12-Twelve Pie
    • 101, 102, etc.  - Filler Stacks, insert 1= 1 Third Pie bin or 2= 2 Sixth Pie bins
    • lack Filled Field - No bin available because of Motor
  4. After Completing the template save the file.
  5. Click the Browse button next to the Upload Choose File field, then browse to the location of the saved file and click Open.


8.  Click the Import Bins button.  Note:  You may review the imported bins for accuracy under the Bins Available section of the screen.  The Bins Available section will display the number of bins available for each bin size.


9.  To complete the bin upload process click the Process Bin Assignments button, you will see the message "Bins configured successfully!", you will be directed to the CREATE BINS screen, where you can assign the items to bins.

The CREATE BINS screen allows you to generate a list of items to be assigned to multiple bin locations automatically. There are two ways in which you may generate a list of items; you may either use the grid in Step 1 to select your items and their attributes OR you may upload an excel spreadsheet containing a list of the items and their attributes.

A.  Selecting the Items from the grid in Step 1:

Step 1:  Build a list of items to assign by selecting items from the grid and completing the following steps:
  1. Check the boxes next to the items you wish to assign to bins, then click the Assign Items button


  1. You will be directed to the Enter Attributes screen (you may click and drag the Enter Attributes pop up box to move it around the screen). 
  2. The Item, Description 1, and Description 2 fields will default to the first item on the list, complete the following fields:
    • Qty of Bins to create: Enter the number of bins you wish to assign the item to
    • Package Quantity:  Enter the package quantity that should be assigned to each bin
    • Bin Capacity:  Enter the bin capacity that should be assigned to each bin
    • Crib Min:  Enter the Crib minimum qty
    • Crib Max:  Enter the Crib maximum qty
    • On Hand:  Enter the On Hand qty that should be assigned to each bin
    • Burn:  Enter the Burn qty that should be assigned to each bin


    • Select Alternate Bin Size(s) / Bin Size / Bin Height
      • If the item has been previously assigned to a bin, the Bin Size and Bin Height will default to the same Bin Size and Bin Height.  If you would like to change the default, check the Select Alternate Bin Size(s) checkbox then select the desired Bin Size form the Bin Size dropdown field and enter the desired Bin Height in the Bin Height field.


      • If the item has not been previously assigned to a bin, the Bin Size field will be blank. You may either check the Select Alternate Bin Size(s) checkbox and then select the desired Bin Size and Bin Height OR click the Next Item button, you will then be able to select the desired Bin Size and Bin Height. Click the Next button to continue to the next Item on the list.


  1. Select the Next Item button to enter the Attributes for the next item OR click the Apply to All Selected button to apply the same attributes to ALL selected items.
  2. Selected items and their attributes will appear in the grid in Step 2 (Skip to Step 2 below to complete the process).

Note:  If an invalid number of bins is selected for any of the selected Items an error message will appear on the screen indicating which item or items failed to be assigned to bins.

B.  Build a list of items using and excel template:
  1. Scroll to the very bottom of the screen and click the Import Item List From Excel link


  1. The Import Items from excel pop up will appear at the top of the screen, click the Download Sample link, the file will start downloading to your pc automatically.


  1. Open the file and replace the sample data with the desired data:
    • Column A =  Item - Enter the item code you wish to assign to a bin. Please note that this item code must exist in the software Inventory > Items module. 
    • Column B = Type - Enter the bin size (12 = 1/12 pie, 6 = 1/6 pie, 3 = 1/3 pie, 4 = 1/4 pie,2 = 1/2 pie).
    • Column C = Height - Enter the desired bin height (1 = 1 door height, 2= 2 door height etc. 0 = Support Bin).
    • Column D = Number of Bins - Enter the desired number of bins you wish to assign the item to.
    • Column E = PackQty - Enter the desired package quantity for each of the assigned bins.
    • Colum F = Capacity - Enter the desired bin capacity for each of the assigned bins.
    • Column G = Crib Min - Enter the desired crib minimum reordering point for this item.
    • Column H = Crib Max - Enter the crib maximum reordering point for this item.
    • Column I = On Hand - Enter the desired on hand quantity for each of the assigned bins.
    • Colum J = Burn - Enter the desired burn quantity for each of the assigned bins.
  2. Save the file and click the Choose File button from the Import Items from excel pop up box
  3. Navigate to the file location and select the file, then click the Open button.
  4. Click the Start Upload button from the Import Items from excel pop up box, you will see the message "File completely processed.  Please click "Close Lookup" button to move item grid.  Status: x rows imported into grid and 0 row has validation issue".
  5. Select the Close Lookup button, the items and their attributes will show up the grid in Step 2.

Step 2:  Review the list of selected or uploaded items and their Attributes, you may remove items from the list by selecting the item or items and selecting the Remove Items button. 


When you have finished reviewing and/or updating the list of items select the Process Bin Assignments button, you will then see the message "Items have been allocated for new bin locations".  Note that the number of bins available for each bin size will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.


Configure - Manual - Configure Manual allows you to select an item and quickly assign the item to one or more bin locations. 

To assign and item to one or more bins complete the following steps:

Step 1:  Select the item you wish to assign from the Item box.

Note:  You may filter the item list by supplier by scrolling all the way to the right and filtering the Supplier column

Step 2:  Enter the settings that will be applied to each bin.
  •  PackQty - Enter the desired package quantity for each of the assigned bins.
  • Bin Capacity - Enter the desired bin capacity for each of the assigned bins.
  • Crib Min - Enter the desired crib minimum reordering point for this item.
  • Crib Max - Enter the crib maximum reordering point for this item.
  • OnHand - Enter the desired on hand quantity for each of the assigned bins.
  • Burn - Enter the desired burn quantity for each of the assigned bins.

Step 3:  Select the empty bin or bins that will be assigned with the selected item, then click the Process Bin Assignments button, you will then see the "Item assigned to the respective bin(s) message", click the x to close the message box.

Remove Bin Assignment - Remove Bin Assignment allows you to un-assign an item from a bin.  To un-assign an item from a bin select the Bin number form the list, then click the Remove Item Assignment button.  Click OK on the message "Unassign item from selected bin(s)?".  You will then see the message "X items has been removed from their bin assignments. Undo", please note that you may click the Undo button to revert your changes, otherwise click the x to close the message box.

Note:  You may filter the item list by supplier by scrolling all the way to the right and filtering the Supplier column

RoboCrib TX750 (Tambour) The TX750 machine displays a list of the bins.  Click the bin number form the list to edit the bin.   Click the Tambour View link to view the bins in a graphical format, or Configure Bins to bulk assign items to bins.

Tambour View:

Configure - Automatic  - Configure automatic allows you to generate a list of items to be assigned to multiple bin locations automatically.  There are two ways in which you may generate a list of items; you may either use the grid in Step 1 to select your items and their attributes OR you may upload an excel spreadsheet containing a list of the items, their attributes, and bin size assignment.

A.  Selecting the Item from the grid in Step 1:

Step 1:  Build a list of items to assign by selecting items from the grid and completing the following steps:
  1. Check the boxes next to the items you wish to assign to bins, then click the Assign Items button


  1. You will be directed to the Enter Attributes screen (you may click and drag the Enter Attributes pop up box to move it around the screen).  The Item, Description 1, and Description 2 fields will default to the first item on the list, complete the following fields:
    • Qty of Bins to create: Enter the number of bins you wish to assign the item to
    • Package Quantity:  Enter the package quantity that should be assigned to each bin
    • Bin Capacity:  Enter the bin capacity that should be assigned to each bin
    • Crib Min:  Enter the Crib minimum qty
    • Crib Max:  Enter the Crib maximum qty
    • On Hand:  Enter the On Hand qty that should be assigned to each bin
    • Burn:  Enter the Burn qty that should be assigned to each bin


    • Select Alternate Bin Size(s) / Bin Size / Bin Height
      • If the item has been previously assigned to a bin, the Bin Size and Bin Height will default to the same Bin Size and Bin Height.  If you would like to change the default, check the Select Alternate Bin Size(s) checkbox then select the desired Bin Size form the Bin Size dropdown field and enter the desired Bin Height in the Bin Height field.


      • If the item has not been previously assigned to a bin, the Bin Size field will be blank. You may either check the Select Alternate Bin Size(s) checkbox and then select the desired Bin Size and Bin Height OR click the Next Item button, you will then be able to select the desired Bin Size and Bin Height from the dropdown (you can also click on the bin size image to select the bin size). Click the Next button to continue to the next Item on the list.


  1. Select the Next Item button to enter the Attributes for the next item OR click the Apply to All Selected button to apply the same attributes to ALL selected items.
  2. Selected items and their attributes will appear in the grid in Step 2.

Note:  If an invalid number of bins is selected for any of the selected Items an error message will appear on the screen indicating which item or items failed to be assigned to bins.

B.  Build a list of items and bins using and excel template (Note: If the bins were not created at the TX750 machine and are uploaded through the spreadsheet, after the upload is complete you will need to go back to the TX750 machine to insert the bin trays at their assigned levels).

  1. Scroll to the very bottom of the screen and click the Import Item List From Excel link


  1. The Import Items from excel pop up will appear at the top of the screen, click the Download Sample link, the file will start downloading to your pc automatically.


  1. Open the file and replace the sample data with the desired data:
    • Column A = Item - Enter the item code you wish to assign to the bin. Please note that this item code must exist in the software Inventory > Items module. 
    • Column B = Bin Size - Enter the bin size you wish to assign the item to:  XL = Extra Large, L = Large, M = Medium, S = Small, F = Filler.
    • Column C = Height - Enter the desired bin height (Minimum bin height is 2, a bin height of 1 is not allowed).
    • Column D = Number of Bins - Enter the desired number of bins you wish to assign the item to.
    • Column E = PackQty - Enter the desired package quantity for each of the assigned bins.
    • Colum F = Capacity - Enter the desired bin capacity for each of the assigned bins.
    • Column G = Crib Min - Enter the desired crib minimum reordering point for this item.
    • Column H = Crib Max - Enter the crib maximum reordering point for this item.
    • Column I = On Hand - Enter the desired on hand quantity for each of the assigned bins.
    • Colum J = Burn - Enter the desired burn quantity for each of the assigned bins.
  2. Save the file and click the Choose File button from the Import Items from excel pop up box
  3. Navigate to the file location and select the file, then click the Open button.
  4. Click the Start Upload button from the Import Items from excel pop up box, you will see the message "File completely processed.  Please click "Close Lookup" button to move item grid.  Status: x rows imported into grid and 0 row has validation issue".
  5. Select the Close Lookup button, the items and their attributes will show up the grid in Step 2.

Step 2:  Review the list of selected or uploaded items and their Attributes, you may remove items from the list by selecting the item or items and selecting the Remove Items button.  When you have finished reviewing and/or updating the list of items select the Process Bin Assignments button, you will then see the message "Items have been allocated for new bin locations".

Note:  A percentage of the remaining Crib capacity will be displayed as well as the number of available bins remaining for each size.

Configure - Manual - Configure Manual allows you to select an item and quickly assign the item to one or more bin locations.  To assign and item to one or more bins complete the following steps:

Step 1:  Select the item you wish to assign from the Item box.

Step 2:  Enter the settings that will be applied to each bin.

Step 3:  Select the empty bin or bins that will be assigned with the selected item, then click the Process Bin Assignments button.

Remove Bin Assignment - Remove Bin Assignment allows you to un-assign an item from a bin.  To un-assign an item from a bin select the Bin number form the list, then click the Remove Item Assignment button.  Click OK on the message "Unassign item from selected bin(s)?".  You will then see the message "X items has been removed from their bin assignments. Undo", please note that you may click the Undo button to revert your changes, otherwise click the x to close the message box.

Crib Bin Detail

The Bin DETAIL screen defines the virtual and physical attribute for each bin.  Each bin has relative information, settings and options that are specific to the machine or crib being managed.  Certain options are only available for certain cribs. In addition to item information, the Bins Module contains bin attributes and functions that are specific to the machines such as Motor, Adjustment Bins, Minimum, Maximum, and Helix.

Tip: The Bins module is integrated with the Items module to help quickly assign items to bins. Items can be created on the fly by clicking the Add New Item link.

The fields in the Bins module are as follows:

Crib - The crib number in which the bin is assigned. This is informational and not editable within this screen.
Bin Height - A RoboCrib setting, the Bin Height indicates the number of levels an item needs.  This will correspond to the number of doors needing to open during a dispense.   Notes: If the Bin Height of the bin is set to more than 1 Door, the bins above it must be set to Support Bin.  Support bins are bins that do not have a bottom and simply support the item.  These are used for tall items that need more than one door on the RoboCrib to open to remove from the machine. The RoboCrib must have frameless doors to use the Support Bins feature.   
Bin - The number, position, area, or shelf that represents where an Item is located.  For certain machines, these numbers are fixed and cannot be changed or edited within this screen.  In others, these bins are defined by the user during the Database setup or created through the software.
  • Vending Machine - The number of the position and shelf of the selected bin.
  • AutoLocker - The number of the position and column of the selected bin.
  • SuperStation - The number of the position and self/column of the selected bin.
  • ToolRoom - The alphanumeric field representing the virtual or physical bin tray or shelf.
  • ToolCabinet - The alphanumeric field representing the virtual or physical bin tray or shelf.  Note: Tool Rooms and Cabinets can be up to 12 digits long.
  • RoboCrib - The alphanumeric field indicating the column, level and tray size.
  • EleVend - The number of the position of the selected bin.  Note: EleVend Bin numbers must match the bin numbers on the physical cabinet. Setup and testing cannot be done on an EleVend until these Bins are created in the software.
  • VisiCab - The number that represents the position and AOI (Area of Interest).
  • VacuVend - The number of the position indicating the position of the vertical bin.

- Represents one of the rotating platters within the VisiCab.
Bin Size -  A RoboCrib setting, it represents the pie size for the bin selected. It also dictates the width of the baffle opening. Below are the possible bin sizes:
  • Full
  • 1/6
  • 1/4
  • 1/3
  • 1/12
Adjustment Bin -  A RoboCrib setting, this bin can be designated an Adjustment Bin where mistakenly issued items can be adjusted back into the system when the original issuing bin has been occupied.  Note: Adjustment Bins cannot have items assigned to it. Items in Adjustment Bins are not considered during Purchase Orders and are not set to restock.  If Verify Adjustment Bins in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Detail is turned on, items will not be dispensed until verification by a supervisor or stocker.
Item - When not assigned, the field is a blank text box.  Click the dropdown arrow to access the item search field.  Start by entering 2 or more characters for searching the item, then select an item from the list and click Update to save.
Description 1, 2 and Item Type -  The fields are automatically filled in once the item is assigned. They are not editable through this form.
Restock Designates whether the bin should be re-ordered or not. This check box is enabled by default.
Helix -  This drop down list allows the user to choose or change the helix size for this bin.  This only applies to Vending Machines and SuperStations.  This setting defaults to 30.  For AutoLockers, this is a numeric field that defines the capacity of the bin.
Bin Capacity -  This replaces the Helix field.  This is a numeric field that defines the capacity of the bin, and applies to RoboCribs, ToolRooms, and ToolCabinets.
Bin Capacity - VacuVend Only:  A drop down selection that allows the creation of full, half or third size bins.
Critical - The Critical checkbox along with the Critical Level enables the Critical function for this Bin.
Reference Bin -  The bin designated in this field is forced to deplete its inventory before this bin dispenses.
Ref Different PackQty -  When enabled, bins with different package quantities are allowed to be referenced in case of Reference Bins.  For RoboCribs, see Ref Item in the Items module.
ABC Class -  Designates the class assigned to this bin by the ABC Analysis.
MiniCrib Short Issue -  This check box is designed to be used where unsecured free stock bins are being used without recording individual transactions on the MiniCrib.  When a free access bin has reached a visibly low level, this feature is used to create an issue transaction of the pre-determined order quantity.  Next, the MiniCrib will create a purchase order of the same quantity.  The rationale is that the restock quantity equals the quantity used.
Issued -  Displays the quantity of open issues that are expected to be returned to the bin.
LOT -  This field is used to store the lot information for this specific bin.  The LOT Control feature must be enabled to use this field.
Expire - This field stores the expiry date for the lot number. 
Motor -  Identifies a locker bin that has motor latch mechanism instead of a solenoid latch.  Note: Motors are found in older AutoLocker systems and this is not needed in newer lockers.
Package - By clicking on the drop down list, you can choose the appropriate package type for this item.  These can be added through the Packaging module.
Status -  Indicates the status of a kit:
  • A or blank represents the bin is in operation.
  • I indicates a returned kit has been marked for servicing and places the bin out of operation until the kit is serviced.
  • H  is for bins with weighed items; the bin is contaminated meaning that the quantity in it is invalid or incorrect.
Package Qty -  Indicates the number of items in a package for this bin.  Items are issued out from bins by package, not per piece.  Note: Items in a ToolRoom have a package quantity of one.  This is required for the management of dissimilar package quantities on the same item code using the stock transfer module.
Minimum -  The reorder point where the system will notify that it needs to be replenished.
Maximum -  This is the maximum inventory on hand level a bin should be stocked to.  It cannot be greater than the helix count, if applicable.  It is also used a replenishment point.
Critical Level -  Indicates the number where a bin is considered to have reached a critical level.  This works in conjunction with the Critical check box.  For RoboCrib items, the critical function is set in Cribs > Tool Cribs > MinMax.
On Hand -  The current number of packages or items available in a bin.
Burn Qty -  The current number of packages or items available in a bin that are not considered consigned inventory.  Note:  Burn quantity values are considered owned by the end user and are not consigned inventory.  This field works in conjunction with the On Hand field when the bin has a mixture of product that is owned by a consigning supplier and the end user.  The system will decrement the Burn field as items are dispensed until such time the Burn field reaches 0, then the system will begin dispensing from the On Hand field.
On Order -  The current number of packages or items that are currently on order with suppliers.
Serial -  This field displays the serial number of a gage or serialized items assigned to the bin.  This is seen when a bin is assigned an item with a serial number or RFID.  This allows adding and deleting serial numbers, and helps track serialized numbers over the course of their lifetime and/or calibration life cycles.  Assigning a serial or RF tag can be done by clicking inside the Serial  field and selecting the serial number from the dropdown.  Removing these serials or RFIDs can be done by clicking the x above the serial number that you wish delete in the Serial field.  Note:  Removing the serial or RFID does not delete the item from the bin.  Serials or RFIDs may not be removed if they are still in use.
Department - A lookup field that allows a department to be assigned to the bin.
Carrier - For a ShuttleRoboCrib bin, indicates the Tray number where this bin is located.
Shelf - For a ShuttleRoboCrib bin, indicates the shelf number.  It should always be 1.
Position - For a ShuttleRoboCrib bin, indicates the position number of the bin.
Barcode Label -  This is for use with a barcode printer instead of an RFID printer.  In a ToolRoom where RF Items exist, allows for mixed item POs (RFID and non-RFIDs) to be printed with barcodes and RFID tags in the Receiving module. 

If the item assigned to the bin has the Weigh checkbox checked in Inventory > Items Detail and is issued via the ScaleMate, the fields below are seen.
Only the Insert Tray checkbox can be changed in the software.


Insert Tray -  This is checked if the bin requires a cup or container to hold items.
New Item -  This is checked if the item is newly set up.
Tare Weight -  This is the weight of the insert tray, if required. Else, it is zero.
Last Weight
-  This is the last weight of the items issued out of the bin, minus the weight of the insert tray.
Dispense Section -  A VacuVend setting that tells the bin to dispense once or twice depending on how the item is packaged.
  • Single:  Designed to dispense packaged gloves.
  • Twice:  Designed to dispense un-packaged gloves where the nozzle goes down twice and retrieve a complete pair.

Bin Robo View

The ROBO VIEW add screen provides a graphical representation of all the platters on each level of the RoboCrib.  When a platter is selected, the bins for that level can be created, modified, or deleted.

The ROBO VIEW listed above is for a RoboCrib 1000.  The RoboView is shown with a top view of the physical machine with each level listed on the left hand side.  Once a level and stack is selected the list of bins with or without assigned items shows on the right side.
  • Stacks in gray represent a level and stack that has not been assigned with any items.  Note: If no listed bins are shown when a stack is selected, this means the Bin database for this machine is empty.  Creating and assigning these bins can take an enormous amount of time as the RoboCrib can have hundreds of bins.  Building these bins and assigning items to them can be done during the DB setup and built quickly by AutoCrib.
  • Stacks in yellow represent a level and stack that has at least one bin assigned and has available bins to assign additional items.
  • Stacks in blue represent a level and stack where the entire platter is assigned with items and no space is available for an additional item assignment.
Do the following to create a RoboCrib bin:
  1. Select the Level at the left column.
  2. Select a stack on the RoboView diagram.
  3. Click Add Bin.
  4. This will open the bin add form.  Select the bin size for this level, and bin number.
  5. Assign an item to the bin by filling in the Item field, or save the bin by clicking the Save button.

When an existing or new database is built without assigned items at the RoboCrib, the list will look like this (the Item column is blank):

An existing empty bin can be modified by the following:
  1. Select the level from the left column.
  2. Select the level from the left column.
  3. Select a stack from the RoboView diagram.
  4. Highlight a bin on the right, you will be directed to the DETAIL screen, click Edit.  The bin can now be assigned with an item or converted to an adjustment or support bin.  Check the Adjustment Bin check box to convert the bin to an adjustment bin.  Select Support Bin from the Bin Height dropdown to convert the bin to a support bin.  Click Update to save any changes.

AutoLocker FX Scale - Door View

To Add a new bin to an AutoLocker FX Scale you must first select the Door View link, you will then be directed to the DOOR VIEW screen.  A list of available doors will display in the grid on the left.  Select a door number then click the Add New Bin link.


You will be directed to the ADD screen.  Complete all the fields on this screen and click Save.  The Bin Scale ID field is a unique field to the AutoLocker FX Scale Bin.  In the Bin Scale ID field enter the Scale ID number followed by the Chanel number that the bin is connected to.  For example if the scale id number is 1 and the channel number for the bin is 0 you will enter 10 in the Bin Scale ID field.


The Bins NOTES screen can be used to enter free form data or information relating to the Bin that you have selected.  Place any notes necessary for future reference by typing on the open Notes: field, then click Save.

The Bin HISTORY screen displays a rolling 24-month usage by Bin, indicating both expenditures in dollars and issues in packages.

The Bin ISSUES screen lists in a tabular format all transactions for perishable and durable items that have been issued but not returned to the selected bin.

The Bin TRANSACTIONS screen lists in a tabular format all transactions that have occurred for the selected bin.

Access Controls

The Access module provides selective or complete restriction to an item, a set of items, and cribs to an employee, a group of employees, or to an entire department.  There must be an advanced as well as ongoing assessment of which employees should have access to which items.  In addition, usage data and/or consumption trends should be reviewed to determine proper quantity and frequency settings for each controlled Item.

By default, employees are given access to all items for all cribs.  Access controls is designed around two basic principles:
  • Access is given to all employees for all items/cribs and selectively removed or restricted.  Note: This is a system default.
  • Access is removed from all employees for all items/cribs and selectively returned or granted access.  This takes more effort and analysis to determine proper amounts prior to creating rules.  Providing no access requires every item assigned to be given a rule in order to be dispensed. This type of restriction is recommended for smaller databases with limited items.  Note: Unlimited Access must be disabled (check box unchecked) in Tools > Options > Defaults for this process.
The Access control system is designed to work in conjunction with other types of restrictive controls.  There is no hierarchy or levels for access controls.  The system will evaluate each access quantity limits, frequency, budget, expiration dates, bin status to determine if any Item can be dispensed for an employee.  Making changes to one does not affect the others.

ImportantWhen setting up quantity limits, be sure to account for the package quantity for an Item.  For example, rules for an Item that is configured in a Bin with Pack Qty of 10 should look like this: 
  • Max 10 - Frequency 1 - This gives a user access to 1 Pack of 10 per day.
  • Max 20 - Frequency 1 - This gives a user access for 2 Packs of 10 per day.
  • Max 50 - Frequency 5 - This gives a user access to 5 Packs of 10 every 5 days.
Recommendation:  Always test rules before implementing.  One way of testing is using test employees and items with the actual crib or with a test crib.

  • The Access Module does not limit access to the AutoCrib.NET software, this is done in the Tools > Security module.
  • Supervisors can override all access controls and budgets!
The Access module is divided into three sub-modules:

Wizard - The access controls wizard allows you to quickly set up or update access controls in your system following guided step by step instructions.

Access - The employee access allows you to update and/or remove access controls for individual cribs, items, and/or employees.  It also allows the update of multiple employees at the same time using the Bulk Update feature.

- The profile module stores access controls which can be inherited by employees in the AutoCrib system.  All changes made to the profiles will be inherited by the employees assigned to it.


The Access controls wizard provides the ability to limit access to items by a specific employee or group of employees.  In addition you may remove an employee's rights to use an entire crib.  The access controls wizard will walk you through four steps:

Step 1 - Select Employees:  The Select Employees section provides the ability to select employees where new rules will be applied.  Rules created will only apply to the employee or group of employees listed within the Selected employees who will be updated grid box. 

Select the employees that you would like to add or update access controls for from the Select Employees box, click the Add button, then click on Next.

  • Select All - Selects all employees in the grid box by checking all the boxes next to the Emp#.
  • Clear All - Clears all the check marks from boxes next to Emp#  in the grid box.
  • Add - Adds all employees containing check marks to the Selected employees who will be updated grid box.
  • Remove - Removes all employees containing check marks from the Selected employees who will be updated grid box.
  • Next - Once desired employees have been added to the Selected employees who will be updated grid box click Next to continue to Step 2 of the wizard.
Tip:  You may filter the list of employees by department in the Select Employees grid box:  locate the department column heading and click the down arrow, this will open the search filter box, type the department number or description then click the Filter button.  A filtered list will now appear in the Select Employees grid box.

Step 2 - Select Crib Permissions
The selected Employees may access these Cribs section provides the ability to select an individual or group of cribs and remove access from an employee or group of employees.  Removing a crib will remove all rights to that station even if employees have access to items assigned to the crib.

From The selected Employees may access these Cribs grid box select the crib or cribs you would like to restrict access to, click the Add button, then click on Next. 

To skip the Crib Permissions step click the Next button.

  • Select All - Selects all cribs in the grid box by checking all the boxes next to the Crib#.
  • Clear All - Clears all the check marks from the boxes next to Crib# in the grid box.
  • Add - Adds all cribs containing check marks to the Selected Employees do NOT have access to these Cribs grid box.
  • Remove - Removes all cribs containing check marks from the Selected Employees do NOT have access to these Cribs grid box.
  • Next - Once desired cribs have been added to the Selected Employees do NOT have access to these Cribs grid box click Next to continue to Step 3 of setting up access controls.
  • Permissions - Click + next to Permissions if you would like to set the crib level permissions that the profile member will have at the AutoCrib machines.  If you prefer to use the default settings, click Next.

Step 3 - Set permission for Items:  The set permission for Items sections provides the ability to select an item or a list of items and add quantity and frequency limits.  If a rule is created for an Item assigned to a crib where rights have been removed, the Item will be inaccessible.  Rules created will only apply to employees selected in Step 1 of the access controls wizard.

From the Select Items grid box select the Item or Items you would like to restrict access to, then click the Add button, you will be directed to the Item Rules box.

In the Item Rules screen you will setup the maximum qty allowed per selected frequency for the items you have just highlighted.  Enter the maximum quantity that the user can take during the selected frequency in the Maximum Qty Allowed: field.  Select the radio button next to the time period that the user can take the quantity set in the previous field from the Per Frequency section, there are several options:

Per Day - Access Controls reset daily.
Per Week, reset every
- Access Controls reset weekly on the selected day; Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs., Fri,  or Sat.
Per Month
- Access Controls reset at the beginning of each new calendar month.
Per Year
- Access Controls reset at the beginning of each new calendar year Every ___ Days - This is a user defined field, access controls will reset at the frequency entered by the user.

Click the Add button to save the item rules.  Please note that you can review an example of the item rule created, in the Example section.  Click the Next button to continue to Step 4 of the wizard.

  • Select All - Selects all items in the grid box by checking all the boxes next to the Item#.
  • Clear All - Clears all the check marks from the boxes next to Item# in the grid box.
  • Add - Adds all items containing check marks to the These items have the following access control rules grid box *See note below for setting up the Item Rules.
  • Remove - Removes all items containing check marks from the These items have the following access control rules grid box.
  • Next - Once desired items have been added to the These items have the following access control rules grid box click Next to continue to step 4 of finalizing access controls.
  • Maximum Qty Allowed:  Enter the maximum quantity that the user can take during the selected frequency.
  • Per Frequency:  Select the time period a rule will enforce the Maximum Qty allowed for the item before resetting. 
  • Example:  The example will changed based on the parameters entered in the Maximum Qty Allowed, and Per Frequency fields.
  • Add:  When all parameters have been entered click the Add button to save.

Step 4 - Finalize Access Controls:  The SUBMIT ACCESS CONTROLS screen allows you to review your requested access controls settings prior to the final submission.

Effective Date:
 This date will determine what day of the week the access controls will start to take effect.  Selecting Effective Now will apply the access controls immediately.  If you would like the access controls to start taking effect at a future date, select Effective On and click on the calendar icon to select the date you would like access controls to begin.

Review information selected in the Employees, Cribs, and Items grid boxes for accuracy.  If any changes need to be made to the access controls click on the Back button to go back to the previous access controls setup step.  To exit the access controls wizard select the Cancel button.  Review the Permissions section at the bottom of the screen, you may set the crib level permissions that the user who is a member of this profile will have at the Autocrib machines.  After reviewing all access controls for accuracy select the Submit Access Controls button for the final submission of the access controls. 

After selecting the Submit Access Controls button you will see the following pop-up "Great!  Access control rules have now been created".  Select one of the following three option and click Next:
  • Yes, save these settings to a new profile - A profile allows you to easily apply access control settings to new and existing users.  When you select a user and assign them a profile, they will inherit all the profile access control settings.  If you would like to save the existing settings as a new profile select the radio button and enter a Profile Name of your choosing and a description.
  • Yes, add these settings to existing profile(s) - Saving the settings to an existing profile or profiles will append all new items and cribs to the profile.  Existing items that match the new Access Controls will inherit the newly created rules you have set.  If you would like to add the settings to an existing profile select the radio button and profile name from the Profile list.
  • No, I do not plan on using these settings again - If these access control rules are not assigned on a regular basis, then it may not be necessary to save as a new profile or add these rules to an existing profile.  If you do not plan on using these settings again select the radio button.
Note:  You may hover your mouse over any of the blue question mark icons to see further details specific to the related field.

If access controls have not yet been enabled you will be directed to the Crib Access Control not detected screen.  You may select one of the following two options:

Yes, apply Employee Access controls to the following Cribs - If you select Yes, the rules you have just created will be enforced.
No, not at this moment - If you would like to enable access controls for your machine in the future, select No.  Note that you may enable access controls manually for each crib at a later time by navigating to Tool Cribs > Details and checking the Emp Access check box for each of the cribs.

Once you have made your selection click the Next button.

If access controls have been previously applied in the system, the Previous Access Controls Detected screen will appear.  Select one of the following two options, then click the Submit button:

Append new Access Rules to Existing Access Rules - With append access control, the newly created access control rules will be added to existing access controls for the selected employees.

Overwrite Existing Access Controls - Selecting the Overwrite option will remove all previously setup access controls for the selected employees.

:  The access controls are reset at the time set in Tools > Options > Scheduler

Employee Access

The Employee Access module allows you to update or remove access controls for individual Cribs, Items, and employees.  It also allows the update of multiple employees at the same time using the Bulk Update.  The Employee Access module is divided into three sub modules, Update, Bulk Update, and Remove.

Update - The update screen allows you to view and/or update access control permissions for the Crib, Items, and Employee.  When you click on Update you are automatically defaulted to the EMPLOYEES section of the screen. 

  • Select an employee from the Employee list to review their item and crib access controls.
  • To remove a profile association click the Remove Profile button.
  • To assign a profile to an employee click the Assign Profile button, you will then be directed to the Profile screen, select a profile from the list, select if you wish to Lock the profile or keep it unlocked, then click Add.
  • To add item(s) to associate with an employee, click the Add button, you will be directed to the Item Rules screen.  From the Item Rules screen select the item or items you would like to add, click the Add button, set the Maximum Qty Allowed, and Per Frequency fields and click Add.
  • To remove item(s) associated with an employee check the checkbox(s) next to the Item(s), then click Remove.
  • To add crib(s) to associate with an employee, click the Add button, you will be directed to the Cribs screen.  Select the check boxes next to the desired cribs and click Add
  • To remove crib(s) associated with an employee check the checkbox(s) next to the Crib(s), then click Remove.

Note:  If an employee is currently locked to a profile when you click the Add or Remove button you will receive the message "Profile lock is enabled for employee xyz.  If you would like to updated access for this employee remove the profile lock from the Employee > Access Page."

To unlock the profile navigate to Database > Employees > Select Employee > Click the Access tab (located on the top right of the screen) Access > Uncheck the Profile Lock checkbox

  • Select a Crib from the Crib grid box to review and update employee permissions.
  • To remove crib access restrictions from an employee select the check box next to the employee from the Employees cannot access Crib grid box and click Remove.
  • To add crib access restrictions to an employee select the check box next to the employee from the Employees can access Crib grid box and click Add.

  • Select an item from the Select Items grid box to view and update the access levels for the employees that use it.
  • To remove an item restriction from an employee check the checkbox next to the employee and click Remove.
  • To add an item restriction to an employee click the Add button, you will be directed to the Item Rules screen.  Select the employee from the Employees can't access items grid box and click Add.  Set the Maximum Qty Allowed and Per Frequency fields then click Add.

Bulk Update - The bulk update screen allows you to update access control permissions for multiple employees at the same time. 

Click the Add button located under the Employee grid box, select the employees that you would like to update from the Employees Lookup box and click Add
Click the Add button located under the Item access controls for employee box, select the items that you would like to add from the Item Rules box, set the Item rules, then click the Add button. 
If you would like to add crib restrictions click the Add button under the Crib section, select the crib you wish to restrict and click Add
If you already have access controls setup in your system you will have to select one of the following two options:  Append new access rules to existing access rules or Overwrite existing access controls
After selecting the appropriate option click the Submit Access Controls button, you will see the message Access control updated successfully!

Remove -
The REMOVE ACCESS BY EMPLOYEE screen Allows you to easily remove access controls from a selected employee. 
  • Start by selecting an employee from the Employee box, you can then review their item and crib access controls.
  • To remove a profile from an employee, select the desired employee then click the Remove Access Control Profile button.
  • To remove Item rules from an employee, select the desired employee, check the box next to the desired item and click the Remove Item Access Rules button.
  • To remove Crib access rules from an employee select the desired employee, check the box next to the crib you wish to remove and click the Remove Crib Access Rules button.
  • To remove ALL crib access controls from all employees, click the Click Here to Remove All rules for Crib Access Control button, you will then be prompted to enter your account credentials.  Enter your account credential and click Verify Identity button, you will then see the message All crib has been removed. 
  • To remove ALL item access controls, click the Click Here to Remove all rules for Item Access Controls button, you will then be prompted to enter your account credentials.  Enter your account credentials and click the Verify Identity button, you will then see the message All item has been removed.

Profile - The profile module stores access controls which can be inherited by employees in the AutoCrib system.  All changes made to the profiles will be inherited by the employees assigned to it.  The Employee Access module is divided into three sub modules, Assign, Manage, and Update Multiple Profiles.


The Assign profiles screen allows you to assign existing profiles to employees, the assigned employees will inherit the access controls of the selected profile. 
To assign a profile to an employee complete the following steps:
  • Select the desired profile from the profile grid box
  • Click the Add button located under the Assigned Employees grid box

  • Select the desired employee(s) from the Employees Lookup box and click the Add button
  • Select one of the following options, then click the Add Employees button
    • Keep Profile Unlocked for selected Employee (Default), when the Access Profile is unlocked the employee can have access control rules that differ from the assigned access profile.  They will also retain existing permissions, and the profile access controls will be added to these existing permissions.  Any duplicate item will take the Access Rules from the new profile.
    • Lock Access Profile to selected Employee, when the access profile is locked the employee always retains the exact access profile settings.  When profile items are added, removed, or updated, the employee will always inherit these new rules.  If the employee selected already has a profile assigned, all of these rules will be overwritten by the new profile.


The manage profile screen allows you to Create, Remove, Copy, and Edit profiles.  Profiles store access control details which can be inherited by employees in the AutoCrib system.  All changes made to the profiles will be inherited by the employees assigned to it.

Adding a new profile:
  • Click the Add button located under the Profile grid box, you will see the Create Profile box.  Enter a Profile Name and a Description and click the Submit button.  After you have created your profile, you will need to add Cribs, and Items to the profile.
  • To add a crib or cribs to the new profile select the new profile name from the Profile grid box, click the Add button under the Cribs grid box to add  crib restriction to the profile, you will see the Cribs box.  Select the desired crib or cribs from the Cribs box and click Add.
  • To add an item or items to the new profile, select the new profile name from the Profile grid box, click the Add button under the Items grid box, you will see the Items Rules box.  Select the item or items to add to the profile, then click the Add button.  Set the Maximum Qty Allowed and Per Frequency fields and click on Add.
  • To set the crib permissions for the selected profile select the desired check boxed under the Permissions section, then click the Update button.
  • Select the effective date, then click the Save Profile Settings button, you will see the message Access control updated successfully!
Note:  Once a profile has been created  you may return to the MANAGE PROFILES screen to make changes to it.  You may add/remove cribs, add/remove items, change the Item Maximum and Frequency, and duplicate the profile.


The UPDATE MULTIPLE PROFILES screen allows you to update a set of rules to multiple profiles at the same time. 

pdating multiple profiles:
  • To add crib restriction to the profiles click the Add button under the Crib grid box, select the Cribs from the Cribs box and click Add.
  • To add item restrictions to the profiles click the Add button under the Item grid box , select the desired items from the Items Rules box, set the Maximum Qty Allowed and Per Frequency fields and click Add.
  • To add the crib and item restrictions to the profiles, select the desired profiles by clicking the Add button under the Profile grid box.  Select the desired profiles from the Select Profile box and click the Add button.
  • Set the crib permissions to be associated with the selected profiles by selecting the desired check boxes under the Permissions section.
  • Set the effective date and click the Save Profile Settings button, you will see the message Access Control updated successfully!.


The Inventory menu consists of modules that store, update, and provide detailed information on items in the AutoCrib.NET Software:

Items:  Defines the physical items, gages, kits, and all related information and business rules that define each item, as well as displaying historical data, open issues, and default settings for each item.  In addition to item information, it contains the functions for LOT Control, FOD Control, ScaleMate weight settings, and the cost/price management fields.
RF Items:  Enables RFIDs to be printed and assigned to items and bins.  For use with the IntelliPort.  The pictures taken by the IntelliPort cameras are seen here.
Serial and Gages:  Stores information on items with serial numbers assigned to them.
Manufacturers:  Stores information pertaining to manufacturers of items.
Packaging:  Stores information on the various types of packages used to dispense items.
Categorization:  For use with the RoboCrib. Categorization is used by the Image List option at the RoboCrib Issue screen, and differentiates items into groups.
Item Class:  Stores user-defined classes that can be assigned to items.
Cycle Counting:  Aids in counting inventory on a regular basis, to keep track of what was counted and when, and to prioritize which items should be counted.

Inventory Items

The Items module defines the physical items, gages, kits, and all related information and business rules that define each item, as well as displaying historical data, open issues, and default settings for each item.  It stores the information on items that can be issued from and returned to the AutoCrib system.

The SHOW ALL ITEMS screen provides a list of all items that have been added to the Inventory database.  By clicking on the down pointing arrow next to any of the column headings you may use the filter fields to filter the list of items.  To view the details of an item click on the desired item from the list. 

The Item DETAIL screen allows you to manage the individual products being dispensed and tracked through the vending system.  You can assign the items to bins, modify or delete items as well as assign pricing, grouping options, classifications, and various other options that meet your business needs.  The Item's DETAIL screen is divided into four sections, Item Details, Cost and Orders Details, Item Properties, and Custom Fields.

Item Details:

Item:  This is a unique code assigned to the item.  This can be up to 36 characters and may contain letters A-Z (upper or lower case), numbers 0-9, space, and/or a dash characters.
Item Image Box:  Images can be attached to items from the Item edit screen by clicking in the "No Image" gray box.  The Upload Image box with a browse button will appear allowing you to upload your image.  These images are used at the machine software to aid in identification of the items being issued.  The image size must be in JPEG (.jpg) format with a 4:3 ratio.
Description (1):  This provides detailed information about the item.
Description (2):  This provides additional information about the item.

Note:  Description standards should be consistent in every way across all vendor lines.

Item Type:  There are six item types in AutoCrib:
  • Expendable:  The item is consumed in the process and is never returned. Examples are inserts, sandpaper, and other low cost items.
  • Perishable:  The item will be used, and a decision to return to stock, send to rework, or scrap is made upon its return. Examples are end mills, larger drill bits, and medium cost items.
  • Durable:  The item is always expected to be returned due to its long useful life. A decision to return or send to repair is made upon its return. Examples are gages, fixtures, and power hand tools.
  • Kit:  This is assigned to an item code that represents two or more items, and comprise a kit.  The components of the kit are set up in the kit tab.
  • Gage:  This is assigned to an item that goes through a gage calibration process and tracking. Serial information is assigned in the serials and gages module.
  • Key:  This is for use with the External Items functions.
Serialize:  This enables the serialization tracking functions for this item. Serial information is assigned in the serials and gages module.
Weigh:  Checking this box will enable this Item to be used as weight-based item out of the RoboCrib using a ScaleMate.
Phys Kit:  This is checked if the item code is assigned to a physical kit, or a group of items bundled together. If an item is assigned an item type of kit and this checkbox is not assigned, the item code is assigned to a virtual kit, or a kit with items not bundled together physically but are meant to be issued at the same time.  The components of the kit are set up in the kit tab.
Manufacturer:  This indicates the manufacturer of the item.  The manufacturers must be set up in the manufacturers module.  Double-click on the field to bring up a window with the list of manufacturers to select from.
Mfg. Item:  This field is used to indicate the manufacturer’s code.

Cost and Orders Details:

Unit Cost:  This is the cost the supplier pays for the item. This can have 4 decimal places.
Unit Price:  This is the price the end user pays for the item. This can have 4 decimal places.
Issue Cost:  This is the item’s cost per issue, and it can have 4 decimal places. If a perishable item has a unit price of $70.70, and has a useful life of 10 issues, the issue cost is one-tenth the unit price, $7.07. To get the extended cost, this is multiplied by the package quantity during the dispense transaction.
Order Qty:  This field indicates how many of the item is purchased every time it is ordered. This is used if an item is bought in multiples. To use this quantity, the Use Order Qty must be checked for the supplier's AutoPO function or checked when creating the purchase order in the Purchase Orders module.
MAvgCost:  The Moving Average Cost records the average unit cost of the item throughout its transactions. It is calculated each time a stock transaction occurs.
MAvgPrice:  The Moving Average Price records the average unit price of the item throughout its transactions. It is calculated each time a stock transaction occurs.
Lead Time:  This is the average number of days to replenish the item. It is automatically calculated each time the item is stocked using a purchase order.
Lock Until:  To allow for a new item to build usage data, the item lead time can be set manually by the user in the items module until a specified Lock date. After the Lock Unit date, all lead times are calculated by the AutoCrib software based upon the running total of days or number of times stocked.
Account #:  This is often used to store a general ledger account number.
Standard Price:  This is the unit price of the item at the beginning of the contract period. It is password-protected and locked from being changed. To change the standard price, click on the link for Standard Price, enter the password for your AutoCrib login, and edit the field. Your AutoCrib login must have a password assigned at the Tools > Security module, and have the Edit Standard Price checkbox checked.
Adj Std Price:  This is used to record the renegotiated unit price during the contract period.
Max Sys qty:  This field stores the maximum number of this item that is allowed in the pipeline, used for managing specials. For example, if 30 items are allowed in the machine, 30 on the supplier’s shelf, and 30 on order with the manufacturer, the MSQ is set to 90.
Std Price Date:  This is the date when the standard price was updated.
Adj Std Date:  This is the date when the adjusted standard price was updated.
Last Review:  This field denotes the last date that the Max Sys Qty field was reviewed.
Item Class:  An item can be assigned a class for reporting or classification purposes.  The item classes must be defined in the Item Class module prior to this process.  Double-click on the aqua field to brings up a window with the list of classes to assign.
Purchase Class:  This is assigned when demand-based ordering is enabled. Purchase Classes are defined in the Purchase Class module.  Double-click on the Purchase Class field to bring up a window with the list of purchase classes to assign.
ABC Class:  This is assigned to include the item in ABC analysis.  See Cycle Counting for more information.

Item Properties:

Item Group:  This field is used to group items further.
LOT Control:  When checked, it enables this item to be tracked through the LOT control function.  A lot number and expiration date is assigned to each package when stocked at the machine or when the tag is generated for the PO.
Last Issue:  This is the last date the item was issued. This is an auto populated field
PED:  When checked, designates the item as PED.  PED device control helps manage the issuing delay intervals to ensure the device is fully or partially charged before the next employee attempts to issue the device.  This is suitable for personal electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, or cell phones.  The charging interval can be set in the software in minutes and customized based on the time it takes to charge that specific device.  This can be set for any durable item stocked into a FX locker bin. The FX locker bin that you are enabling this feature on will require a power outlet to be preinstalled. 
Min Charge Threshold:  Set the minimum charge threshold for the device in minutes.
Time to Full Charge:  Set the time it takes to fully charge the device in minutes.
FOD Control:  When checked, it enables this Item to be tracked and managed through the FOD control function.  It must be used in conjunction with the Crib Access Controls and/or FOD Daily Lock.  FOD Control items are required to be returned before any more of that specific item can be dispensed to an Employee.
Fill to Max:  This is for items assigned to RDS (Remote Dispensing Station), a crib with Crib Type Vending Machine in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Detail, or AutoLockers.  It allows a stocker to fill designated items to the bin’s maximum from the keypad.
Weight:  This is the weight of the item to be issued out using a ScaleMate.
Ref Item:  This field forces a regrind item in the RoboCrib to be dispensed first before the new item, the reference item should be set up for the new item.  This is used with items assigned to a RoboCrib.  For vending machines and AutoLockers, the Reference Bin should be set up.
Ref Dif PackQty:  When checked, if the reference item is packed in a different package quantity than the primary item, it will be issued in case the primary item is out of stock.  This is used with items assigned to a RoboCrib.  For vending machines and AutoLockers, the Reference Bin should be set up.
Status:  The status of a discontinued item may be changed by selecting discontinued from the status dropdown.  When assigning an item to a bin, a discontinued item will be highlighted in red to give the user a warning.  When selecting an item to order in the Purchasing module a discontinued item will be highlighted in red to give the user a warning that the item status is set to discontinued.
Category Type:  Assigns this Item a Category Type that is defined in the Categorization module.  This will enable this item to be viewed through the RoboCrib Item View.

Custom Fields

The Custom Fields section will display any custom fields created for the Items module in Database > Custom Fields > Item.

The Item ADD ITEM screen allows you to add a new item to the AutoCrib system.  Fill in all of the relevant information, then click Save.

The Item EDIT screen allows you to make changes to the item.  Click the Update button after making your changes to save the information.

The Item NOTES screen can be used to enter free form data or information relating to the item that you have selected.  Type any notes necessary for future reference by typing on the open field and then Save.
The Item BINS screen displays every bin that contains this specific item in the system, as well as pertinent data regarding each individual bin location.

The Item HISTORY screen displays a rolling 24-month usage by item, indicating both expenditures in dollars and issues in packages.

The Items ISSUES screen provides detailed information relating to issue transactions for a particular item.  This page lists all transactions for perishable and durable items that have been issued but not returned yet to the bin.

The Inventory Item TRANSACTIONS screen  lists, in a tabular format, all transactions that have occurred for the selected item.

The Item OPEN PO screen shows all open Purchase Orders for the selected item, the order quantity, the open quantity, and estimated due date.  Further, it shows whether the item has been received and dispatched to the incoming inspection area.

The SHOW ALL SERIALS screen lists all items with serial numbers and gages, along with information on the item and the crib and bin that they are assigned to.  The Serial column shows the serial number.  Click on an item from the SHOW ALL SERIALS screen, the serial DETAIL screen will appear; this contains detailed information on the serial or gage.

The item TRANSACTION DETAIL screen displays additional details for the selected transaction. 

The ISSUE DETAIL screen displays additional details for the selected open issue. 

The CALIBRATION HISTORY screen shows all history for the gage's serial number.

The CALIBRATION HISTORY DETIAL screen show the details for the selected calibration history transaction.

Item Kit

The Item KIT screen displays when the selected item has an Item Type of Kit selected.  The Kit screen shows the components of a kit.  It allows you to add or delete items from the kit as well as adjust the quantity and package quantities for the individual items.

Setting up a kit

A kit is an item code that represents two or more items that comprise a kit.  An item is set as a kit if it has the Item Type Kit in the Items Detail tab.  There are two types of kits:
  • Physical - a group of items bundled together, and issued as a unit.  A physical kit has the Phys Kit checkbox checked in the Items Detail tab.
  • Virtual - a kit with items not bundled together physically but are meant to be issued at the same time.  A virtual kit does not have the Phys Kit checkbox checked.
When a virtual kit is issued, the individual kit components are pulled from the individual bins, as opposed to a physical kit where all items are built or assembled together and issued from one bin.  Virtual kits can be issued from AutoCrib vending machines, AutoLockers, and RoboCribs by pressing the Kit Issue button.  Once you have entered or selected a valid kit number, the machine sequentially dispenses the components in the kit.  If any component is out of stock in the machine the system will prompt you with the question, "Do you want to dispense an incomplete kit?" If you answer "Yes", the system will then issue the kit.

Do the following to set up a kit:
  1. Create the item in Inventory > Items, and set the item type to Kit.  Check the Phys Kit check box if the kit is a physical kit, and leave it unchecked if it is a virtual kit.
  2. Click the Save button to save the kit item.
  3. Select the kit item from the list and click on the Kit Tab.

  1. Enter Information into the following fields:  (This is optional)
    • Dwg Path - Sets the location to the drawings for this kit.
    • Dwg# - Sets the drawing number.
    • Date - User defined field that identifies when the kit was built or modified.
    • Created By - Select Employee from the Created By dropdown
  2. Click the Add button, the item lookup box comes up.
  3. Select the item(s) that you would like to add to the kit, then click the Add button.
  4. Enter the desired Qty (Quantity) and Pkg (Pack Quantity) for each of the items added to the kit.
  5. Click the Save button.

RF Items

The RF ITEMS screen is where you enable RFIDs to be assigned to items and bins.  This is used for the IntelliPort. The RFID labels for the items or bins can be printed here.  This module also has the pictures taken by the IntelliPort cameras.

The Item box in the RF Items screen lists the item code and Description 1.  The Item RFID box shows the RFID numbers for the highlighted item, the crib and bin assigned to it, and if the RFID number is assigned to a container.


The Options at the bottom of the RF Items screen are described below:
  • Create RFID(s) - Starts the process for assigning RFID numbers to the item.
  • Edit - The edit button shows the details for the highlighted RFID number and can be used to enter free form notes relating to the item and RFID number that you have selected.
  • Delete - The delete button removes the RFID number for the item.
  • RFID Logs - The RFID Logs screen shows the activity in the IntelliPort - the door opening and closing, the RFID tags being scanned, and the Intelliport camera taking pictures upon entry and exit.  To view a picture taken by the camera, click on the line with the PhotoID not equal to zero, and click on the View Picture button.

How to assign an RFID to an item through the RF ITEMS screen:

Note:  RFIDs can also be assigned when receiving a PO or performing a stock transfer.

In order to assign an RFID tag through AutoCrib.NET, your computer must have a Zebra RFID printer attached to the PC.  The Zebra printer encodes and prints an RFID label as it associates the RFID to the item.
  1. Click the Item from the Item list to which you would like to add the RFID number to.
  2. Click the Create RFID(s) button, the Add RFID pop-up will appear.
  3. Select the Crib and Bin the Item with the RFID will be assigned to.
  4. Select Container if the RFID should be assigned to a container which contains several of the items.  When issuing out the RFID for the container, everything in it is issued out.  Then, when the container is returned to the IntelliPort, the quantity of the items remaining in the container must be entered.
  5. Select Burn if the qty should go to burn, the default selection is Oh Hand.
  6. Select Scan RFID(s) if you would like to scan in the RFID numbers, the default selection is Print RFID Labels.  If printing the Labels enter the desired Number of Tags (For example, if you wish to assign RFIDs to five of item ABC123, the Zebra printer will print five tags labeled ABC123 but each with a unique RFID).  Select the desired Label Size from the dropdown menu.
  7. Select Physical in Now if you are in the ToolRoom where the RFIDs will be assigned (this will physical the quantities into the bins so all you would have to do is place the items in the correct bins).  The default selection is Check in Later, this should be used if you are not in the ToolRoom where the RFID's will be assigned, you will have to "Check In" the items later through the IntelliPort software.
  8. Select the Create RFID(s) button, the Zebra printer will print the RFID labels.  Attach the labels to the items and bring them to the IntelliPort.


Inventory Serial

The Serials and Gages module stores information on items with serial numbers assigned to them.  These include gages.

The SHOW ALL SERIALS screen lists all items with serial numbers and gages, along with information on the item and the crib and bin that they are assigned to.  The Serial column shows the serial number.  Click on an item from the SHOW ALL SERIALS screen, the serial DETAIL screen will appear; this contains information on the serial or gage.


The CALIBRATION HISTORY screen shows all history for the gage's serial number.

The CALIBRATION HISTORY DETAIL screen shows the information for the selected calibration history transaction.

Serial Detail

The Serial DETAIL screen contains information on the serial or gage, the screen is divided into four sections; Item and Serial Detail, Status, Gage Settings, and Gage Instructions.

Item and Serial Detail section:

Department: Select the department that is assigned to the item from the dropdown list.
Supplier/Calibrator:  Select the supplier for the item from the Supplier dropdown.  For gages, this field changes to Calibrator. The calibrator is a supplier with the Calibrator checkbox checked. This field is required.
Emp. Owned:  This indicates that the item is owned by an employee.  Double-click on the field next to the checkbox to bring up a list of employees to assign to the item.

Status section:

Active:  When this is checked, the item can be used.
Retired:  When this is checked, the item is retired and cannot be issued out.
Issued:  When this is checked, the item is out of the machine or out on the floor.
Retired Date:  The date when the item was retired. Beyond the date, the item can no longer be used.
# of Calibrations:  The number of times the gage has been calibrated.
# of builds:  The number of times the gage has been rebuilt.

Gage Settings section: 

Max Cycles:  The number of cycles or uses for the gage until it falls out of calibration.
Current Cycles:  The number of cycles or uses the gage currently has.
Max Days:  The number of days the gage is out on the floor, or issued out of the machine, until it falls out of calibration.
Current Days:  The number of days the gage is currently out on the floor.
Last Cal:  This is the date the gage was last calibrated.
Cal Cycle:  This is the number of days from the Last Cal date when the gage needs to be sent to calibration.
Next Cal:  This is the date when the gage needs to be sent to calibration. This is computed by adding the Cal Cycle to the Last Cal date.

Gage Instructions section:

Gage Type, Range, Limitation, Standard, Accuracy, Tolerance, Actual, and Calibration Procedures fields are gage specific information fields that may be entered.

The Serial EDIT screen allows you to edit information regarding the Serial or Gage.

The ISSUES screen lists all gages and serialized perishable or durable items that have been issued out and are waiting to be returned to the machine.

The Serial Issues DETAIL screen provides additional details regarding the selected gage or serialized perishable or durable item that is waiting to be returned to the machine.

The Serial TRANSACTIONS screen lists all transactions for the selected Gage or Serialized item.

The Serial Transactions DETAIL screen provides additional details for the selected transaction.


The SHOW ALL MANUFACTURERS screen  stores information pertaining to manufacturers of items within the AutoCrib system.  It  provides a list view of all manufacturers that have been added to the Manufacturers database.  The purpose of storing manufacturer data is to assign each item to a preferred manufacturer.  Additionally, this information appears on the Purchase Order report which gives a reference to the distributor when replenishing the AutoCrib machines.  Examples of manufacturers are Sandvik, Iscar, Kennametal, etc.

To create a new manufacturer, simply click the + button to access the ADD MANUFACTURER screen.

The Manufacturer DETAIL screen allows you to view details for the selected manufacturer.  Manufacturer codes consists of the MFG code and their contact information.

Manufacturer:  A unique code assigned to a manufacturer, up to 6 characters long.  The MFG code is unique and cannot be changed once saved.  Please note that manufacturers codes that have been assigned to Items through the Items Detail module cannot be deleted unless unassigned from all Items.

Name:  The full name of the manufacturer. The name can be 50 characters long.
Address 1:  Can be 35 characters long.
Address 2:  Can be 35 characters long.
City:  Can be 20 characters long.
State:  Can be 10 characters long.
Zip:  Can be 10 characters long.
Country:  Can be 15 characters long.
Phone:  Can be 15 characters long.
Fax:  Can be 15 characters long.
Contact:  Can be 20 characters long.

The Manufacturer detail EDIT screen allows you to modify the manufacturer details information.  Click Update to save the information.

Add Manufacturer

Set the Manufacturer Code, Name, Address1, Address 2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, Fax, and Contact and then Click Save to save the information.  The only field required is the Manufacturer.

The manufacturers NOTES screen can be used to enter free form data or information relating to the selected manufacturer.  This information can appear on reports and gives the ability to create comments about a manufacturer.  For example, the user may insert the backup contact for the manufacturer in the case the preferred contact is not available.  Place any notes necessary for future reference by typing on the open field and then click the Save button to save the information.


The SHOW ALL PACKAGING screen stores information on the various types of packages used to dispense items through the AutoCrib system, typically out of a helix/coil machine.  The Packaging module allows you to assign a package type to each bin in the AutoCrib.NET system.  All documents that are printed out of the AutoCrib.NET system related to the restocking process denote the type of package the particular item should be packaged in.  If everyone involved in the packaging process understands what type of package the item is to be shipped in, the number of product jams that occur in helix driven machines is greatly reduced.  We strongly encourage the use of the package field.

The AutoCrib software has a set of preloaded packages:




S2 - S2 QP-10080 3/8 DRLB

I1 - I1 305 1/2 IC INS BO



S3 - S3 QP-14080 5/8 DRIL

I2 - I2 307 5/8 IC INS BO



S4 - S4 QP-14120 5/8 DRIL




S5 - S5 QP-20080 3/4 DRIL





To create new packaging click the + icon, this will direct you to the ADD PACKAGE screen.

The Packaging DETAIL screen allows you to view information for the selected package:

Package:  A unique code that can be assigned to a bin in the Bin Detail module, up to 6 characters long.  The Package code is unique and cannot be changed once saved; it would have to be deleted.

Note:  Packaging codes that have been assigned to bins through the Bin Detail module cannot be deleted unless they are unassigned from all bins.  Here are some examples of Packaging Codes:

  • I = INSERT
  • DR = DRILL
  • T = TAP
Description:  Package description for reference. The description can be 23 characters long.

Edit - Click the Edit button to edit the package description field.

Delete - Click the Delete button to delete the Package.

The Packaging EDIT screen allows you to edit information for the selected packaging.  Click the Update button to save your information.

The ADD PACKAGE screen allows you to add new packaging.  Add a new Package and Description, then click the Save button.


The list of items in the Issue screen at the RoboCrib can be filtered by Category, Family, and Type.  The Category selection filters the selectable list of Families, and the Family selection filters the selectable list of Types.  The Type selection filters the list of items.  The relationships among the Categories, Families, and Types are set up in the Categorization module.  Then Types are linked to items by setting the Category Type in the Item Detail screen.

In setting up categorization, objects are grouped into Categories, usually for some specific purpose such as Safety, Maintenance, or Cutting Tools. Ideally, a Category should reflect a relationship or hierarchy between the Family, Types, and the Items.  An example of a categorization set is illustrated below.


The relationships between the categories, families, and types can be viewed at the Category, Family, and Type links under the Categorization module.


From the CATEGORY screen you can Add, Edit, and Delete categories, as well as Assign or Deassign a Family to Category association.  The screen is divided into two grid boxes; Categories, and Families.  The families associated with the selected category are shown on the right-hand side under the families section.

To add a new Category click Add Category, you will be directed to the Add Category screen.  Type in a Category name in the Category field and a description for this category in the Description field.  Click the Upload button to upload an image file, then click the Add button.

To Edit an existing Category select the Category from the list, then click the Edit button Edit button, you will be directed to the Edit Category screen.  From the Edit Category screen you may edit the Description or Delete/Change the image, click the Save button to save any changes. 
To Delete a Category select the Category from the Categories list then click the Delete button delete button.

Assigning a Family to Category:
  1. Select the Category from the list of Categories.
  2. From the Families box click the Assign link, the Add Family box will appear.
  3. Use the check boxes to select a Family or Families to assign to the selected Category, then click the Add button.
  4. You will now see the associated Family or Families in the Families box.

Deassigning a Family from a Category:
  1. Select the Category from the Categories Box.
  2. Check the checkbox(s) next to the Family or Families you would like to Deassign.
  3. Click the Deassign link, this will remove the selected family from the Families box.

NoteSelect All will check all the checkboxes in the Families box, and Clear All will clear all the check marks in the Families box.


From the FAMILY screen you can Add, Edit, and Delete Families, as well as Assign or Deassign a Type to Family association.  The screen is divided into two grid boxes; Families, and Types.  The Types associated with each Family are shown at the right-hand side under the Types box.

To add a new Family click the Add Family link, this will take you to the Add Family screen.  Type in a Family name in the Family field and a description for this family in the Description field.  Click the Upload button  to upload a picture, then click the Add button.

To Edit an existing Family select the Family from the list, then click the Edit button Edit button, you will be directed to the Edit Family screen.  From the Edit Family screen you may edit the Description or Delete/Change the image, then click the Save button. 
To Delete a Family select the Family from the Families list then click the Delete button delete button.

Assigning a Type to a Family:
  1. Select the Family from the list of Families.
  2. From the Types box click the Assign link, the Assign Type to Family  box will appear.
  3. Use the check boxes to select a Type or Types to assign to the selected Family, then click the Add button.
  4. You will now see the associated Type or Types in the Types box.

Deassigning a Type from a Family:
  1. Select the Family from the Families Box.
  2. Check the checkbox(s) next to the Type or Types you would like to Deassign.
  3. Click the Deassign link, this will remove the selected Type from the Types box.

NoteSelect All will check all the checkboxes in the Types box, and Clear All will clear all the check marks in the Types box.


From the TYPE screen you can Add, Edit, and Delete Types, as well as Assign or Deassign an Item to Type association.  The screen is divided into two grid boxes; Types, and Items.  The Items associated with each Type are shown at the right-hand side under the Items box.

To add a new Type click the Add Type link, this will take you to the Add Type screen.  Type in a Type name in the Type field and a description for this Type in the Description field, click the Upload button to upload a picture, then click the Add button.

To Edit an existing Type select the Type from the list, then click the Edit button Edit button, this will take you to the Edit Type screen.  From the Edit Type screen you may edit the Description or Delete/Change the image, then click the Save button.  To Delete a Type select the Type from the Types list then click the Delete button delete button.

Assigning an Item to Type:
  1. Select the Type from the list of Types box.
  2. From the Items box click the Assign link, the Assign Item to Type box will appear.
  3. Use the check boxes to select an Item or Items to assign to the selected Type, then click the Add button.
  4. You will now see the associated Item or Items in the Items box.

Deassigning an Item from a Type:
  1. Select the Type from the Types box.
  2. Check the checkbox(s) next to the Item or Items that you would like to Deassign.
  3. Click the Deassign link, this will remove the selected Item from the Items box.

NoteSelect All will check all the checkboxes in the Items box, and Clear All will clear all the check marks in the Items box.

Item Class

The Item Class module stores information on the various classifications of items within the AutoCrib system.  Items should be categorized into logical entities which may be used to arrange items according to their use or application.  For example, you might have an item class for ENDMILLS, one that covers a specific area like CNC equipment, or an item class for a particular department, and so on.  Once you have classified your items you can easily search or sort on a specified class of items. Classes are also useful for printing Pick Sheets and other reports.  Item class can also be used in the Fast Edit Module to filter the item database and allow to quickly make changes to your Item inventory.

The SHOW ALL ITEM CLASS screen provides a list of all item classes in the Item Class database.

To create a new Item class simply click the + icon, the ADD ITEM CLASS screen will appear. 

The Item Class module DETAIL screen displays additional details for the selected Item Class.

From the Item Class EDIT screen you may make modifications to the Description and Image fields.  Make sure to click the Update button to save your changes.

The ADD ITEM CLASS screen allows you to add a new item class. 

Enter the Item Class, Description, and upload a picture if desired hen click the Save button to save your changes:

Item Class:  A unique code assigned to a class of items that can be up to 6 characters long.  The Class is unique and cannot be changed once saved; it would have to be deleted.  Here are some examples of item classes: 
  • DR = DRILL
  • T = TAP
Note:  Item Class codes that have been assigned to items through the Item Details module cannot be deleted unless unassigned from all items.

Description:  A full description of the item classification.  The description can be 30 characters long.
Picture:  A digital images can be attached to an item class.  To assign an image, click the Upload button, browse and select the image file.

Cycle Counting

The purpose of the Cycle Counting module is to aid in counting inventory on a regular basis, to keep track of what was counted and when, and most importantly, to prioritize which inventory should be counted.  The Cycle Counting module consists of two screens within the module, the CYCLE COUNT screen and the ABC ANALYSIS screen.  The ABC Analysis should be performed prior to the Cycle Count.

A cycle count is an inventory auditing procedure, which falls under inventory management, where a small subset of inventory in a specific location is counted on a specified day.  Cycle counts contrast with traditional physical inventory in that a full physical inventory may stop operation at a facility while all items are counted at one time.  Cycle counts are less disruptive to daily operations, provide an ongoing measure of inventory accuracy and procedure execution, and can be tailored to focus on items with higher value, higher movement volume, or that are critical to business processes.  The purpose of the Cycle Counting module is to aid in counting inventory on a regular basis, to keep track of what was counted and when, and more importantly, to prioritize which inventory should be counted.  Verifying inventory totals is critical to avoid stock outs and aids in accounting purposes.

Once the ABC Analysis is performed complete the following steps in the CYCLE COUNT screen:
  1. Click the "Lock ABC Analysis - Cycle Count in Progress" link - The ABC Analysis must be locked until the cycle counting is complete.  This is to ensure that all items or bins are counted before classes can be reassigned.  In the future, items may be reassigned a class in the instances there was a spike or decline in usage when compared to the last time ABC Analysis was generated.  Therefore, a new class would need to be assigned.  Additionally, new items assigned to the AutoCrib system will need an item class to be assigned before the next cycle count.
  2. Select a crib in which you want to count the inventory from the Crib dropdown field.  Leave the default All if you wish to count by class across all cribs.
  3. Select the Class of items or bins to count or choose All from the Class dropdown field.  This allows you to choose items or bins with a higher class to be counted first before the items or bins with lower class.  This helps ensure that items of high usage or high value are accounted for regularly and more frequently than lower usage or lower value items.  The ability to filter by Class, Crib, or Method helps implement a focused counting process and delegation of counting duties.
  4. Select a Method for the cycle count from the Method:  dropdown field.  Items or bins that have passed their next count date can be selected or all can be counted.
  5. Click the Go button to produce the cycle count list.
  6. Print the cycle count list by clicking the Print icon .
  7. Perform a physical count of the items.

A physical (change of quantity) on a bin can be performed in the CYCLE COUNT screen.  Click on the Crib, Bin, or Item that you would like to modify, the Physical screen will appear.  Enter the correct On Hand and/or Burn quantity(s) currently in the bin, then click Ok to save.

Once counting is complete, the bins or items can be stamped with a last count date, which then creates the next count date.  Select the check box next to the Bin or Item you would like to stamp then click the Stamp Count Date button.  Items with count discrepancies can be edited to the correct count in this screen as well.  The next time cycle count is to be performed, the Method drop down allows a user to quickly produce a list of items that have passed their next count date.

The Next Count Date should dictate when the next cycle counting must be performed.  However, as long as all items or bins have been counted at least once, the ABC Analysis can be repeated to determine new classes.

ABC Analysis

The ABC analysis is a Pareto analysis technique where a range of items have different levels of significance and should be handled or controlled differently. Items are grouped into order of significance based on value, frequency of use, or an estimated importance to the customer. Examples of ABC classes are the following:

A items: very tightly control and accurate records.
B items: less tightly controlled and good records.
C items: simplest controls possible and minimal records.

The ABC analysis provides a mechanism for identifying items that will have a significant impact on overall inventory cost, while also providing a mechanism for identifying different categories of stock that will require different management and controls.

In the ABC ANALYSIS screen, historical data of Items or Bins can be analyzed four different ways in the Set Analysis Type section:
  • Issues - Number of issues: Determines rate of issues.
  • Velocity - Total items issued:  Determines rate of usage - (Issues x Package Qty).
  • Avg. Investment - The average value of Inventory: Determines value of unconsumed inventory - (Quantity x Unit Price).
  • Sales Revenue - The total value of items issued: Determines value of consumed inventory - (Issues x Package Qty x Unit Price).
These analysis types are used to derive values that are then compared against a user-defined set of criteria, or Classes and a set look back period. The look back period (Set Look Back Period) ranges from 30 Days through 1 Year. The Classes range from A through F.  These are set in the Define Class section.  The Items or Bins that meet the criteria of the classes can then be set with a counting frequency in the Define Count Frequency section, thus prioritizing the order of classes of Items or Bins to count.  The results of the Analysis can be viewed in the # of Items column in the Define Class section, as well as in the Cycle Count tab, where additional filters and count physicals can be performed.

To run the ABC Analysis perform the following steps:
  1. Select an ABC Analysis By radio button to analyze either by Item or Bin.
  2. Under the Set Analysis Type section select Issues, Velocity, Avg Investment, or Sales Dollars radio button .
  3. Under the Set Look Back Period section select a radio button next to 30 Days, 3 Months, 6 Months, or 1 Year to analyze historical data.
  4. Type the values to define the ABC Class criteria in the Define Class section.
  5. Type the values to set the Count Frequency of each class in the Define Count Frequency section.
  6. Select Classify Only New Items or Reassign All Items radio button to assign the ABC classes as needed.
  7. Click the Run Analysis button.
This will assign ABC classes to items, and provide the information needed by the Cycle Count module.  Click the Cycle Count module to continue with the cycle counting.  If the items are not assigned an ABC class, reevaluate the Define Class Section and the Define Count Frequency, and change the counts and/or extend the Look Back Period.


The SHOW ALL EMPLOYEES  screen holds information for employees who issue and return items through the AutoCrib software and/or AutoCrib machines.


To add a new Employee click the + icon, you will be directed to the ADD EMPLOYEE screen.

To view employee details click on the employee from the list, you will be directed to the employee DETAIL screen.

Click the XLS, CSV, PDF Or XML links to download the list of employees into the chosen file format.

Click the Printer Icon to print the list of employees to a printer.

The Config Columns link allows you select which columns will be displayed in the employee grid.  The Grid default columns are set to:  First Name, Last Name, Emp #, Last Issue, and Badge.  To change the default columns click the Config Columns link, the Configure Grid Columns pop up will appear:


Check the boxes next to the columns you wish to see, and uncheck the boxes next to the columns that you wish to hide, then click the Save button.  From the Employee grid screen you may re-order the columns by clicking, dragging and dropping them into the desired location.  Note:  You may select the Reset Grid link from the Configure Grid Columns pop-up box to, to revert back to the default settings.

The ADD EMPLOYEE screen allows you to add a new employee, the screen is divided into two sections;  Employee Details, and Crib Interface Permissions.

Employee Details:

Employee - A unique number assigned to the employee by the employer, this field is Required.
First Name - The employee’s first name.
Last Name - The employee’s last name.
Badge - A number assigned to the employee used to log into the AutoCrib machines or in the Transactions>Issues and Transactions>Returns modules in the AutoCrib software. Often the same as the employee number. This field is required.
Pin - The employee's Personal Identification Number. Required at log in if the PIN prompt is checked in Tools>Options>Defaults.
E-Mail -  The employees email address.
Department -  A Company's department or cost center number assigned to the employee.  The departments are set up in Database > Departments.  Clicking the dropdown will bring up a list of departments to select from.
Note -  Even though a department is assigned to an employee, an issue transaction will not be recorded against the department until the department prompt is set up.
Lock Department -  When checked, the employee will not be allowed to enter a department other than the one he is assigned to.
Tip -  The Lock Department checkbox can be checked if the employee needs to be tied to the department.  If the department prompt is set up, this will automatically populate the Department field at the Issue screen so that  the  employee will not be prompted to enter it.  If an employee floats among departments, it is best to leave the Department field blank.  The machine will prompt the user to choose which department the tool is being issued for.
Picture - To add a picture of the employee, click the Browse button and select the image file then click the open button to upload.
Stocker -  When checked, this allows access to the Stock, Physical, and Maintain functions in the machines.
Supervisor -  This overrides all access control settings, cost limits, and force reference bins, and allows access to all functions in the machines.
Supplier -  A supplier assigned to the employee.  Clicking the dropdown will bring up a list of suppliers to select from.

Crib Interface Permissions:

The Crib Interface Permissions check boxes indicate the modules or functions in the machine that the employee sees upon logging in or has access to.

Issue -  Allows access to the Issue button when logging into the machine.
Kit Issue -  Allows access to the Kit Issue button when logging into the machine.
Return -  Allows access to the Return button when logging into the machine.
Dull Return -  Allows access to the Dull Return function in a locker to facilitate the return of a dull tool.
Locate -  Allows access to the Locate button when logging into the machine.
Adjustment -  Allows access to the Adjustment button when logging into the machine.
Stock -  Allows access to the Stock button when logging into the machine.
Physical -  Allows access to the Physical button when logging into the machine.
Maintain -  Allows access to the Maintain button when logging into the machine.
Console -  Allows access to the Console button when logging into the machine.
Force Ref Bin -  Forces the issue of an item stored in a reference bin (set in Cribs>Bins>Detail) or item (set in Inventory>Items>Detail) before an employee can access the selected bin or item.  All of the reference bin or item’s inventory must be exhausted before the selected bin or item can be accessed.  This is used if you want a regrind item to be issued out before a new item.
Active -  Indicates that the employee is active and can issue out from the cribs.
Cost Limit - The monthly dollar allowance for the employee.  When the costs incurred by the employee are over the Cost Limit and he is not set as a Supervisor, he will not be able to issue items.  The Emp Access checkbox in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Detail must be checked for this feature to take into effect.
Start Time -  The time the employee's shift is scheduled to begin.
End time -  The time an employee's shift is scheduled to end.

The employee EDIT screen allows you to edit the employee details.  Update the fields you wish to edit then click the 'Update' button to save your changes or 'Cancel' to abort the entry.  Note:  The Employee  field may not be edited.

The employee DETAIL screen allows you to view additional details for the selected employee.

Employee Access

The employee ACCESS screen allows you to grant and remove access rights for the specific employee.  It functions much like the access control module, however, it affects only the employee that is presented under the detail screen.
Below are the steps to changing access rights for a specific employee.  Additionally, you may exclude all access rights from any one or more cribs with the exclude Crib access option in the bottom of the screen.

The Employee section allows you to assign or change a Profile ID, as well as Lock or Unlock the profile.  Profiles store access controls details which can be inherited by employees in the AutoCrib system.  Any changes made to the profiles will be inherited by the employees assigned to it.  When the access profile is locked, the employee always retains the exact access profile settings.  When profile items are added, removed or updated, the employee will always inherit these new rules.  If the employee selected already has a profile assigned, all of these rules will be overwritten by the new Profile.

Click the Magnifying glass icon next to the Profile ID field to assign a new profile or change profiles for the selected employee.

Check the Profile Lock checkbox to lock the profile, or uncheck to unlock

The Permissions section of the screen allows you to set the crib level permissions that  employee will have at the AutoCrib machines.  For example; if the Issue check box is selected the employee will have access to the Issue button when logged into an AutoCrib machine.  To change permissions check or uncheck the appropriate check boxes then click the Update button.

To set up access controls to exclude access from crib(s):
  1. Scroll towards the bottom of the screen to the Crib section.
  2. Click the Insert link, a Cribs lookup box will appear.
  3. Select the check boxes next to the crib(s) you wish to exclude access from.
  4. Click the Add Crib button.

To set up access controls for item(s):
  1. Scroll towards the bottom of the screen to the Items section.
  2. Click the Insert link, the Items lookup box will appear.
  3. Select the check boxes next to the item(s) you wish to set up with access controls.
  4. Click the Add Item button, verify item(s) have been added to the Items section .

  1. Edit the Maximum and Frequency fields as needed then click the Update Max/Freq link to save changes.

Additional function links in the Crib & Items sections:

Delete - Check the box(s) next to the Cribs or Items you wish to remove from the list, then click the Delete link.
Insert All - To insert all Cribs or all items click the Insert All link.
Delete All - To delete all Cribs or all items from the list click the Delete All link.

The NOTES screen may be used to enter free form data or information relating to the employee that you have selected.  You may insert data by typing in the Notes: box, then clicking the Save button to save the note.

The employee HISTORY screen gives you a rolling 24-month usage for the selected employee, indicating both expenditures in dollars and issues in packages.

The employee history DETAIL screen gives you a rolling 24-month usage for the selected employee, indicating both expenditures in dollars and issues in packages.

The ISSUES screen lists in a tabular format all transactions for perishable and durable items that have been issued but not returned by the selected employee.

The employees ISSUE DETAIL screen provides additional detail for the selected issues transaction.

The TRANSACTIONS screen lists in tabular format all transactions that have occurred for the selected employee.

The employees transaction DETAIL screen provides additional details for the selected employee's transaction.


The SHOW ALL DEPARTMENTS screen holds information for the departments that employees may be assigned to.  To add a new department click the + sign, you will be directed to the ADD DEPARTMENT screen.  Select a department from the list to view its details.

The ADD DEPARTMENT screen allows you to add a new department.

When adding a new department populate the fields below as needed.  Please note that fields designated with a red asterisk are required fields:

Department:  Department number or code.
Description:  Description of department.
Budget:  Monthly allowance for the department.  If the Dept Budget checkbox under Cribs > Tool Cribs > Detail for the crib is checked, it will stop dispensing items after the department’s budget has been reached.
Supervisor:  The employee assigned as a supervisor for the department.  Select the Supervisor dropdown to bring up a list of employees that can be assigned as the supervisor, the First Name & Last Name fields will automatically populate.
Active:  When this is unchecked, the machine does not show up in the list of machines that can be assigned to an issue transaction.
Last Issue:  The date when an issue transaction was last recorded against the machine.

Click the 'Save' button to save the new department.  The department may now be assigned to an employee in Database > Employees.

  • To track transactions against a department, check the Use Departments checkbox in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Detail > Defaults screen for the crib.  Should you wish the department field to be automatically populated at the Issue screen, check the Lock Department check box in Database > Employee > Detail, in addition to the Use Departments check box.
  • A department alias may be set for the department in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Defaults so that instead of the label Department, the alias is seen at the issue screen.
  • Machines may also be assigned to departments for filtering prompts.
The department EDIT screen allows you to edit the department fields except for the Department field.  Click the Update button to save your changes.

The department DETAIL screen displays detailed information for the selected department.  Click the Edit button to make changes to the fields.

From the department DETAIL screen you also have access to the Access, Machine, Notes, History, Issues and Transactions tabs located at the top right side of the screen.

Department Access

Access Controls may be set up by department.  When an employee is assigned a department with access controls, it inherits the access controls for the department.  This saves time from having to create access controls for each employee in the database.

  • The Emp Access checkbox in Cribs > Tool Cribs must be checked for the department access to work.
  • The access controls are reset at a time defined in the Access Reset time found in Tools > Options > Scheduler (By default it is set to 12:00am).

The Cribs section removes access to cribs for an employee or group of employees.  Removing access to a crib will remove all rights to that station even if employees have access to items assigned to the crib.

Towards the bottom of the screen in the Cribs section click the Insert link.  From the Cribs pop-up box check the boxes next to the crib(s) you wish to add, then click the Add Crib button.

  • Insert - Opens a CRIBS lookup box that lists all cribs, select a crib to add to the box.
  • Delete - Removes the highlighted crib from the box.
  • Select All - Inserts all cribs into the box (Note:  Cribs must be created prior to this process).
  • Clear All - Removes all cribs in the box.
The Items section allows quantity and frequency limits to be added to an item or list of items.  If a rule is created for an item assigned to a crib where access has been removed, the item will be inaccessible.

Towards the bottom of the screen from the Items section click the Insert link.  From the Items pop-up box check the boxes next to the items(s) that you wish to add, you can also set the Max and Freq for the items using the Max: and Freq: fields.  Then click the Add button.

After adding the items you can edit the Maximum and Frequency for each item (the default is Maximum=1 and Frequency=1).  After editing the Maximum and Frequency fields click the Update Max/Freq link. 

Note:  The Maximum is the quantity that the employee can issue out per the days defined in the Frequency. Maximum may be 0 to 9999, and Frequency may be 1 to 365 days. For example, if an item has a Max of 1 and Freq of 2, the item can be issued one time every 2 days.

The Permissions section allows you to set the following for the employee:
  • Cost Limit:  The monthly dollar allowance for the employee.  When the costs incurred by the employee are over the Cost Limit and he is not set as a Supervisor, he will not be able to issue items.  The Emp Access checkbox in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Detail must be checked for this feature to take into effect.
  • Start Time:  The time the employee's shift is scheduled to begin.
  • End Time:  The time an employee's shift is scheduled to end.
  • Lock Department:  Must be checked if the employee is not allowed to enter a department other than the one he is assigned to.  Tip:  The Lock Department checkbox can be checked if the employee needs to be tied to the department. If the department prompt is set up, this will automatically populate the Dept. field at the Issue screen so that the employee will not be prompted to enter it.  If an employee floats among departments, it is best to leave the Department field blank.  The machine will prompt the user to choose which department the tool is being issued for.
  • Force Ref Bin:  Forces the issue of an item stored in a reference bin (set in Cribs>Bins>Detail) or item (set in Inventory>Items>Detail) before an employee can access the selected bin or item.  All of the reference bin or item’s inventory must be exhausted before the selected bin or item can be accessed.  This is used if you want a regrind item to be issued out before a new item.
  • Stocker:  This allows access to the Stock, Physical, and Maintain functions in the machines.
  • Supervisor:  This overrides all access control settings, cost limits, force reference bins, and allows access to all functions in the machines.
  • Issue, Return, Dull Return, Locate, Adjustment, Stock, Physical, Maintain, Console.  These are the modules or functions at the machines that may be made available to the employee.
Click the Update button to save changes to the department access.

A machine may be assigned to a department for filtering prompts.  To assign a machine to a department click the Insert button, the MACHINE LOOK UP box will appear.  Check the box(s) of the machines that you would like to assign to the selected department, then click the Add Machine button.

The departments NOTES screen may be used to enter free form data or information relating to the department that you have selected.  You may insert data by typing in the Notes: box, then clicking the Save button.

The departments HISTORY screen gives you a rolling 24-month usage for the selected department, indicating both expenditures in dollars and issues in packages.

The ISSUES screen lists in a tabular format all transactions for perishable and durable items that have been issued but not returned against the selected department.

The department ISSUE DETAIL screen provides additional details for the selected issue transaction.

The departments TRANSACTIONS screen lists in tabular format all transactions that have occurred for the selected department.

The Departments TRANSACTION DETAIL screen provides additional details for the selected transaction.


The SHOW ALL JOBS screen displays a list of all the jobs that were added to the system.  To add a new job click the + icon, you will be directed to the ADD JOB screen.

The ADD JOB screen allows you to add a new job.  Too add a new job complete the following fields, then click the Save button.
Job:  A unique code that identifies a job. 
Description:  A description of the job.
Last Issue:  Read only field displaying the date when an issue transaction was last recorded against the job.
Active:  When this is unchecked, the job does not show up in the list of jobs that may be assigned to an issue transaction.

  • Items may be assigned to a job in the Job Items tab.  This is so job access may be set up; this filters the items in the issue screen when a job is selected.
  • To track transactions against a job, check the Use Jobs checkbox in the Cribs > Tool Cribs > Defaults tab for the crib.
  • A Job alias may be set for the job in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Defaults so that instead of the label job, the alias is seen at the Issue screen.
  • Items assigned to a job may be copied to a new job using the Copy Job Items functions.
  • The Jobs module has the Notes, Charts, History, Issues and Transactions tabs.

The job EDIT screen allows you to edit the Description fields and Active check box.  Click the Update button to save your changes.

The job DETAIL screen allows you to view the details of a specific job.  Click the Edit button to make changes to the job fields.

The JOB ITEM  screen allows the user to assign a list of items to a specific job number.  When the job number is selected at the machine it will only display a list of items that are assigned to that job. 

From the JOB ITEM screen Click the Add button, the Item pop up box will appear with a list of all the items.  Check the box next to the Item(s) that you wish to add to the job, then click the Add button.

The selected items will now appear in the Item section of the JOB ITEM screen.  Update the Qty field to the quantity of the item that may be issued for the job.  Update the Pkg field to match the package quantity of the item in the bin that it is assigned to (this is done so that the item will appear in the Issue screen when the list of items is filtered by the job).

  • To remove an item from the list, check the check box located on the left of the item and click the Delete button.
  • The Qty Issued field is the quantity of the item that was dispensed for the job so far.  When using Job access controls the Reset Freq: field would have to be populated.  If the Qty Issued is equal to the Qty for an item, the item may no longer be issued out for that job until the job access is reset.  The job access is reset at the time set in Tools > Options > Scheduler.
  • Job Items works in conjunction with the Job Access, the Job Access enables items to be filtered at the machine's issue screen by the job number.  To enable, check the Emp Access and Job Access check boxes in the Cribs > Tool Cribs.
    Check the Jobs checkbox in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Defaults, this will require you to enter the job number during and issue at the machine.

Items assigned to a job may be copied to a new job through the COPY JOB ITEMS screen.

To Create a new Job and copy Job Items from an existing job, navigate Complete the Job, Description, and Active: fields.  Then check the check box(s) next to the job(s) that you would like to copy and click the Save button.

The job NOTES screen may be used to enter free form data or information relating to the job that you have selected.  You may insert data by typing in the Notes box, then clicking the Save button to save the note.

The job HISTORY page displays a rolling 24-month usage for the selected job, indicating both expenditures in dollars and issues in packages.

The job ISSUES screen lists in a tabular format all transactions for perishable and durable items that have been issued but not returned for the job.

The job ISSUES DETAIL screen provides additional detail for the selected Issue transaction.

The job TRANSACTIONS screen lists in tabular format all transactions that have occurred for the selected job.
The job TRANSACTIONS DETAIL screen displays additional detail for the selected job transaction.


The SHOW ALL MACHINES screen displays a list of all machines added to the AutoCrib database.  Machines may be set up so that transaction may be tracked against them.  Click the + icon to add a new machine, you will be directed to the ADD MACHINE screen.

The ADD MACHINE screen allows you to add a new machine.  To add a new machine complete the following fields, then click the Save button.

Machine:  A unique code that identified a machine.
Description:  A description of the machine.
Last Issue:  Read only field:  the date when an issue transaction was last recorded against the machine.
Active:  When this is unchecked, the machine will not show up in the list of machines that may be assigned to an issue transaction.

  • To track transactions against a machine, check the 'Use Machines Checkbox' in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Defaults tab for the desired crib.
  • A Machine alias may be set for the machine in Cribs > Tool Cribs >  Defaults so that instead of the label Machine, the alias is seen at the Issue screen.
  • Jobs may be assigned to machines for filtering prompts.
  • The Machines module has the Notes, Charts, History, Issues, and Transactions Tabs.
The Machine EDIT screen allows you to edit the machine fields, click the Update button to save your changes.

The machine DETAIL screen displays details for the selected machine.

From the Machines JOBS screen you may add Jobs to the selected Machine for filtering prompts.

The machine NOTES screen may be used to enter free form data or information relating to the Machine that you have selected. You may insert data by typing in the Notes: box, then clicking the Save button.

The machine HISTORY screen gives you a rolling 24-month usage for the selected employee, indicating both expenditures in dollars and issues in packages.

The machine ISSUES screen lists in a tabular format all transactions for perishable and durable items that have been issued but not returned for the selected machine.

The machine ISSUE DETAIL screen provides additional detail for the selected machine issue transaction.

The machine TRANSACTIONS screen lists in tabular format all transactions that have occurred for the selected machine.

The machine TRANSACTIONS DETAIL screen provides additional detail for the selected machine transaction.


The SHOW ALL PARTS screen displays a list of all Parts added to the AutoCrib database.  Parts may be set up so that transactions may be tracked against them.  Click the + icon to add a new part, you will be directed to the ADD PART screen.

The ADD PART screen allows you to add new parts.  To add a new part complete the fields below, then click the Save button.

Part:  A unique code that identifies a part.
Description:  A description of the part.
Last Issue:  Read only field:  The date an employee last issue transaction was last recorded against the part.
Active:  When this is unchecked, the part does not show up in the list of parts that may be assigned to an issue transaction.

  • To track transactions against a part, check the 'Use Parts' checkbox in the Cribs > Tool Cribs > Defaults tab for the desired crib.
  • A Part alias may be set for the part in Cribs > Tool Cribs >  Defaults so that instead of the label Part, the alias is seen at the Issue screen.
  • The Parts module has the Notes, Charts, History, Issues, and Transactions tabs.
The part EDIT screen, allows you to edit the part fields, click the Update button to save your changes.

The parts DETAIL screen displays details for the selected part.

The parts NOTES screen may be used to enter free form data or information relating to the Part that you have selected.  You may insert data by typing in the Notes: box, then click the Save button.

The parts HISTORY screen gives you a rolling 24-month usage for the selected part, indicating both expenditures in dollars and issues in packages.

The parts ISSUES screen lists in a tabular format all transactions for perishable and durable items that have been issued but not returned for the selected part.
The parts issues DETAIL screen provides additional detail for the selected parts issue transaction.

The parts TRANSACTIONS screen lists in tabular format all transactions that have occurred for the selected part.

The parts transactions DETAIL screen provides additional details for the selected parts transaction.


The SHOW ALL REASONS screen displays a list of all Reasons added to the AutoCrib database.  Click the + sign to add a new reason, you will be directed to the ADD REASON screen.

The reasons EDIT screen allows you to edit the reason fields.  After all changes have been made click the Update button to save your  changes.

The ADD REASON screen allows you to add a new reason.  Complete the following fields, then click the Save button.

Reason:  A unique code that identifies a reason.
Description:  A description of the reason.
Last Issue:  Read only field:  the date when an issue transaction was last recorded against the reason.
Active:  When this is unchecked, the reason will not show up in the list of reasons that may be assigned to an issue transaction.


  • To track transactions against reason, check the 'Use Reasons Checkbox' in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Defaults tab for the desired crib.
  • A Reason alias may be set for the reason in Cribs > Tool Cribs >  Defaults so that instead of the label Reason, the alias is seen at the Issue screen.
  • The Machines module has the Notes, Charts, History, Issues, and Transactions Tabs.

The reasons DETAIL screen allows you to see the detail fields for the selected reason.  Click the Edit button to make changes.
The reasons NOTES screen may be used to enter free form data or information relating to the Reason that you have selected.  You may insert data by typing in the Notes: box, then clicking the Save button to save the note.

The reasons HISTORY page gives you a rolling 24-month usage for the selected reason, indicating both expenditures in dollars and issues in packages.

The reasons ISSUES screen lists in a tabular format all transactions for perishable and durable items that have been issued but not returned for the selected reason.

The reasons ISSUES DETAIL screen provides additional detail for the selected reason issue transaction.

The reasons TRANSACTIONS screen lists in tabular format all transactions that have occurred for the selected reason.

The Reasons TRANSACTIONS DETAIL screen provides additional detail for the selected reason transaction.

Custom Fields

The ITEM CUSTOM FIELDS screen is where user-definable fields may be added for items.  The custom fields may be used to set up data tracking elements that are not otherwise available in the software.  Then you may have a custom report created that will pull the custom field information.  You may also use custom fields to add keywords to the items, so that the items come up when certain words are typed at the search field in the Issue screen at the RoboCrib.  The Issue screen shows the custom fields by default, and is used by the search function of the RoboCrib.

Up to 12 user-defined fields may be created, once created the user-defined fields are visible in the Item DETAIL screen.

To add a custom field fill in any of the 12 available lines with user-defined field name and description of the field, then click the Save button to save your changes.

The BIN CUSTOM FIELDS screen is where user-definable fields may be added for Bins.  The custom fields may be used to set up data tracking elements that are not otherwise available in the software.  Then you may have a custom report created that will pull the custom field information.

Up to 12 user-defined fields may be created, once created the user-defined fields are visible in the Bins DETAIL screen.

To add a custom field, fill in any of the 12 available lines with user-defined field name and description of the field, then click the Save button to save your changes.

The SERIAL CUSTOM FIELDS screen is where user-definable fields may be added for Serials.  The custom fields may be used to set up data tracking elements that are not otherwise available in the software.  Then you may have a custom report created that will pull the custom field information.

Up to 12 user-defined fields may be created, once created the user-defined fields are visible in the Serial DETAIL screen.

To add a custom field fill in any of the 12 available lines with user-defined field name and description of the field, then click the Save button to save your changes.

The EMPLOYEE CUSTOM FIELDS screen is where user-definable fields may be added for Employees.  The custom fields may be used to set up data tracking elements that are not otherwise available in the software.  Then you may have a custom report created that will pull the custom field information.

Up to 12 user-defined fields may be created, once created the user-defined fields are visible in the Employee DETAIL screen.

To add a custom field fill in any of the 12 available lines with user-defined field name and description of the field, then click the Save button to save your changes.

The DEPARTMENT CUSTOM FIELDS screen is where user-definable fields may be added for Departments.  The custom fields may be used to set up data tracking elements that are not otherwise available in the software.  Then you may have a custom report created that will pull the custom field information.

Up to 12 user-defined fields may be created, once created the user-defined fields are visible in the Departments DETAIL screen.

To add a custom field fill in any of the 12 available lines with user-defined field name and description of the field, then click the Save button to save your changes.

The JOB CUSTOM FIELDS is where user-definable fields may be added for Jobs.  The custom fields may be used to set up data tracking elements that are not otherwise available in the software.  Then you may have a custom report created that will pull the custom field information.

Up to 12 user-defined fields may be created, once created the user-defined fields are visible in the Jobs DETAIL screen.

to add a custom field fill in any of the 12 available lines with user-defined field name and description of the field, then lick the Save button to save your changes.

The MACHINE CUSTOM FIELDS screen is where user-definable fields may be added for Machines.  The custom fields may be used to set up data tracking elements that are not otherwise available in the software.  Then you may have a custom report created that will pull the custom field information.

Up to 12 user-defined fields may be created, once created the user-defined fields are visible in the Machines DETAIL screen.

To add a custom field fill in any of the 12 available lines with user-defined field name and description of the field, then click the Save button to save your changes.

The PARTS CUSTOM FIELDS screen is where user-definable fields may be added for Parts.  The custom fields may be used to set up data tracking elements that are not otherwise available in the software.  Then you may have a custom report created that will pull the custom field information.

Up to 12 user-defined fields may be created, once created the user-defined fields are visible in the Parts DETAIL screen.

To add a custom field fill in any of the 12 available lines with user-defined field name and description of the field, then click the Save button to save your changes.

The REASON CUSTOM FIELDS screen is where user-definable fields may be added for Reasons.  The custom fields may be used to set up data tracking elements that are not otherwise available in the software.  Then you may have a custom report created that will pull the custom field information.

Up to 12 user-defined fields may be created, once created the user-defined fields are visible in the Reasons DETAIL screen.

To add a custom field fill in any of the 12 available lines with user-defined field name and description of the field then, click the Save button to save your changes.


The ISSUES screen allows items to be issued using the AutoCrib.NET Software.  This is used primarily for ToolRooms.  It is used to track the issue of tools from the central (traditional) tool crib.

Completing an Issue transaction:
  1. Select the Crib from the Crib dropdown field.
  2. Select an Employee from the Employee dropdown field.
  3. Select the validation prompts if required (Department, Job, Machine, Part, and/or Reason) using the dropdown fields.
  4. Click the Go button to view a list of available items.
  5. Enter the Qty of the item to be issued in the Qty field next to the desired item.
  6. When all Qty's have been entered for the desired item(s) click the Add To Issue List button.
  7. The number of pending items to be issued will be displayed next to the Issue List button in the middle of the page   .
  8. Click the Issue List button, the ISSUES screen will appear  Note:  you may update the Qty field in this screen prior to completing the Issue Transaction.
  9. Click the Complete Issue button to complete the Issue transaction.



The ISSUES list screen displays a list of all selected items to be issued as well as their quantities.  You may modify the Qty's to be issued for each item prior to completing the Issue transaction.  Click the Clear All button to remove all items from the ISSUES screen.  Click the Complete Issue button to complete the issue transaction.



Kit Issue

The system has the capability to build and issue a kit or tool assembly on the fly.  Once you have defined your virtual kits or tool assemblies in the item module, under the inventory / kit screen you can then build and issue them from the issue screen.  This capability allows the system to stock items at the component level yet build, cost, and dispense the kit at the point of issue.  This will greatly reduce the inventory required to support a manufacturing operation by eliminating the component tool or item duplication in physical kits or job boxes.  We highly recommend that you set your kits up using the virtual kit function.

Please note that virtual kits are issued from the KIT ISSUE screen, and physical kits are issued from the ISSUES screen.

Completing a Kit Issue Transaction:
  1. Select the Crib from the Crib dropdown field.
  2. Select an Employee from the Employee dropdown field.
  3. Select the validation prompts if required (Department, Job, Machine, Part, and/or Reason) using the dropdown fields.
  4. click the Go button to view a list of available kits.
  5. Enter the number of kits to be issued in the Number Issued field next to the desired kit.
  6. When all Qty's have been entered for the desired kit(s) click the Add To Kit Issue List button.
  7. The number of pending items to be issued will be displayed next to the Kit Issue List button.
  1. Click the Kit Issue List button, you will be directed to the KIT ISSUE screen.  Note:  If the quantity is shown in red there is insufficient inventory of this component to complete the kit issue.
  2. Click the Complete Kit Issue button to complete the Kit Issue transaction.
  3. Click OK on the message Kit Issue completed successfully!

The KIT ISSUE screen displays a list of all selected items to be issued as well as their quantities.  Click the Clear All button to remove all items from the KIT ISSUE screen.  Click the Complete Kit Issue button to complete the kit issue transaction.


The RETURN screen allows issued items to be returned using the AutoCrib software.  This is used primarily for ToolRooms.

To return an item to a crib at the AutoCrib software the following must be true:
  • The crib where the return is to be performed is of type ToolRoom. This is set in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Detail.
  • The crib has the Returnable checkbox checked in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Detail.
  • The item is of type Perishable, Durable, or Gage. This is set in Inventory > Items > Detail.
The Returns module shows all the issued items that need to be returned.

To narrow down the items in the list, you can do the following:
  • Select  a Crib from the Crib dropdown field then click on the Go button to show the items to be returned to the selected crib.
  • Select an Employee form the Employee dropdown field  then click on the Go button to show the items that were issued by the selected employee and are waiting to be returned.
  • Search for the Item to return by clicking using the item filter box (click the down pointing arrow next to the item column to access the filter box).
  • If you have a pick ticket number that was provided during the issue process in Transactions > Issues, Select the pick ticket number from the Pick Ticket dropdown field and click the Go button.
To return an item, do the following:
  1. Select the item you wish to return from the list, the RETURN box will appear.
  2. Enter the quantity to Return, Scrap, or send to Regrind then click OK. These options show up for perishable and durable items.
    • Return - Put the item back to the crib to be issued out again.
    • Scrap - Discard the item.
    • Regrind - Send the item to regrind or repair.
      Note:  For Gages two options are available.  Return - put the gage back to the crib to be issued out again.  Repair - Send the item to calibration (If the Max Cycles is set up for the gage, enter the number of cycles or times the gage was used.


  1. Click the Return List button, this will take you to the RETURN screen.
  2. From the RETURN screen click the Complete Return button to complete the return transaction.
  3. Click OK on the Return completed successfully! message.

The RETURN screen displays a list of all selected items to be returned as well as their quantities.  Click the Clear All button to remove all items from the RETURN screen.  Click the Complete Return button to complete the return transaction, then click OK on the message Return completed successfully!

Kit Return

The KIT RETURN screen is for returning virtual kits.

To return a kit select the Employee from the Employee dropdown field, then select the Kit from the Kit dropdown field and click on Go.

Click on the line of item that you wish to return, the KIT RETURN pop up box will appear.  Enter a Quantity to be returned into the Return, Scrap, or Regrind fields then click the OK button.

Return - Puts the item back to the crib to be issued out again.
- Discards the item.
- Sends the item to regrind or repair.

When you have completed going through all the lines click the Kit Return List button, this will direct you to the KIT RETURN screen where you may review your return list and make any edits to the return quantities.  To complete the return process click the Complete Kit Return button, then click OK on the Return completed successfully! message.

The KIT RETURN screen allows you to review your return list and make any edits to the return quantities.  To complete the return process click the Complete Kit Return button, then click OK on the Return completed successfully! message.

Stock Transfer

The STOCK TRANSFER screen is used to move items from a centralized stores area or traditional tool crib to a machine on the shop floor, or from a RoboCrib to another RoboCrib or ToolRoom.

To perform a transfer complete the following steps:
  1. Select a crib from the Default From Crib dropdown field.  This is the crib where the items will be transferred from. When a Default From Crib is chosen the top grid shows the items for the crib.
  2. Select a crib form the Default To Crib dropdown field.  This is the crib where the items will be transferred to. When a Default To Crib is selected the bottom grid shows the items for the crib.
  3. Select a method form the Method dropdown field:
    • All brings up all the items regardless if they have to be stocked or not.
    • Below Min brings up the items assigned to bins with inventory below the minimum value.
    • Below Max bring up the items assigned to bins with inventory below the maximum value.
    • Automatic transfers stock from bins in the From Crib to bins in the To Crib that are below minimum.  If this method is selected, click again on the Default From Crib, then on the icon next to the Default To Crib.
  1. Click on the line with the bin to transfer stock to from the bottom of the grid (To Item section).
  2. Click on the line with the bin to transfer stock from from the top of the grid (From Item section).
  3. Enter the number of packages to transfer in the Packages Req. field, then click the Tab key on the keyboard (this will enable the Transfer button).  Note:  You will receive a message if you attempt to transfer a quantity that will cause the inventory of the bin where the stock comes from to be below its Min, or if you attempt to transfer a quantity that is above the Max of the bin that will receive the stock, click OK to exit the message.
  4. Click the Transfer button to complete the transaction, then click OK on the message "Transfer has been done".

At this point the items can be physically moved from the Default From Crib to the Default To Crib.  To get a report of the transfers to be performed, go to Reports > Standard, choose Report Category Inventory, and preview the Open Transfers by Item report.

Once the items have been physically moved form the From Crib to the To Crib navigate to Transactions > Open Transfer screen.  From the Open Transfer screen click on the line for the item and click the Complete Transfer button (a prompt asking if the transfer is complete comes up, click Yes or No).

RoboCrib Transfer

The ROBOCRIB TRANSFER screen is for stock transfers between a ToolRoom and a RoboCrib or a RoboCrib to another RoboCrib or ToolRoom.

To perform a transfer complete the following steps:
  1. Select a crib from the Default From Crib dropdown field.  This is the crib where the items will be transferred from.  When a Default From Crib is chosen the top grid shows the items for the crib.
  2. Select a crib form the Default To Crib dropdown field.  This is the crib where the items will be transferred to.  When a Default To Crib is selected the bottom grid shows the items for the crib.
  3. Select a method form the Method dropdown field:
    • All brings up all the items regardless if they have to be stocked or not.
    • Below Min brings up the items assigned to bins with inventory below the minimum value.
    • Below Max bring up the items assigned to bins with inventory below the maximum value.
    • Automatic transfers stock from bins in the From Crib to bins in the To Crib that are below minimum. If this method is selected, click again on the Default From Crib, then on the icon next to the Default To Crib.
  1. Click on the line with the bin to transfer stock to from the bottom of the grid (To Item section).
  2. Click on the line with the bin to transfer stock from from the top of the grid (From Item section).
  3. Enter the number of packages to transfer in the Packages Req. field, then click the Tab key on the keyboard (this will enable the Transfer button).  Note:  You will receive a message if you attempt to transfer a quantity that will cause the inventory of the bin where the stock comes from to be below its Min, or if you attempt to transfer a quantity that is above the Max of the bin that will receive the stock, click OK to exit the message.
  4. Click the Transfer button to complete the transaction, then click OK on the message "Transfer has been done".

At this point the items can be physically moved from the Default From Crib to the Default To Crib.  To get a report of the transfers to be performed, go to Reports > Standard, choose Report Category Inventory, and preview the Open Transfers by Item report.

To complete the transfer automatically using a PO number navigate to Transactions > Open Transfer screen.  From the Open Transfer you will find the PO number next to the line of the item you wish to transfer under the TsftPO column.

To manually complete the transfer transaction from the OPEN TRANSFER screen click on the line for the item and click the Complete Transfer button (a prompt asking if the transfer is complete comes up, click Yes or No).

Open Transfer

The OPEN TRANSFER screen displays a list of all the open transfers that exist in the system.

After the items have been physically moved from the Default From Crib to the Default To Crib, the transfer must be competed in the AutoCrib.NET software.  The transfer may be completed manually or automatically with a PO number.  To manually complete the transfer transaction from the OPEN TRANSFER screen click on the line for the item and click the Complete Transfer button (a prompt asking if the transfer is complete comes up, click Yes or No).  To complete the transfer automatically using a PO number locate the PO number next to the line of the item you wish to transfer under the TsfrPO column.  To create one PO number for multiple line items, select the check box next to the Item you wish to transfer, then click the Transfer PO button.  Click OK on the message "Transfer has been done successfully for selected items".  Note the PO number under the TsfrPO column.  The Cancel Transfer button will cancel the selected transaction.


The ADJUSTMENT screen allows you to cancel an issue transaction.  This is usually done when an item is issued by mistake from the Transactions > Issues module in the AutoCrib.NET software.  The issue transaction must be within the days in the Allow Adjust for Last field in the Cribs > Tool Cribs > DETAIL screen of the crib where the issue was performed.

An adjustment creates a transaction to offset the issue transaction.  In Transactions > History, it shows up as a transaction of type "A".  It increases the On Hand or Burn quantity for the bin by the adjusted amount.  Adjustments are included in the billing reports in Reports > Standard > Misc. Report Category.

Performing an adjustment:
  1. Select a crib from the Cribs selection box, a list of the related bins will appear in the Bins selection box.
  2. Select the bin where the item will be adjusted from the Bins selection box, the Adjustment window will appear.
  3. Select the Employee form which the adjustment is made for from the Employee Select dropdown field.
  4. Enter the Quantity to be adjusted in the Quantity, or Burn Qty fields.
  5. Select the transaction type from the Transactions: dropdown field:  A - is for cancelling the issue transaction, S - is used for customer sites that are converting to billing on restock from billing on issue.  The quantity to be adjusted must be equal to the Current On Hand.  You will be prompted to issue the quantity out of the bin and empty it.  In the Transactions > History a transaction of type "S" is recorded.
  6. Enter a comment or note in the Comment: field explaining why the adjustment is being performed, if needed.
  7. Click the OK button.
  8. Click OK on the message Adjustment info has been updated!


The PHYSICAL screen is used to perform a physical, or to change the on hand or burn quantity of a bin.

A periodic physical is needed in any inventory system to insure a high level of inventory accuracy.  AutoCrib suggests that this should be performed at minimum once a month using the cycle counting module to determine the specific bins that need to be counted.

Performing a Physical:
  1. Select a crib from the Cribs selection box, a list of the related bins will appear in the Bins selection box.
  2. Select the bin where the physical will be performed, the Physical window will appear.
  3. Enter the On Hand and/or Burn Qty for the bin.
  4. Enter comments in the Comment: field as to why the physical was performed, if needed.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click OK on the message Physical info has been updated!

Transactions History

The MONTHLY TRANSACTION REPORTS screen displays all transaction performed through the AutoCrib.NET software and at the machines grouped by month and year. 

To view transactions history for a specific month click on the month's name, you will be directed to the TRANSACTIONS screen. 


Every transaction record is date and time stamped, and includes information such as the item dispensed, the crib and bin it was dispensed from, and the employee that dispensed it.  Click on a transaction from the list to view additional details, you will be directed to the TRANSACTION DETAIL screen for the selected transaction.  Below is a chart of the different Transaction Types that you may see in the Type column:




Adjustment. The item was returned to the machine because it was mistakenly vended, and the issue transaction along with the associated cost is canceled. This increments the On Hand quantity.  


Adjustment of a Burn item. The item was returned to the machine because it was mistakenly vended, and the issue transaction is canceled. This increments the Burn quantity.  


Adjusted Standard Price Change. The adjusted standard price for the item was changed.


Burn. The item was taken out of the machine. This decrements the Burn quantity.


Cancel. Issue transaction cancelled upon bringing up the bin at the RoboCrib (seen in RoboCrib 1000 6.0.26, RoboCrib 500 6.0.24, and RoboCrib 2000 6.0.19 and higher).


Dull Return. Designated locker opened to facilitate return of a dull tool.


This is for issue transactions with the ScaleMate where an invalid weight is recorded.


Sent to Regrind. An item with type Perishable or Durable was sent to repair or regrind.


Gage Inbound. Gage returned from calibration service.


Gage Outbound.  Gage is sent out for calibration.


Issue. The item was taken out of the machine. This decrements the On Hand quantity.


Inspection. Item is sent to inspection from the Receiving module.


Jam. For coil machines, it did not detect the item being dropped into the delivery bin. Recorded against employee abcd.


Jam.  Recorded when Deduct on Jam is not checked in Cribs>Tool Cribs>Detail tab, along with corresponding JAMabcd transaction.  For AutoCabinets, the door was opened and an item was not taken out.  For EleVends, the bin did not rise after closing the bin door.


This is for a cancelled issue transaction for a ScaleMate (weighed) item.


Physical. The On Hand or Burn quantity for the item was changed.


Purchase Order Edit. A line in the purchase order was edited for the item.


Purchase Order. A purchase order was created for the item.


Return. The item was returned to the machine. This increments the On Hand or Burn quantity.


Return from Regrind. An item with type Perishable was received in from repair or regrind.


Rejected. The item is rejected in the Inspection module.


Regrind Outbound. An item is sent from the Outbound to Inbound in the Regrinds module.


Return for Repair. For gages and items with type Durable.


Retrieve Kit.  The Service Locker key on the keypad was used.  


Stock.  Inventory for the item was replenished, either manually or by receiving a purchase order. This increments the On Hand or Burn quantity.


System Failure. The machine attempted to perform a task but did not resolve the command in a certain time frame. In most cases the machine is able to recover and perform the task.


Standard Price Change. The standard price for the item was changed.


Transfer. A stock transfer was performed for the item from one toolroom to another toolroom or RoboCrib. This increments the On Hand quantity in the destination crib and decrements it in the source crib.


Return transaction performed by user who did not issue out the item. This is when Allow Return by Different User is checked in Cribs>Tool Cribs>Defaults (available in AutoCrib and higher). A corresponding R transaction against the employee who issued out the item is recorded.   


Scrap. An item with type Perishable or Durable was sent to scrap/disposed of. This decrements the On Hand or Burn quantity.


The Purchasing menu consists of modules that facilitate the purchasing and receiving of inventory items tracked through the AutoCrib.NET system.  The modules includes Suppliers, Purchase Orders and Receiving.

The SHOW ALL SUPPLIERS screen displays a list of all the suppliers that were added to the AutoCrib.NET software.  To add a new supplier click the + sign, you will then be directed to the ADD SUPPLIER screen.  Click the supplier name to view additional details for the selected supplier.

The ADD SUPPLIER screen is divided into four sections; Supplier Details, Terms, Purchase Orders, and cXML Settings.  Populate the desired fields and click the Save button.

Supplier Details:

Supplier:  This is a unique name or code assigned to the supplier.
Name:  This is the name of the supplier.
Address1, Address 2, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, Fax, Contact:  These are contact details for the supplier.
E-Mail:  This field contains the email addresses that receive the reports for the supplier. Separate multiple emails with a semi-colon, no spaces in between.
Critical E-Mail:  This field contains the email addresses that receive critical emails (E-Mails are sent hourly for bins or items that are set as critical in the AutoCrib software when they are below the critical level). Separate multiple emails with a semi-colon, no spaces in between.
Regrinder:  When this checkbox is checked, the supplier can perform regrinds for perishable items.
Calibrator:  When this checkbox is checked, the supplier can calibrate gages.
Currency Type:, Language type:  Fields are used when exporting automatic POs to an ERP system using XML.  Should you wish to use this function please contact your ERP system administrator for the information.


Discount(%), Days:  This is where you define a Discount % when a PO is paid within a number of Days.
Preferred Ship Method:  Appears on the purchase order.
Sales Tax Rate(%), Service Fee(%):  If applicable, this percentage is applied to the total in the purchase order.

Purchase Order:

P.O. E-Mail:  This field contains the email addresses that receive the automatic purchase orders created in AutoCrib. Separate multiple emails with a semi-colon, no spaces in between.
Approvals Required:  When this checkbox is checked, a PO created under the supplier needs to be approved before it is sent.
Approver Email:  This is the email where the PO is sent as an attachment for approval.
Blanket (External) PO:  This is a static number applied to all POs for the supplier, populated when an external PO number should be used.  This appears on the New PO tab or Robo New PO tab in Purchasing > Purchase Orders after clicking on the PO button next to the PO number.
Expiration Date:  This is the expiration date for the blanket PO. If an attempt is made to create a PO on a date that is equal or later than the Expiration Dt., a message saying ‘Blanket PO is Expired!’ comes up.
Use Order Qty:  This checkbox is checked when the automatic PO should consider the Order Qty in Inventory > Items > Detail for the items.
Auto PO:  Used if automatic POs are to be created for the supplier. Used in conjunction with the Auto PO function in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Detail.
Time:  Time when the automatic PO should be created.
ERP:  System that will create the automatic PO – AutoCrib or Prophet21 Integration client.
Day:  The days when the automatic POs should be sent.
Tag Labels:  For automatic POs generated by Prophet 21.  Used to email tag labels once the Advanced Ship Notice is received back from the distributor.
Format:  These checkboxes indicate how automatic purchase orders are sent;
  • Print:  Prints the PO. EDI is no longer used.
  • Fax:  No longer used
  • E-Mail:  Automatically Emails the PO Report
  • EDI:  No longer used
  • To File:  Saves the PO to the location set in the File Path: field

Use Custom PO Report:  This is checked if a custom PO report is set up for the account.
Custom PO FileName:  The file name of the custom purchase order report.
File type:  The file format for the purchase order if it is to be saved as a file, sent via email, or created automatically.  This is also used when emailing reports from Reports > Standard and emailing quotes from the Purchasing > Purchase Orders menu.

cXML Settings:

The cXML, Host, Port, Auth, User, PW,  ReceiverID, Shared Secret, CustomerID, and Sender ID, fields are for exporting automatic POs to an ERP system using XML.  When the cXML PO checkbox is checked, exporting automatic POs via XML is enabled. Should you wish to use this function please contact your ERP system administrator for the information.

The suppliers DETAIL screen  displays details for the selected supplier.  It provides access to the Notes, History, Issues, Transactions, Safety Stock, and Robo Safety Stock tabs.  You will also have access to the Edit and Delete buttons.

The NOTES screen may be used to enter free form data or information relating to the supplier that you have selected.  You may insert data by typing in the Notes: box, then clicking the Save button to save the note.

The HISTORY screen gives you a rolling 24-month usage for the selected supplier, indicating both expenditures in dollars and issues in packages.

The ISSUES screen lists in a tabular format all transactions for perishable and durable items that have been issued but not returned against the selected supplier.

The TRANSACTIONS screen lists in tabular format all transactions that have occurred for the selected supplier.

Safety Stock

The SAFETY SOTCK screen is a feature to help calculate bin minimum restock points and maximum restock points for all cribs except RoboCribs.  It can also be used as a tool to quickly change many bin minimums and maximums, or it can derive recommended safety stock levels to use as a basis for setting minimums and maximums.

Safety stock levels are calculated based on the historical usage levels, average PO lead times, and the service level to the customer you want to achieve.  Service level is the probability that stock is available at all times.

Setting up safety sock

Selecting Crib(s) and Bin(s)
  1. Using the Crib dropdown field select a specific crib or All cribs to set safety stock, the bins for the crib will display.
  2. Select the checkboxes for the records to calculate safety stock for, or click the checkbox at the header to select all records.  
  3. Enter the number of days or months in the Calculate Avg Daily Demand Based On Last field.
Step 1:  Usage Demand
  1. Enter the number of days or months in the Calculate Avg Daily Demand Based On Last field, then select Days or Months from the dropdown field.
  2. Click the Update button, the Demand column in the grid is updated.
Step 2:  Lead Time
  1. Enter the number of days or months in the Calculate Avg Lead Time Based on Last  field, then select Days or Months from the dropdown field.
  2. Click the Update button, The Lead column in the grid is updated.
Step 3:  Safety Stock
  1. Select the percentage of service level in the Calculate Safety Stock Based On Service Level (50%-99.99%): dropdown field.
  2. Click the Generate button, the safety column in the grid is updated.  Note:   As the service level percentage increases, the safety stock levels rises.
Step 4:  Min & Max

Set minimum and maximum based on recommended safety stock levels.  Updates can now be made to the minimum and maximum levels on the checked bins.  You can update these levels based on the suggested safety stock.  The bin capacity and minimum quantity can also be used to determine these levels.


To update the maximum to the safety level plus 15 complete the following steps:
  • Select the Set Max radio button.
  • Select the + sign from the Safety dropdown field.
  • Enter 15 next to the Safety dropdown field.
  • Click the Update button.
To update the minimum to the Safety level minus 10 complete the following steps:
  • Select the Set Min radio button.
  • Select the - sign from the Minimum dropdown field.
  • Enter 10 next to the Minimum dropdown field.
  • Click the Update button.

The maximum level can be updated based on the minimum level for the bin.  This can be done once the minimum quantities have been updated based on the safety stock suggestion.  The difference between the minimum and the maximum would be extra stock that the customer is willing to keep in the bin to avoid stock outs.

To update the maximum to the Minimum level plus 5 complete the following steps:
  • Select the Set Max radio button.
  • Select the + sign next to the Minimum dropdown field.
  • Enter 5 in next to the Minimum dropdown field.
  • Click the Update button next to the Minimum fields.
To set the maximum to the bin capacity complete the following steps:
  • Select the Set Max radio button.
  • Click the Equal to Bin Capacity button.

Exporting and importing MinMax

The minimum and maximum can be exported to a file for editing and imported into the AutoCrib.NET software through the SAFETY STOCK screen:

To Export the file click the Export link, .txt file will automatically download to your computer.  The .txt file is saved as a tab-delimited text file you may pen the file with Notepad or Excel.  The columns in the file are as follows:  Crib, Bin, Item, Minimum, Maximum, Demand, Lead Time, and Safety.

You may edit the minimum and maximum levels in the file .txt file, then make sure to save any changes that were made to the file.  Click the Import MinMax link, browse to the file location, select the file then click the Upload button.  The minimum and maximum levels will automatically be updated.

Robo Safety Stock

The ROBO SAFETY STOCK screen is a feature to help calculate item minimum restock points and maximum restock points for RoboCribs.  It can also be used as a tool to quickly change lots of items minimum and maximum quantities, or it can derive recommended safety stock levels to use as a basis for setting minimums and maximums.  Safety stock levels are calculated based on the historical usage levels, average PO lead times, and the service level to the customer you want to achieve.  Service level is the probability that stock is available at all times.

Complete the following steps to set up safety stock:

Step 1: Usage Demand to calculate average daily demand:
  • Select a specific crib or All cribs to set safety stock.  
  • Click on the Run button, the items for the crib show up in the list.
  • Select the checkboxes for the records to calculate safety stock for, or click the checkbox at the header to select all records.
  • Enter the number of days or months in the Calculate Avg Daily Demand Based On Last field.
  • Click the Update button, The Demand column in the grid will be updated.
Step 2: Lead Time to calculate average lead time:
  • Enter the number of days or months in the Calculate Avg Lead Time Based on Last  field.
  • Click the Update button, the Lead column in the grid will be updated.
Step 3: Safety Stock to calculate safety stock level:
  • Enter the percentage of service level in the Calculate Safety Stock Based on Service Level field.
  • Click the Generate button, the Safety Colum in the grid will be updated.
Note:  As the service level percentage increases, the safety stock levels rises.

Step 4:  Set Minimum and Maximum quantities based on recommended safety stock levels.

Updates can now be made to the minimum and maximum levels on the checked bins.  You can update these levels based on the suggested safety stock.  The bin capacity and minimum quantity can also be used to determine these levels.  

  • To update the maximum to the Safety level plus 15, select Set Max radio button, then the + sign, and enter 15. Click the Safety button. 
  • To update the minimum to the Safety level minus 10, select Set Min radio button, then the - sign, and enter 10. Click the Safety button.
The maximum level can be updated based on the minimum level for the bin.  This can be done once the minimum quantities have been updated based on the safety stock suggestion.  The difference between the minimum and the maximum would be extra stock that the customer is willing to keep in the bin to avoid stock outs.  
  • To update the maximum to the Minimum level plus 5, select Set Max radio button, then the + sign under the Min button, and enter 5. Click the Min button. 
  • To set the maximum to the bin capacity, select Set Max radio button then click on the Equal to Bin Capacity button.

Exporting and importing MinMax

The minimum and maximum can be exported to a file for editing and imported into the AutoCrib.NET software through the ROBO SAFETY STOCK screen:

To Export the file click the Export link, .txt file will automatically download to your computer.  The .txt file is saved as a tab-delimited text file you may pen the file with Notepad or Excel.  The columns in the file are as follows:  Crib, Bin, Item, Minimum, Maximum, Demand, Lead Time, and Safety.

You may edit the minimum and maximum levels in the file .txt file, then make sure to save any changes that were made to the file.  Click the Import MinMax link, browse to the file location, select the file then click the Upload button.  The minimum and maximum levels will automatically be updated.  

The Suppliers HISTORY screen displays a rolling 24-month usage by item for the selected supplier, indicating both expenditures in dollars and issues in packages.

This suppliers ISSUE DETAIL screen lists in a tabular format all transactions for perishable and durable items that have been issued but not returned to the selected crib for the selected supplier.

The suppliers TRANSACTION DETAIL screen lists in a tabular format all transactions that have occurred for the selected supplier.

Purchase Class

Before the Demand Based New PO feature can be used, purchase classes must be created and defined.  

The objective of a purchase class is to determine how many days of supply are available before an item stocks out.  Multiple purchase classes are necessary based on the different types of tooling being dispensed through the AutoCrib system.  For example, a supplier would prefer to minimize the days of supply for high cost, fast moving items while inexpensive items like fasteners should have a long period for days of supply because the supplier does not want to go through the efforts of creating purchase orders and stocking items that have a low cost value.  Typical classes include:
  • Fast moving and high cost items - i.e. carbide inserts.
  • Slow moving and high cost items - i.e. tool holders.
  • Fast moving and low cost items - i.e. fasteners, gloves, drill bits.
  • Slow moving and low cost items - i.e. circuit breakers, receptors, connectors.
The Purchasing > Purchase class module is where the purchase classes are created.  As an example, the fast moving and high cost items is set up as a purchase class.

To Add a new purchase class select the + sign from the SHOW ALL PURCHASE CLASS screen.

Purchase Class:  The purchase class is user-definable, but must be unique.
Description:  Describe the purchase class.  For example, fast moving and high cost items.
Days of Supply:  The desired number of days between restocks without running out of inventory.
Lead Time Avg (Lookback):  The number of most recent purchase orders to calculate the average lead time of an item.  The lead time is calculated from the time a purchase order is created to the time the item is received in the system.
Review Cycle Days(s):  Number of days between the signal from AutoCrib to purchase an item to adding the data into the supplier’s order system.
Usage High (Lookback) Month(s):  Number of months to analyze the highest spike/demand in usage for the period.  The usage high lookback should be equal to the number of months as the average usage lookback.  AutoCrib suggests 12 months as a lookback period.
Avg Usage (Lookback) Month(s):  Number of months to analyze the average monthly usage of an item.  A weight is applied to each month within the lookback period.  The average usage lookback should be equal to the number of months as the usage high lookback.  
Cover Spikes:  A spike is defined as an unexpected rise in usage.  When cover spikes is checked, AutoCrib will always order up to the highest monthly spiked usage within the lookback period.  For example, ABC Company uses an average of 10 CNMG Inserts every month.  The spike has been defined as a 200% increase over the normal usage in a month.  A spike condition will occur once 21 CNMG Inserts have been issued within the month.
Use Trend Multiplier:  When checked, AutoCrib will determine if the average monthly usage has increased or decreased in the last 3 months.  Demand increasing or decreasing three months in a row is referred to as a trend.  An average percentage increase/decrease in usage over the last three months is determined.  As long as a spike condition has not taken place, the trend multiplier will be applied to the normal reorder quantity calculation.  
Spike Define as %:  A spike condition can be defined based on a percentage increase in demand over the average daily usage (ADU) or average monthly usage (AMU).  The user must decide if spikes should be calculated using the average monthly usage or average daily usage.  Then, AutoCrib will calculate the average usage and determine if the usage has increased more than the spike percent defined.  
Greater Than:  Related to the Spike Define as % fields, select 'Greater Than Last 7 days Average Usage' or 'Avg Daily Usage'.
Weights for Weighted Average Daily Usage:  Each month must be defined with a multiplier to increase or decrease the weight applied to that month’s usage.  The last 24 months can be assigned with a multiplier; however, the last 12 months of usage is suggested.  A greater emphasis is usually given to recent usage history to determine demand because the most recent usage history is a better predictor than transactions that occurred several months ago.  The result is a weighted monthly usage per item.  In the absence of spike conditions, weighted average usage is applied to days of supply and lead time to determine the order quantity.  AutoCrib suggests reducing the weight in .25 increments.  As seen in the example below, 20.00 has been applied as the weight to last month’s usage.  This accounts for 22.2% of the total weight for the average usage of an item.  

The usage is applied chronologically from left to right. The left most weight represents last month’s usage while the rightmost weight represents usage 12 months ago.

You may decide to significantly increase the first month’s weight when compared to the remaining 11 months because the customer feels last month’s usage has a much stronger influence in predicting today’s demand.  This theory would be applicable in times where the economy is slowing and manufacturing plants are reducing the amount of product they produce.  Also, a manufacturing plant may decide they are going to reduce the amount of a part being produced because the demand has decreased.  This would also suggest applying a larger weight to the last month’s usage.  As seen in the example below, increasing the weight of last month to 30.00 changed the weight to 30.0%.  This means that last month’s average usage is 30% more important than usage occurring 12 months ago.

Click on Ok to save the purchase class. It can now be assigned to an item in Inventory > Items > Detail.
The Demand tab displays the calculated demand and suggested order quantities. These are generated by the demand-based ordering calculation ran in Tools>Options>Scheduler.

Purchase Class Demand

The SHOW ALL DEMAND screen displays the calculated demand and suggested order quantities.  These are generated by the demand-based ordering calculation ran from the Purchase Class > Detail screen or the Tools > Options > Scheduler.

The columns are explained below:
Lead - The average number of days it takes the supplier to stock the item after the purchase order was created.
ADU - Average daily usage based on the lookback period defined for the purchase class.
AMU - Average monthly usage based on the lookback period defined for the purchase class.
DHigh - Daily High - the highest usage within a day based on the lookback period defined for the purchase class.
MHigh - Monthly High – the highest usage within a month based on the lookback period defined for the purchase class.
Wtd ADU -
 The weighted average daily usage (WADU) is calculated by applying the monthly weights defined for the purchase class and dividing the weighted usage by the number of days within each month.
Spike -
 A Boolean (true/false) field used to notify the user if the item is within the spike condition defined for the purchase class.  
ReOrd Pt -  The reorder point is essentially the minimum for the item.  The software calculates the reorder point by adding the lead time and review time.  Then this calculation is multiplied by the weighted average daily usage.  The reorder point calculation is (lead time + review cycle) * WADU, rounded up to the nearest whole number. In the example above, item 8160106 has a lead time of 1  and review cycle of 1. The reorder point is (1 + 2) * 0.808 = 2.424, rounded off to 2.
Req Qty -  The required quantity is the total number of packages that need to be purchased.  The AutoCrib software multiplies weighted average daily usage to the days of supply defined for the purchase class.  This equates to the total expected demand for the item within the days of supply. The required quantity calculation is WADU * Days of Supply.
Order Qty -  The order quantity changes depending on whether or not the system is in a spike condition or a trend condition is experienced.  Typically, the order quantity will reflect the weighted ADU multiplied by the days of supply. In the example above, the purchase class has a days of supply of 21, so the Req Qty for item 8160106 is 0.808 * 21 =  16.968, rounded off to 17.

The purchase class DETAIL screen displays details for the selected purchase class.
  • Edit - Click the the Edit button allows you to make changes to the purchase class details.
  • Delete - The Delete button allows you to delete a purchase class (only if there are no associated transactions)
  • Calculate DBO Now -  The Calculate DBO Now button will calculate your DBO quantities.

The purchase class EDIT screen allows you to make changes to the purchase class details, click the Update button to save your changes.

The SHOW ALL EFFECTIVE DATE screen allows you to set the Effective Date for the items which is the date that DBO purchasing will start using the DBO reorder quantity rather than Min/Max reorder quantity.  To add an effective date to an item, enter the date in the Effective Date field next to the desired item, then click the Save button.

Before the Demand Based New PO feature can be used, purchase classes must be created and defined.  The objective of a purchase class is to determine how many days of supply are available before an item stocks out.  Multiple purchase classes are necessary based on the different types of tooling being dispensed through the AutoCrib system.  To Add a new purchase class select the + sign from the SHOW ALL PURCHASE CLASS screen.


The purchase order is a request to buy a product or service from a supplier or vendor.  The purchase order has a unique number that can be used to track the order from its creation to its receipt and payment.

Purchase orders are generated in the PURCHASE ORDERS screen. 

Item Min Max
An item or bin must have a minimum and maximum set up for it to be included in a purchase order.  The minimum and maximum fields are used to determine when an item needs to be ordered.  The minimum represents the lowest number of packages allowed in the bin before reordering.  The quantity in the minimum field indicates the inventory level that the bin should have from the time a purchase order is generated to the time the item will be stocked.  This is set so that the bin does not go completely out of stock before the item in the bin can be ordered.  The minimum value will trigger the AutoCrib.NET software to reorder if the Below Min method is selected.  The maximum is another reorder point in the AutoCrib software that is higher than the minimum.  It is usually set to the bin capacity or helix size.  The maximum value will trigger the AutoCrib software to reorder if the Below Max method is selected.  This number cannot exceed the helix size or bin capacity. 

:  You will receive the following warning if the system detects that there are items setup in bins without a min/max value:

If you select the Yes, setup Min/Max Values button you will be directed to the Update Min max of Robo Cribs  screen where you will be allowed to Update the Min and Max values for the item.  Select the No, Remind me later button if you wish to setup the min and max for the item(s) at a later timeSelect the Don't ask again checkbox to turn off this reminder in the future.

: An item or bin comes up in the PO to be ordered if the total inventory is below the minimum level or below the maximum level, depending on the method chosen.  The total inventory is equal to the sum of the On Hand, Burn Qty, On Order, Issued, and quantities that are part of a stock transfer.  For RoboCrib items, the minimum and maximum are set in Cribs > Tool Cribs > MinMax. The minimum and maximum is set per item.  For Vending Machine and ToolRoom items, if the Create PO’s by Crib Min Max in Tools > Options > Defaults is checked, the minimum and maximum is set in Cribs > Tool Cribs > MinMax.  If this is not checked, the minimum and maximum is set in Cribs > Bins > Detail.  That is, the minimum and maximum is set per bin, not per item.  For all other crib types, the minimum and maximum is set up per bin in Cribs > Bins > Detail.

Note:  When a purchase order is generated in the AutoCrib.NET software, the quantities in it are in packages, not in pieces or eaches.  The quantity in a package is set up in the Cribs > Bins > Detail tab for the bin. 

Purchase Orders for all cribs are created in the PURCHASE ORDERS screen.  The Purchase Orders screen defaults to the Suggestions tab.  By Default the suggestions window will display a list of Items grouped by Crib which meet the Below Max re-ordering criteria.

To create a new Purchase Order complete the following steps:

Step 1:  Suggestions tab:
  1. Select the Crib you wish to create the Purchase Order for from the Crib(s) dropdown field or leave the default All to create a purchase order for all cribs.
  2. Select the Re-Order Method from the Re-Order Method dropdown field. 
  • Note:  By default the Re-Order Method dropdown is set to Below Max, however if you select another option this will now become the new default.
  • Note:  You may further filter the list by using the filter box. The filter box may be accessed by selecting the dropdown arrow located to the right of each column heading.  To clear the filter click the Remove Filter icon clearfilter.
  • Note:  Items may have the Order Qty set up in Inventory > Items > Detail if they are bought in multiples.  For the PO to consider the order quantity of the items, verify that the Use Order Qty checkbox is checked on.
  • Note:  Click the paper icon next to the item code   paper  to view the items monthly history of issues report.
  1. Check the boxes next to the items that you would like to order, then click the Add To Order button,  Note:  you can select the checkbox next to the Item column to select all suggested items. 
  2. After you click the Add To Order button you will see a message notifying you of the number of items that were added to the purchase order and the Total CostNote:  Total Cost = ReOrder Qty + Pack Qty +Price.
  3. Click the Review Purchase Order button or select the Purchase Order tab.
Spot Buy allows the creation of POs for items that are not set up in Inventory > Items.
Select All button allows you to select all suggested items.
You may sort any of the columns in the grid by descending or ascending order by clicking on the column headings.

Step 2:  Purchase Order tab:
  1. Review and/or edit the ReOrder Qty by entering the Qty you wish to order into the field.
  2. Click the Create Purchase Order button to generate the purchase order.  Please note that a new PO will be generated for each supplier!
  3. Click OK on the Purchase now? message, you will then be directed to the EDIT PO screen.  Each supplier will have a different PO number created. Use the PO Number field arrows to navigate through the different PO Numbers.  Note:  You may generate a Tag directly from the Edit PO screen by clicking the Generate Tag link!

Below are other functions available at the Purchase Order screen:

Add Additional Item(s) button - Click the Add Additional Item(s) button to add additional item(s) to your Purchase Order.  After clicking the Add additional Item(s) button you will be defaulted to the Suggestions screen, check the check box next to the item(s) you wish to add, then click the Add To Order button.  When you have finished adding your items click the Review Purchase Order button or Purchase Order tab.
Remove Selected Line(s) button - To remove item(s) from the Purchase Order, check the box next to the item(s) you wish to remove then click the Remove Selected Line(s) button.
Line Detail button - To navigate to the Line Detail screen click the Line Detail button or check the check box next to the item you wish to view the details for then click the Line Detail button.  The Line Detail screen allows you to make the following changes to the Item:
  • Change the supplier for the item.
  • Enter an External PO number.
  • Update the Unit Cost, and Unit Price.
  • Add a Due Date.
  • Add a Promise Date.
  • Enter PO Line Notes.
  • Change the ReOrder Qty.
  • Bin Details tab - Displays each bin on order for the selected item, you may edit the OrderQty for each bin from this screen.
  • Item Usage tab - Displays the transactions history for the selected item.
  • Remove Selected Line(s) - When clicking this button the selected item will be removed from the Purchase Order.
Quote button - A PO may be emailed as a quote by clicking the Quote button.
Note button - You may add notes for the PO by clicking on the Note button.
Spot Buy button - Spot Buy allows the creation of POs for items that are not set up in Inventory > Items.

Manual New PO

The MANUAL NEW PO screen is for ToolRooms only.  It allows you to create the entries of the purchase order manually as opposed to choosing a Method and allowing the items to come up automatically.
To create a Manual New PO, complete the following steps:

1.  Select the desired crib from the Crib dropdown field.
2.  The PO number field will default to the next PO number (you may manually enter an external PO number).
3.  To Select Items to add to the PO click the Insert link, the Add item pop up screen will appear.
4.  Select the check box next to each item you wish to add to the purchase order.
5.  Click the Add Item button.
6.  If the same item is assigned to multiple bins, select the Bin you wish to order for from the Bin dropdown.
7.  Enter the desired Order Quantity in the Qty field.
9.  You may edit the Price in the Price column.
10.From the Due Date field click the calendar icon and select a due date.
11.Click the Apply button.
12.  Click Ok on the message Purchase Now?
13.  Click Ok on the message PO has been added successfully!

You may add a Purchase Order Note by typing your note in the PO Notes: field.
You may change the Ship To Address by typing the new address in the Change Ship To Address: field.
Spot Buy allows the creation of POs for items that are not set up in Inventory > Items.
Quote allows a PO to be emailed as a quote.

Demand Based New PO

The DEMAND-BASED NEW PO screen allows purchase orders to be generated for items based on their usage history or demand.  The traditional method of using minimums and maximums is obsolete in many cases because min/max systems do not take into account changes in demand like usage spikes, trends (up or down), and lead times for each individual item.  Suppliers have to continue to review their minimums and maximums to verify that enough quantity is available based on these changing factors.  The most common problems associated with the traditional method of purchasing are listed below.
  • The majority of all usage is irregular.  Therefore, the supplier currently stocks in anticipation of a spike, not for the usage of an item.
  • Minimums and maximums do not adjust with increasing or decreasing demand.  
  • The minimum does not adjust with increasing or decreasing lead times.

Demand-based purchasing takes into consideration the desired days of supply, lead time, review cycle, usage spikes, and weighted average usage for each item.  A purchase class is assigned to each item which defines these parameters.  The historical usage is analyzed to produce a reorder point and reorder quantity on a daily basis.  This feature eliminates the need for users to review their minimums and maximums set within the software because the AutoCrib software will now calculate these values for you base on the changing trends.

To use the demand-based ordering feature, the following must be done:
  1. Define purchase classes.
  2. Assign items to purchase classes via Inventory > Items > Detail or Tools > Fast Edit.
  3. Calculate the demand  in Tools > Options > Scheduler.  It can also be set to calculate at a specified time.
  4. Review the demand calculations in the Purchasing > Purchase Class > Demand.

To create a demand based PO do the following:
  1. Select a crib from the Crib dropdown field.
  2. Select a supplier from the Supplier dropdown field or substitute from the Substitute dropdown field.
  3. Click the Go button, the items to order will display.
  4. To purchase all the items that came up on the PO, click on the Purchase All button.  Otherwise, click on a line in the PO, and populate the Purchase field with the quantity to buy.  Note:  If needed, enter a Due Date and a Promise Date (once a Promise Date is set, it can no longer be changed).
  5. Click the Apply button.
  6. Click OK.

Below are additional functions in the Demand Based New PO screen:

Clear All -
Resets the Purchase values to zero.
Quote - A PO can be emailed as a quote by clicking on the Quote Button.
Note - You can add a PO Notes by clicking on the Note button.

Edit PO

The EDIT PO screen provides the ability to make changes to a purchase order or delete it.  The Edit PO screen defaults to the Purchase Order tab.  The Purchase Order tab displays a list of all open purchase orders in the system.  To Edit a PO or multiple POs check the box(s) next to the PO Number(s) that you wish to edit, then click the Edit Selected Purchase Orders button, you will be directed to the Edit tab.

Note:  To edit a PO Quote check the Show Quotes check box, this will list all open PO Quotes. 

The Edit tab will display the details for the first PO number selected  in the previous screen.  The selected PO Number will display in the PO Number field.  If more then one PO numbers were selected in the previous screen click the right arrow button next to the PO Number field to view the details for the next PO number etc.

From the EditPO screen you may edit the following fields:  Supplier (Select the Supplier dropdown to select a substitute supplier), Term, Ship Method, Supplier Address, Supplier Contact, Ship to Address, Ship To Contact, Tax Rate, Service Fee, and the Ordered Qty using the Revised Qty field.

Note: You may filter and view/sort by the following grids; Crib, Item, Description, Pkg Qty, Supplier, Max, Min, In Pipeline (In Stock Value = On Hand Qty + Burn Qty +Qty expected to be returned tot eh bin + Qty being transferred to the bin + Qty on order, including the current PO), and On Order.

Note:  Select the Line Details tab to edit the Unit Cost, Unit Price, Due Date, Promise Date, and ReOrder Qty fields, as well as add Line Notes to the PO.  You may also remove the selected line or line items from the PO.

Once changes have been made to the desired fields click the Update Purchase Order button to save the changes.

Note:  You may generate a tag by selecting the Generate Tag link.  If the tag contains serialized items or gages you will receive the following message:  "This PO contains serialized items.  Do you wish to associate serials with your Purchased Items now?" If you would like to enter the serial numbers during the stock process and proceed with generating the tag select "No, I would like to create the tag and enter Serial numbers during the stock process".  If you wish to enter the serial numbers during the tag creation select "Yes, I have the serial numbers that will be assigned."

Below are other functions available from the Edit tab:

Delete PO:  Click the Delete PO button to delete the entire PO.
Quote:  A PO may be emailed as a quote by clicking the Quote button.
Spot Buy:  Spot Buy allows the creation of POs for items that are not set up in Inventory > Items.
Add  Item:  Click the Add Item button to add additional item(s) to your Purchase Order.  After clicking the Add Item button the Item Lookup pop up box will appear.  Click on the item that you wish to add, a list of all the cribs and bins that the item is assigned to will appear.  Select the item which is assigned to the desired Crib and Bin, this item will be added to the PO, you can then edit the Qty from the Edit tab.
Delete Item:  To remove item(s) from the Purchase Order, check the box next to the item(s) you wish to remove then click the Delete Item button.
Note:  You may add notes to the PO by clicking the Note button.
Print:  To Print the purchase order report click the Print button.
Export:  To export the PO click the Export button.
E-Mail:  To E-Mail the PO click the E-Mail button.

Line Details
tab:  To view or edit specific line items from the PO click the Line Details tab or check the check box next to the item you wish to view the details for, then click the Line Details tab.  The Line Details tab will default to the first Line Item from the selected PO.  The Item field displays the PO number as well as the line number being edited.  To select the next line from the PO click the right arrow next to  the Item field, or to select the next PO number click inside the Item field and a dropdown list of all POs to be edited will be displayed.  Select the desired PO number from the list. 
From the Line Details tab you will be able to edit the Unit Cost, Unit Price, Due Date, Promise Date, and ReOrder Qty fields, as well as add Line Notes to the PO.
You may also remove the selected line or line items from the PO by checking the box(s) next to the Crib and Bin that the item is assigned to then click the Remove Selected Line(s) button.

Edit Quote

A Quote can be edited from the EDIT QUOTE screen.  Select the checkbox(s) next to the Quote Number that you wish to edit, then click the Edit Selected Quote button, you will be directed to the Edit tab.

The Edit tab will display a list of all the items from selected quote.  If more than one quote was selected click the right arrow button next to the Quote No field to view the details of the next quote number.  Enter the Qty you wish to edit for each of the line items using the Ext Qty field.  Make sure toe click the Update Quote button to save your changes.

Below are other functions available from the Edit tab:

Create Purchase Order: 
If you wish to convert the Quote to a Purchase Order, click the Create Purchase Order button.
Spot Buy: 
Spot Buy allows the creation of POs for items that are not set up in Inventory > Items.
Add  Item: 
Click the Add Item button to add additional item(s) to your Quote.  After clicking the Add Item button the Item Lookup pop up box will appear.  Click on the item that you wish to add, a list of all the cribs and bins that the item is assigned to will appear.  Select the item which is assigned to the desired Crib and Bin, this item will be added to the Quote, you can then edit the Qty from the Edit tab.
Delete Item: 
To remove item(s) from the Quote, check the box next to the item(s) you wish to remove then click the Delete Item button.
Click the Print button to print a copy of the Quote.
Click the Export button to export a copy of the Quote file.
If you wish to email a copy of the Quote to the Supplier, click the E-Mail button.

Line Details tab:  To view or edit specific line items from the Quote click the Line Details tab or check the check box next to the item you wish to view the details for, then click the Line Details tab.  The Line Details tab will default to the first Line Item from the selected Quote.  The Item field displays the Quote number as well as the line number being edited.  To select the next line from the Quote click the right arrow next to the Item field, or to select the next Quote number click inside the Item field and a dropdown list of all Quotes to be edited will be displayed.  Select the desired Quote number from the list. 
From the Line Details tab you will be able to edit the Unit Cost, Unit Price, Due Date, Promise Date, and ReOrder Qty fields, as well as add Line Notes to the Quote.
You may also remove the selected line or line items from the Quote by checking the box(s) next to the Crib and Bin that the item is assigned to then click the Remove Selected Line(s) button.

Create Tags

Purchase orders can be assigned advanced ship notices or tags from the CREATE TAGS screen.  The tag provides a simple and fast way for a driver or stocking clerk to receive items against the PO with a minimum amount of data entry.  It reduces data entry errors and improves inventory accuracy.

To Create a tag complete the following steps:
  1. Select the checkbox next to the PO number that you wish to create a tag.
  2. Click the Create Tag button, you will then be directed to the Create Tag tab.
  1. Next to the line for the item to be received in enter the quantity in either the Rec.O ( Receive On Hand) or Rec.B (Receive to Burn) fields.   If you would like to receive all items and quantities on the PO you may simply click the Receive All or Receive All burn buttons.  Note:  If you would like to receive an incomplete line, make sure to uncheck the Line Complete check box.  This will make sure that remaining quantities for the item will remain open on the PO, a new tag number will need to be created when the rest of the items are ready to be received in.
  2. Click the Apply button when you are ready to receive the items.
  1. Click Ok on the message "Create Tag Now?", then click OK on the message "Tag has been created successfully!", you will then be directed to the Select PO tab.
  2. Print the "Inventory Input Sheet" report, found in Reports > Standard > Purchasing (Report Category).  This report provides you a list of POs with the items and quantities to be delivered along with their tag number.  Upon delivery the tag number can be entered using the Stock function key at an AutoCrib keypad or the Stock function at the touchscreen to automatically receive the POs listed on the Inventory Input Sheet.
  • Group By Crib, Item - If you would like to edit the line item for a specific bin you may view the list of assigned bins by unchecking the Group By Crib, Item check box.  By default the check box is checked however, if you uncheck the checkbox your preferences will be saved and the next time you access the Create Tag screen the Group By Crib, Item checkbox will be unchecked.
  • Assign & Print RFID - If the items should be assigned RFID numbers check the Assign & Print RFID checkbox, otherwise uncheck the box.
  • The Purchasing > Receiving module can be used to manually receive in purchase orders, instead of using the keypad or touchscreen interface.
  • The purchase order can be pulled up in Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Create Tags regardless if a tag has been created or not for the PO.
  • The quantity for the PO can be edited without creating another tag for the entire PO.

Receive PO

The RECEIVE PO screen allows outstanding PO items to be received in and closed out through the AutoCrib.NET software.  This is used primarily for POs for ToolRooms.  For POs for RoboCribs, use the Create Tags module to receive the PO, then stock the tag at the machine.  You can also stock the PO at the RoboCrib with the PO number.  You can receive items as burn or on hand.  Additionally, the user can receive items into an inspection area using the inspection module.

To receive a PO complete the following steps:
  1. Select the Purchase Order number from the PONumber dropdown field then click Go.
  2. To receive all items on the PO, click the Receive All, or Receive All Burn button.  Note:  Click the Clear All button will remove all items from being received.
  3. To receive items individually, highlight the line with the item, then enter the quantity to be received in the Rec.O (Receive On Hand) or Rec.B (Receive Burn) field.
  4. To send the item to inspection, enter the quantity to be sent to inspection in the Insp.O (Inspection On Hand), or Insp.B (Inspection Burn) field.  Set the Insp. Date (Inspection Date) if needed.
  5. Click the Apply button  after receiving the items.  The quantities entered become part of On Hand or Burn for the bin. The items can now be brought into the ToolRoom or vending machine to stock.

 NoteWhen a line in a PO is received, the item’s Moving Average Cost and Price is recalculated in the AutoCrib database.  However, the averages can be reset using the Reset Moving Average Cost/Price function located under the Tools menu.

IntelliPort Machine Notes

  • Check the Assign & Print RFID checkbox if items should be assigned RFID numbers.
  • After receiving a PO for the IntelliPort bring the items inside the portal. Do not check them in with the IntelliPort software.  This is to prevent the IntelliPort software from creating issue and adjustment transactions to compensate, and make transaction reports confusing.
  • If you received a PO but forgot to print RFID labels for the items in the PO, go to Inventory > RF Items to assign RFIDs.

Receiving Stock

The STOCK screen allows stocking of bins for all cribs except RoboCribs without creating a purchase order.

To stock the bins, complete the following steps:
  1. Select a Crib from the Crib dropdown field.
  2. Select a Supplier from the Supplier dropdown field.
  3. Select a Method from the Method dropdown field.
  • At/Below Min - Brings up the items assigned to bins with inventory at or below the minimum value.
  • Below Max - Brings up the items assigned to bins with inventory below the maximum value.
  • All - Brings up all the items for the supplier regardless if they have to be ordered or not.
  1. Click the Go button, the screen will populate with the bins that can be stocked.
  2. To stock all of the bins in the list with the quantities from the Req field, click on the Receive All or Receive All Burn button.  Otherwise, click on a line and populate the Rec.O (Receive On Hand) or Rec.B (Receive Burn) field with the quantity to stock.
  3. Check the Assign & Print RFID checkbox to print RFID labels for the items.
  4. Click on the Apply button to stock the items. 
  5. Click Ok on the Stock Now? pop-up box.
  6. Click Ok on the Stock completed successfully! pop-up box.

Receiving Inspection

The INSPECTION screen enables items to be inspected before being received in.  When an item is sent to inspection, it is removed from the purchase order.  Once the item has cleared inventory you must go back into the Inspection tab and receive or reject the item.

To receive items from inspection, complete the following steps:
  1. Select a PO number from the PONumber dropdown field.
  2. To receive in all items for the purchased quantity level, click the Receive All button. Clicking the Clear All button resets the quantities to be received to zero.
  3. To receive or reject individual items, highlight the desired bin then enter the Rej.O (Reject On Hand), Rej.B (Reject Burn), Rec.O (Receive On Hand) or Rec.B (Receive Burn Qty) as needed.
  4. Click the Apply button to receive the items.  The received quantity goes into the On Hand or Burn Qty for the bin.
  5. Click Ok on the Receive Now? pop-up box.
  6. Click Ok on the Inspection completed successfully! pop-up box.

Regrinds Inbound

The items must be received back into inventory once the regrinder has resharpened them.  The INBOUND screen of the Purchasing > Regrinds module displays all tools that are expected to be return from a regrinder.

Below are the steps to return an item from regrind:
  1. Select a regrinder from the Regrinder dropdown field and/or Regrind PO, then click Go.
  2. Select the item to be received from the Item list, the Inbound pop-up box will appear.
  3. Enter number of unites to be restocked in one of the following fields:
    • Unites Restocked OnHand - To restock qty to On Hand.
    • Unites Restocked Burn - To restock qty to Burn.
    • Number of Units Scrapped - To scrap the item if the regrinder is unable to resharpen a tool.
  1. The item can be received in as a different item code by populating the New Item Code field.  In many instances a regrind tool item code is created, the regrind item code can have a ‘-R’ in it to differentiate it from the new tool item code.  The advantage of having separate item codes for a new item and a regrind item is that a regrind item can be set so that it is issued first before the new item by using reference bins or items.  This saves you from issuing the more expensive new item, and ensures that the older, cheaper regrind items are used up first.
  2. Select the crib and the bin (if the item resides in several different bins).
  3. The expected cost of the regrind service will automatically populate in the Unit Price field.
  4. Click OK on the Inbound pop-up box, an RG (Return from Regrind) transaction type will be recorded in Transactions > History and the On Hand or Burn for the bin will be increased.
  5. Return the regrind item to the machine.  When returning regrind items to the RoboCrib, do a physical for the bin where the item is assigned so that the RoboCrib brings up the bin and opens the door.

Regrinds Outbound

When an item is returned as Regrind, it is automatically placed into the OUTBOUND screen of the Purchasing > Regrinds module.  

Below are the steps to send an item from the OUTBOUND screen to the regrinder.
  1. Select the regrinder that will perform the re-sharpening work from the Regrinder dropdown field.
  2. Assign a purchase order to the regrind service:  Enter a purchase order number manually in the Regrind PO field or use the number generated by the AutoCrib.NET software.
  3. Click the Go button.
  4. Select the item that needs to be sent to the regrind facility from the Item list, the Sent To Inbound pop-up box will appear.

  1. Enter the Expected Cost, Expected Return date, and any special Notes regarding the item that should appear on the regrind purchase order.
  2. Click OK on the Sent To Inbound box.
  3. Click OK on the Successfully updated outbound regrind detail message, the item will be removed from the OUTBOUND screen.  AutoCrib.NET creates an RO transaction type once an item is sent from OUTBOUND.
  4. Print the Regrind Purchase Orders report located in Reports > Standard > Purchasing Report Category.  This purchase order should be sent with the tools to the regrind facility.

The item is now ready to be sent to the regrind facility.

Serial Inbound

Once the gage is returned from the calibrator, they are best delivered to a gage inbound staging area location on a designated shelf in the main crib or store.  The next step is to receive the gage using the INBOUND screen of the Purchasing > Serial module.

To return a gage from calibration complete the following steps:
  1. Select the supplier from the Supplier dropdown field, then click Go.
  2. Select the Item to be returned, the Return Serial From Calibration pop-up box will appear.
  3. Select the Return Date, Calibration Date, as well as any changes to limitation, standard, accuracy and tolerance
  4. Enter the Actual Cost, check the appropriate checkboxes, and populate the Work Performed, then click OK.
  5. Click OK on the Successfully update inbound serial detail message.

There are no additional steps required in a tool crib; the gage can simply be returned to its bin location.  In a keypad-based AutoLocker, this process is performed at the keypad using the Service Locker key; choose Gage, then In.  This will open the appropriate door.  At the RoboCrib or touchscreen-based machine, select the Stock button, then Automatic, and Gage.  This will also open the appropriate door to return the gage.

Serial Outbound

The Serial module manages the flow of gages or calibrated items to the shop floor and to an internal or external calibrator or metrology facility when the gage becomes due for calibration.  It also processes repairs for serialized durable items.

When a gage has fallen out of calibration, or if a serialized item is sent to repair, it is automatically placed in the OUTBOUND screen.  The gages must be processed from the OUTBOUND screen and sent to the appropriate calibrator.

To send a gage to calibration complete the following steps:
  1. Select the supplier from the Supplier dropdown field, then click the Go button.
  2. Select the gage to be sent out, the Send To Inbound pop-up box will appear.
  3. Enter the Expected Cost, Expected Return, and any special Notes regarding the item.
  4. Click Ok on the Sent To Inbound pop-up box.
  5. Click OK on the "Successfully update outbound serial detail: message.

Once all gages have been processed from the Out Bound section, the gages must be physically retrieved and sent to their respective calibrators.  There are no additional steps required in a ToolRoom.  In a keypad-based AutoLocker, this retrieval process is performed at the keypad using the Service Locker button.  Choose Gage, then Out.  This will open the appropriate door.  At the RoboCrib or touchscreen-based machine, click the Maintain button, then Service, and Gage.  This will bring up the bin for the gage and open the door for the gage to be taken out.

Standard Reports

The Reports menu allows you to preview, export, email, or print any report, or schedule reports to email automatically.  This menu allows you to choose from a large selection of different reports or create your own ad hoc reports (with limitations) on the fly. Standard reports for transactions, purchase orders, and inventory are available through the reports menu.

The STANDARD REPORTS screen allows you to preview and print any standard or custom report in the AutoCrib.NET software.  The standard reports are grouped by category, and they can be selected from the Report Category dropdown field.  Below are the categories:

Favorites - Add your favorite reports to the favorites menu for quick access.
- Contains reports that lists the access controls set up in the software.
Billing - Includes the most commonly used billing reports.
Custom - Contains the custom reports created for the site.
Download - Minimally formatted reports, perfect for downloading to Excel for further analysis.
Inventory - Includes reports used to manage inventory such as Item Labels, Physical reports, Value reports, Slow and Dead by bin or by Item (Slow 60 days, Dead 120 Days) and Inventory turns reports.
Misc. - Includes activity log reports which show activity performed in the AutoCrib Arcturus sfotware.
Pick Sheets - Contains pick sheets that show lists, usually with pictures and barcodes.  These can be placed next to the machines for the user's reference.
Purchasing - Includes reports used to determine items that need to be ordered, as well as purchase orders that were already received.  Also has the Inventory Input Sheet which has the tags for the purchase orders.
Transactions - Includes reports that show details of transactions performed at the machines.

Depending on the report, you can set parameters to limit the data the report displays.  This is so the report does not take too long to display.  Some reports allow you to put in a date range (Today, Yesterday, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, and Last Month (note that this will display information for the last calendar month).  Some reports have crib, item, employee selections etc.

Preview/Print button -  Click the Preview/Print button to display a report.
E-Mail - Click the E-Mail button to email a report to a selected supplier or any other email address.
Add to Favorite - Click the Add to Favorite button to add the selected report to the Favorites report category.

The following table lists the different report descriptions, a brief explanation of those reports, and the report category that they belong to:


Report Category

Report Name

Report Description

Formatted for Excel




Access Control By Employee

This report Lists the employees that currently have access controls set up and the type of access controls set up for them.  The report includes the Max, Frequency, Cur (the total number of issues since the last access reset), and the Cur Day (the number of days that have passed since the last access reset).


Employee Selection


Report Category

Report Name

Report Description

Formatted for Excel

Filter Parameters


Invoice by Item – Issues

The report starts with a summary section listing the items and their Value Totals sorted by the highest to the lowest value.  Totals use the Unit Price we well as issue (I) and adjustment (A) transactions.  The total value for each item is then grouped by crib.

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section showing each transactions Date, Time, Type, Employee, Crib, Department, Job, Machine, Unit Price, Pkg Qty, Qty, and Sum of Total grouped and sorted by item code.  This report can be used for billing.


Date Range, Date Selection, and Item Selection


Invoice by Item - Restock

The report stars with a summary section listing items and their Value Totals sorted by the highest to lowest value.  Totals include the Unit Price as well as all stock (S) transactions.  The total value for each item is then grouped by crib.

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section showing each transactions Date, Time, Type, Employee, Crib, Department, Job, Machine, Unit Price, Pkg Qty, Qty, and Sum of Total grouped and sorted by item code.  This report can be used for billing.



Date Range, Date Selection, and Item Selection


Invoice by Supplier - Issues

The report starts with a summary section grouped by Supplier’s Value Total and then lists each supplier’s items and their Value Totals sorted by the highest to the lowest value.  Totals include the Unit Price as well as issue (I) and adjustment (A) transactions.

 The summary section is followed by a more detailed section showing each transactions Date, Time, Type, employee, Crib, Department, Job, Machine, Unit Price, Pkg Qty, Qty, and Sum of Total grouped and sorted by item code.  This report can be used for billing.


Date Range, Date Selection, and Supplier Selection


Report Category

Report Name

Report Description

Formatted for Excel




Employee Download

An unformatted report that lists the following information for all employees set up in the software:  Employee #, Last Name, First Name, Badge Number, Pin Number, Assigned department, Cost limit, Start/End times, Date employee was created, Force Ref Bin, Notes, and whether the employee is assigned as a Supervisor and/or Stocker in the AutoCrib system.



Employee Selection


Item Download

An unformatted report that lists the following information for all items set up in the software:  Item Code, Description 1, Description 2, Item Type (0 =Expendable, 1 = Perishable, 2 = Durable, 3= Kit, 4 =   Gage, 5 = Key), Substitute, Order Qty, AvgUnitCost, Issue Cost, Unit Cost, Vendor, Vendor Item, Mfg., MfgItem, Class, Account#, ItemGroup, Custom fields 1 - 5.



Item Selection


Transaction Download

An unformatted report that lists the following information for all transactions in the software:  Record ID, My Date, My Time, MonthYear, Qtr, Year, Crib, Crib Description, Bin, Transaction Type, Item Code, Item Descriptions 1 & 2, Supplier & Supplier Name, Mfg., Mfg. Name, MfgItem, Class, Class Description, ItemGroup, Order Qty, Account#, Custom fields 1-5, Item Type ((0 = Expendable, 1 = Perishable, 2 = Durable, 3= Kit, 4 =   Gage, 5 = Key), Qty, BurnQty, PackQty, ExtQty, IssueCost, UnitPrice, UnitCost, IssueValue, UnitPriceValue, Emp, FirstName, LastName, Department, Dept Description, Job, Job Description, Machine, Machine Description, Reason, Reason Description, Part, Part Description PoNo, TagNo, Lot, SpotTranCode, Serial, PickTicket, PSlip, MAvgPric, MAvCost, Standard Price, AdjStdPrice, ServerDateTime.



Date Range, Date Selection


Report Category

Report Name

Report Description

Formatted for Excel




Calibration outbound Report


Lists all gages that are currently out of calibration and need to be recalled.




Calibration Recall – Daily


Lists all gages that are currently out of calibration and need to be recalled.




Calibration Recall – Status In and Out

Lists all gages that are not checked out and have fallen out of calibration as well as gages that are checked out and have fallen out of calibration, grouped by In/Out status.





Calibration Recall – Total Inv.


Lists all gages set up in the software and their status.





Calibration Serial Report

Shows serial information (serial number, max cycles, max days, etc.) for gages that are due for calibration within the next 14 days.





Cycle Count By Bin

Shows all bins for all crib types grouped by Crib, then ABC Class.  Use this report to take note of inventory when performing a Cycle Count.



Crib Selection


Gage Recall Report

Lists all gages currently out of calibration or will be out of calibration within the next 14 days.





Inventory Turns 12 Months

Displays inventory turns by item in a 12-month period in classic turns, average turns, average daily usage, and days of supply.  This report also includes the status of the part:  Dead, Slow, Fast, or Overturning.

Classic Turns:
Total Cost for the last 12 months (uses Cost values from Item History table) / Current Inventory Value: (OnHand + Burn) * Issue Cost * Pack Qty

Average Turns:
Total Cost for the last 12 months (uses Cost values from Item History table)/ Average Inventory Value for the last 12 months ( Uses Avg Monthly Cost for the item divided by 12)

Average Daily Usage:
Sum of the last 12 months of issues / 356 days

Days of Supply:
(On Hand + Burn Qty) * Pack Qty /Average Daily Inventory



Item Selection


Inventory Turns 6 Months

Displays inventory turns by item in a 6-month period in classic turns, average turns, average daily usage, and days of supply.  This report also includes the status of the part:  Dead, Slow, Fast, or Overturning.

Classic Turns:
Total Cost for the last 6 months (uses Cost values from Item History table) / Current Inventory Value: (OnHand + Burn) * Issue Cost * Pack Qty

Average Turns:
Total Cost for the last 6 months (uses Cost values from Item History table)/ Average Inventory Value for the last 6 months ( Uses Avg Monthly Cost for the item divided by 6)

Average Daily Usage:
Sum of the last 6 months of issues / 178 days

Days of Supply:
(On Hand + Burn Qty) * Pack Qty /Average Daily Inventory



Item Selection


Kit Components

Lists all kits, their components, unit price, and qty used.   If the component is a kit that is nested in another kit the Kit column will be marked as True.



Item Selection


On Demand Stock Outs By Item

This report shows the number of times the user tries to issue an item that is stocked out grouped by Crib then by Item.


Date Range, Date Selection, and Item Selection


Physical By Item

Lists the bins, the items assigned to the bins, and their On Hand and Burn qty.  Use this report to verify inventory when doing a physical.



Crib Selection, Item Selection


RoboCrib Open Bins

The report starts with a summary section listing the total number of unassigned bins for each bin size, grouped by crib. 

The summary section is followed by a detailed section listing the individual RoboCrib bin numbers that do not have items assigned to them, and their bin size. 

Note:  This report excludes tall bins and adjustment bins.



Crib Selection


ScaleMate Discrepancy

Report Under Construction


Date Range, Date Selection, and Crib Selection


Slow and Dead Inventory

A listing of all items that have not been issued within the last 60 days (Slow) or 120 days (dead), grouped by status then crib, sorted by item for RoboCrib machines, and sorted by Bin for non-RoboCrib machines.  The report also lists the Last Issue date, the number of days that had passed since the last issue, the Average Daily Usage (uses 120-day lookback period), Number of stockouts (calculated from the time the last piece was taken out and then added to subsequent attempts within the last 120 days), Stockouts Demand (calculated from the first time an attempt is made to issue out an item that is already stocked out, then added to subsequent attempts occurring within the last 120 days), Last Stock Date Transaction, Avg Stocks Per Week (Total Stock ‘S’ transactions for 120 days divided by 17), On Hand, Burn, Capacity, Number of bins the item is assigned to, bin size, Min, Max, Suggested Min (For RoboCrib machine Item Daily Usage *  Lead time is used, for non-RoboCrib machine Bin Daily Usage * Lead time is used), Suggested Max (Assuming stocking is done twice a week for RoboCrib Machine Suggested Min + (Item Daily Usage * 3.5) is used, for Non-RoboCrib Machines Suggested Min + (Bin Average Daily Usage *3.5) is used, Unit Price, Inventory Value (OH + B) *Pack Qty *Unit Price), and Status (Slow/Dead).

*Item Daily Usage (aka Average Daily Usage) looks at the total of all I, B, A, AB transactions divided by 120 days, then groups crib and item pack qty.

**Bin Daily Usage (aka Average Daily Usage) looks at the total of all I, B, A, AB transactions divided by 120 days, then groups crib and Bin.


Crib Selection


Stockout Projections Report

Provides the bins and projected number of days until the bins stock out based on the last one week of usage.  The report is grouped by Item, Station, then Bin.  The look back period is 7 days and includes Issue (I), Burn (B), Adjust to Burn (AB), Adjust (A) transaction types. 

Projection calculation = (OH + B)/Average Use where Average Use = (OH + B)/7.



Item Selection


Value By Item Sorted By Value

A listing of all items and the value of their inventory (Ext. Price), sorted by Ext Price from highest to lowest.  Extended Price = (OH+B) *Unit Price *Pack Qty



Item Selection


Report Category

Report Name

Report Description

Formatted for Excel




System Activity Log

Shows activity performed in the AutoCrib Software, including Date, Time, Type, Employee, Crib, Bin, Item, Item Descriptions, Department, Job, Machine, Part, and Reason.  Note:  The AutoCrib Support Portal has a list of Type codes used in the report and their definitions.



Employee Selection


Report Category

Report Name

Report Description

Formatted for Excel




(Picture) Crib By Description 1

Shows the bins, the items assigned to the bins, their pictures, and the barcodes for the bins.  Grouped by Crib and sorted by Description 1.



Item Selection, Item Class Selection


Report Category

Report Name

Report Description

Formatted for Excel




Inventory Input Sheet

This report shows the purchase order to be stocked, along with their tag numbers if tags were assigned to them (this report is also known as a tag sheet).  The report is grouped by crib then tag number and includes all machine types.



Crib Selection, PoNo Selection


Open Transfers by PO

Lists the items that are part of an open stock transfer, including the transfer PO number.  The report is grouped by To Station then Transfer PO number.



Crib Selection, Item Selection


Purchase Order Status

Shows all open and/or received purchase orders for all crib types, grouped by PO Number, Tag Number, Station, Item, then Pack Qty.  It shows Expected Arrival (Due Date), Qty Ordered, Qty Outstanding, Qty Received to Date, Unit Price, and Extended Value.



Date Selection, Date Rename, PoNo Selection, Item Selection


Purchase Orders

Shows the Open Purchase Orders in a format that includes the Supplier’s address, Ship To address.  This report lists the bins individually. 



Supplier Selection, PoNo Selection


Regrind Purchase Orders

Shows the items that are sent to regrind, along with the costs for regrind and the regrind values.



Supplier Selection, PoNo Selection


Reorders by Crib

For all crib types.  Shows the reorder quantities and values for items, grouped by Crib, Supplier, Item, then Pack Qty.  Can be used to take note of the actual fill quantity. 

The report also shows how many days of inventory are left (Days Left for RoboCrib Machines Total available qty divided by the items Average Daily Usage is used, for non-RoboCrib  Machines Available Quantity divided by the Bin’s Average Daily Usage is used), Available Stock, Min, Max, Qty Required to reorder, Pack Qty, unit price, and the total value for the reorder qty.



Crib Selectin, Item Selection


Supplier Delivery Performance

This report shows how the supplier performs in terms of delivering product on time.  The report begins with a summary bar graph summing up PO lines for each PO status (On-Time, Late-Arrival, or Early Arrival). 

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section grouped by Supplier and PO Status.  It shows the PO#, PO Line #, PO Date, Due Date, Promise Date, Received date, Crib, Bin, Item, Order Qty, and Received To Date.



Date Range, Date Selection, Supplier Selection


Tag Bin Labels

Contains the labels for the items that are part of open PO’s. Each label has the item code, description, bin, tag number for the PO, and package quantity.



PoNo Selection


Report Category

Report Name

Report Description

Formatted for Excel




Adjustments By Item – Comments


Lists all adjustment transactions with comments, grouped by item.


Employee Selection


Closed FPA Report

Report Under Construction



Supplier Selection



The report begins with a summary section which lists the top 10 items with the highest value grouped by crib (Total Value = (I + B) * Pack Qty * Issue Cost).

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section showing each issue (I), burn (B), adjustment (A), and adjustment to burn (AB) transaction, grouped by crib and sorted by Date.



Date Range, Date Selection, Crib Selection



The report begins with a summary section which lists the departments and the cost they incurred grouped by Department (Total Value = (I + B) * Pack Qty * Issue Cost).

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section showing each issue (I), burn (B), adjustment (A), and adjustment to burn (AB) transaction, grouped by department.



Date Range, Date Selection, Department Selection


Department by Employee

The report begins with a summary section which lists the employees and the cost they incurred grouped by Department (Total Value = (I + B) * Pack Qty * Issue Cost).

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section showing each issue (I), burn (B), adjustment (A), and adjustment to burn (AB) transactions, grouped first by department then Employee.



Date Range, Date Selection, Department Selection, Employee Selection


Discrepancy Report

Report under construction


Date Range, Date Selection, Crib Selection



The report begins with a summary section which lists employees and the costs they incurred (Total Value = (I + B) * Pack Qty * Issue Cost).

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section showing each issue (I), burn (B), adjustment (A), and adjustment to burn (AB) transaction, grouped by Employee.



Date Range, Date Selection, Employee Selection



The report begins with a summary section which lists Items and their total value, and total value of each item per crib (Total Value = (I + B) * Pack Qty * Issue Cost).

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section showing each issue (I), burn (B), Return (R) adjustment (A), and adjustment to burn (AB) transaction, grouped by Item.



Date Range, Date Selection, Items Selection



The report begins with a summary section which lists the top 10 highest value per job, then per item (Total Value = (I + B) * Pack Qty * Issue Cost).

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section showing each issue (I), burn (B), adjustment (A), and adjustment to burn (AB) transaction, grouped by Job.



Date Range, Date Selection, Job Selection



The report begins with a summary section which lists the top 10 highest value per machine, then per item (Total Value = (I + B) * Pack Qty * Issue Cost).

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section showing each issue (I), burn (B), adjustment (A), and adjustment to burn (AB) transaction, grouped by Machine.



Date Range, Date Selection, Machine Selection


Monthly Usage Trend Report

The report shows the items, how many of them were issued each month over 12 months, and their value.  For RoboCrib machines the monthly usage is shown for each item and pack qty.  For non-RoboCrib machines the monthly usage is shown for each bin. Usage = (I + B) * Pack Qty, Value = Usage * Issue Cost. 

The report is sorted by Item, Crib, Pack Qty, and Bin number.  Transaction types included in the report are Issue (I), Burn (B), Adjust (A), and Adjust to Burn (AB).



Item Selection


Number of Stock Outs By Item

The report begins with a summary section showing what is currently stocked out in the crib. 

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section showing the date and time each item went out of stock, how many Hours the item was out of stock, and the number of times the item went out of stock.  The report is grouped by Crib then Item.



Date Range, Date Selection, Items Selection


Open FPA Report

Report Under Construction



Supplier Selection


Open Issues By Dept

The report begins with a summary section showing the value total of open issues per department then per employee (Unit Cost * Pack Qty). 

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section listing all the items that have not been returned to the machines, grouped by department then by employee.


Department Selection, Employee Selection


Open Issues By Employee

The report begins with a summary section showing the value total of open issues per employee.  Value Total = (Unit Cost * Pack Qty). 

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section listing all the items that have not been returned to the machines, the date and time they have been issued out, and the total, grouped by employee.



Employee Selection



The report begins with a summary section which lists the top 10 highest value per Part, then per item (Total Value = (I + B) * Pack Qty * Issue Cost).

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section showing each issue (I), burn (B), adjustment (A), and adjustment to burn (AB) transaction, grouped by Part.



Date Range, Date Selection, Part Selection



The report begins with a summary section which lists the top 10 highest value per reason, then per item (Total Value = (I + B) * Pack Qty * Issue Cost).

The summary section is followed by a more detailed section showing each issue (I), burn (B), adjustment (A), and adjustment to burn (AB) transaction, grouped by Reason.



Date Range, Date Selection, Reason Selection


Rolling 52 Week Usage - Export

The report shows the Items and how many were issued each week and their value over the last 52 weeks.  Usage = (I + B) * pack Qty.  Value = Usage * Issue Cost.

Transaction types included in this report are Issue (I), Burn (B), Adjustment (A), and Adjustment to Burn (AB).


Item Selection

Automatic Reports

From the AUTOMATIC REPORTS screen reports can be scheduled to email automatically to a supplier or user.

Note:  To email reports, an email address must be set up in the Email field for the supplier in Purchasing > Suppliers, or the Email field for the security user in the Tools > Security module.

To set up an automatic report complete the following steps:
  1. Select a report category from the Report Category dropdown field then click the Go button.
  2. Click on the Report Description that you would like to set up.
  3. Set the schedule to send the report in the Scheduler section
    • Select Frequency by checking the appropriate check box:
      • Daily - Will generate the report everyday at the specified Time(s) entered in the Time field (Time field format:  HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM)
      • Weekly - Will generate the report once a week on the selected Day (check the box next to the day of the week you wish the report to generate) and time(s) entered in the Time field (Time field format:  HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM)
      • Monthly - Will generate once a month on the specified Date entered in the Date field (example enter 1 for the 1st of every month etc.), and time(s) entered in the Time field (Time field format:  HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM)
      • Day(s) - Will generate the report weekly on the specified day(s) of the week selected in the Day section, and time(s) entered in the Time field (Time field format:  HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM)
    • Email - Check the Email checkbox if you would like the report to be emailed.  Click the envelope icon next to the Email checkbox, the Email pop-up box will appear.  If you would like to email the report to a specific Supplier or Suppliers check the box(s) next to the supplier's name and click the Add button.  To email the report to an AutoCrib.NET security user click the Users button, then check the box(s) next to the User name and click the Add button.  When you complete adding the supplier(s) or user(s) click the x button on the top right corner of the box to return to the AUTOMATIC REPORTS screen to complete the setup.  Select the Attachment radio button to email the report as an attachment, you may then specify the File Name in the File Name field.  To email the report as a link select the Link radio button.
    • File Format - Select the file format you wish to receive the report in from the File Format dropdown field.
    • Time - Enter the time or times of day you wish the reports to be generated.  The Time field format is:   HH:MM AM or HH:MM PM.  You may enter multiple times by entering the time in the Time field then clicking the Add link, then repeat the steps to add additional times.
  4. Set the Parameters in the Parameters section.  Depending on the report, you can set parameters to limit the data the report displays.  This is so the report does not take too long to generate.  Some reports allow you to put in a date range, some have crib and item parameters etc.
  5. Click the Save button to schedule the automatic report.


The Tools menu consists of the modules and functions facilitate AutoCrib.NET administrative activities, system-wide settings, AutoCrib.NET software logins, security user groups, printing for bin labels and employees, automatic scheduling, and data updates. It is important to limit the users allowed access to these function due to sensitivity of these modules and the disruptive ability that can be produced.

The Options module stores most of the settings for the AutoCrib.NET software and the machines.  These settings affect the machines, user privileges, system updates and configurations.


The COMPANY screen stores the End User's company name, address, phone number, fax number, and Billing address.  This is seen in the Ship To address in the Purchase Order reports by default.  It also stores the Next PO# which tracks the next available purchase order number.  If you uncheck Auto Inc PONO , you may enter your own purchase order number when creating a PO.  When the Auto Inc PONO is checked, the number in the Next PO # is incremented automatically after a PO is created.
The COMPANY screen also stores the Company ID which is used to identify customer accounts to the managing supplier or the system administrator.  This has to be populated as the reports look for this field.
The Master Computer field identifies the computer that performs automated tasks such as resetting access controls and emailing reports.  Click the Edit button, then the click here link to set the PC as the Master Computer.
The Shared Secret field must be populated when using web services.

The EDIT COMPANY screen allows you to edit all the fields that are stored in the COMPANY screen.  Make sure to click the Update button to save any changes made to the screen.


The DEFAULTS screen contains settings that affect certain modules in the AutoCrib.NET software and AutoCrib machines.  The screen is divided into seven sections; Strip Employee Badges, System Wide, Pick Ticket and Purchase Orders, RFID, Gage Calibration, Data Purge and Password Policy.

Strip Employee Badges:
  • Leading Characters - Defines the number of leading characters to remove from the badge.
  • Trailing Characters - Defines the number of trailing characters to remove from the badge.

System Wide:

  • Use Packing Slip - This allows the packing list number to be inserted when the items are received.  The packing list number is stored in Transactions > History.
  • Modem Port - This is the port number used by the modem for faxing.
  • Use Language - For AutoCrib machines with keypads.  This enables the keypad language to toggle through English, German, Spanish and French language when pressing the LANG key on the keypad.
  • Unlimited Access - For use with Access controls.  When this is not checked, employees will not have access to items unless they have access controls set up for them.  When this checkbox is enabled, employees have unlimited access to items unless they have access controls set up for them (this is the default setting).
  • Pin Prompt - When this is checked, the AutoCrib machine prompts for a PIN at login.
  • Finger Print - This turns on fingerprint validation, for use with the RoboCrib only.
  • Force Badge Scan - When this is checked, the field to enter the badge number manually by the keypad or keyboard is not seen.  This forces the employee to scan a badge using the barcode, proximity or mag swipe reader.  Choose the reader type next to the checkbox from the Bar-code dropdown field.
  • Mag Swipe Delimiter - This is a character in the code stored in the magnetic strip card.  All characters to the left of the delimiter will be read by the AutoCrib machine upon swiping the card at login.  Therefore the characters to the left of the delimiter should be the badge number.  For example, if a card has the code 5453321;07281979 stored in it where 5453321 is the badge number, set the Mag Swipe Delimiter to ; so that the badge number 5453321 is read when the card is swiped at the login screen.
  • Receive Tags System Wide -  For vending machines only.  When this is checked, you can enter a tag to stock all vending machines at just one machine or keypad.  This is so you don't have to enter the tag number at each vending machine.
  • FOD Daily Lock - When this checkbox is checked, any item with the FOD Control checkbox checked in Inventory > Items >Detail must be returned by the Access Reset Time in Tools > Options > Scheduler each day before any other item can be issued out.
  • Disable BurnQty Field - When this checkbox is on, the inventory for an item is stored as On Hand rather than Burn, and all transactions affect the On Hand quantities only.  The software at the AutoCrib machines does not show fields or columns for Burn. This is used when there is no distributor or consigned inventory to be tracked separately.
  • Fulfill ToolRoom Short Issues - For use with the ToolRoom software. This enables the Short Issue button at Transactions > Issues.
  • Highlight Empty Bin Row - For touchscreen machines. When this is checked, items and bins that are out of stock are highlighted in red.
  • Single Labels - For use with the Dymo label printer. When this is checked, labels are printed from Tools > Bin Labels with the Dymo printer.
  • Currency - Select the desired currency to be displayed throughout the software from the Currency dropdown field.
  • DateFormat -Select the desired currency to be displayed throughout the software from the  DateFormat dropdown field.
  • TimeZone - Select the customers time zone from the TimeZone dropdown field, this will ensure automatic reports will be sent out using the customers time zone.

Pick Ticket and Purchase Orders:

  • Print On Issue - When this is checked, pick tickets are printed from the Transactions > Issues module.
  • Print On Return - When this is checked, pick tickets are printed from the Transactions > Returns module.
  • Print PO on Handheld - When this is checked, a purchase order created at the MiniCrib prints out after syncing the device.
  • Purchase By Order Qty - When this is checked, the quantities for items that come up in purchase orders are in increments of the items' Order Qty, set up in Inventory > Items > Detail. The Use Order Qty in Purchasing > Purchase Orders must be checked as well.
  • PO Database Prompts - When this is checked, upon creating a PO in Purchasing > Purchase Orders, you will be prompted to enter validation prompts (Department, Machine, Job, Part, and Reason).
  • Back Orders - This works with the Prophet 21 software to help manage back orders.  When this is checked, Prophet 21 sends back the purchase order to AutoCrib with the items that it does not have inventory of.  When this is not checked, Prophet 21 will process the purchase order even though it does not have some of the items in it.
  • Create PO by Crib Min Max - When this is checked, the PO considers the minimum and maximum levels set up for the items in Cribs > Tool Cribs > MinMax.  Also, the Bin column is not seen in Purchasing > Purchase Orders.  When this is not checked, the PO considers the minimum and maximum for the bins in Cribs > Bins.  The Bin column is see in Purchasing > Purchase Orders.
  • AutoPO Schedule by Crib - When this is checked, the settings for the Auto PO in Cribs > Tool Cribs > Detail are used to generate automatic POs.  If this is not checked, the settings for the Auto PO in Purchasing > Suppliers are used to generate the automatic POs.
  • Group CXML by Crib and item - Groups the CXML file first by Crib then by Item.


  • Recycle RFID Tags - This enables reusing of RFID numbers.
  • RFID Printer Port - The port number the RFID printer is connected to. This can be found in Device Manager.
  • Email RFID Tags to Supplier RFID Address - When this is checked, RFID tags are emailed to the address in the RFID Email field in Purchasing > Suppliers > Detail.
  • Email All RFID Tags to - When this is checked, RFID tags are emailed to the address specified in the field.

Gage Calibration

  • Integrate Gage Calibration Center:  This enables the use of the Gage Calibration center.  When this is checked the settings for the gage should be edited in the Gage Calibration Center.

Data Purge


Password Policy

  • Checkbox - Enforces the AutoCrib.NET password policy

The EDIT DEFAULTS screen allows you to edit the fields that are stored in the DEFAULTS screen.  Make sure to click the Update button to save any changes made to the screen.

Dashboard Detail

The DASHBOARD DETAIL screen  controls what is displayed at the dashboard.  The percentages when the charts should change to yellow (approaching an unacceptable state) or red (has approached an unacceptable state) are set here.

Below are the definitions of the pie charts:

Stock Outs - This represents the total of bins that do not contain inventory (on hand + burn) and the restock value for the bin is enabled.  If it is yellow, the system is approaching an unacceptable state where the total percentage of bins do not contain inventory.  If it is red, the system has reached an unacceptable state where the total percentage of bins do not contain inventory.
Below Reorder Points - This represents the total number of bins that have reached the below minimum status (on hand + burn + on order + open issues).
Overdue POs - This represents the total number of overdue open purchase orders determined by the Promise Date entered when the purchase order is generated.
Slow Inventory - This represents the total number of items in the system that have not been dispensed for the amount of days specified in the No Usage in Days field.  If it is yellow, the system is approaching an unacceptable state where the total percentage of items in the system have not been dispensed within the specified days.  If it is red, the system has reached an unacceptable state where the total percentage of items in the system have not been dispensed within the specified days.

The EDIT DASHBOARD screen allows you to edit the fields that are stored in the DASHBOARD screen.  Make sure to click the Update button to save any changes made to the screen.


The SCHEDULER DETAIL screen has the reset times used for access controls and demand-based ordering.  It also contains the import and export times of tag files as well as the location of the tag files (this feature is used with AutoCrib Client/Server Software version 4.2 only ).  

The Access Reset Time is the time when the Access Controls and Daily FOD Lock resets.  The default reset time is 12:00AM.   The last reset date is also shown. 
Demand-Based Ordering Calculation checkbox enables demand-based ordering as well as the field to enter the time to run the calculation (Calculation Time field).  To run the calculation manually, click on the Run Now button.  The results are seen in Purchasing > Purchase Class > Demand screen.

The EDIT SCHEDULER screen allows you to edit the fields that are stored in the SCHEDULER DETAIL screen.  Make sure to click the Update button to save any changes made to the screen.


The SHOW ALL CONTROLLERs screen contains the computers that are connected to the AutoCrib machines, know as controllers.  The controllers are inserted using the AutoCrib Client Server Software.


The TERMINALS  screen allows you to link cribs or PCs to terminals.  A terminal refers to the number that is set at the keypad of the machine.  This number is linked to the crib number of the keypad machine.  A keypad machine must be set up in the Terminals tab so that the AutoCrib and AutoPoll software can communicate with the machine.   To set the terminal up, do the following:
  1. Select the Computer Name of the PC that is connected to the keypad machine.
  2. Click Add from the Terminal box, the Crib Look Up box will appear.
  3. Select the Crib Number of the keypad machine that is connected to the selected Computer Name and click the Add button.
  4. Click OK on the message "You must restart Autocrib to make changes effective".
  5. Restart the AutoPoll software so that the new terminal is included.


The SHOW ALL SECURITY screen stores the user IDs and Passwords for logging into the AutoCrib.NET software.  To add a new security user click on the + icon.  To view the details of a security user select the security user from the list, you will then be directed to the DETAIL screen.

The security user DETAIL screen allows you to view details for the selected security user.  Click the Edit button to make changes to the selected security user.  Clicking the View Permission button will direct you to the security user view permissions DETAIL screen where you can review/edit all permissions set for the current security user.  Clicking the Edit Permission button will direct you to the security user view permissions EDIT screen where you can make changes to the permissions set for the current security user.

To add a new user, complete the desired fields in the ADD USER screen and click the Save button.  Please note that the required fields are indicated with a red asterisk *.

Is Local User - Enables the Permit Exit, Adjust Column, and Database Restructure check boxes.  Disables the Dashboard check box, and also removes the @xxxxxx from the User field.
User - User ID/name to log into the AutoCrib.NET software.
Password - Password for the User.
Confirm Password - Confirm the password for the User.
Supplier - The supplier code that the user belongs to, if any.  When this is populated, the login sees only the cribs assigned to the supplier in Cribs>Tool Cribs. In the Reports module, the login sees only the Favorites and Supplier Report Categories.
Group - Select a Group from the Group: dropdown field, these are set up in the Tools > Groups module.  The user will only have access to the modules specified in the assigned group.
First Name - The User's first name.
Last Name - The User's last name.
Address / City / State / Zip / Country - User's Address.
Phone - The User's phone number.
E-Mail - The email address for the user.
Dashboard - When checked, the dashboard will load upon login.
Permit Exit - This allows the user login to exit out of the RoboCrib, TouchVend, and ToolRoom software by clicking on the red bar at the top of the machine software screen.
Edit Standard Price -  This allows editing an item's standard price in Inventory>Items>Detail by clicking on Standard Price and entering the password.
Adjust Column -  This allows adjusting column widths in the AutoCrib Client/Server software.
Database Restructure - This allows the user to update the Local AutoCrib database structure when updating to a higher AutoCrib Client/Server software version.

The security user EDIT USER screen allows you to make changes to the selected security user.  After updates have been made click the Save button to save your changes.

Note:  Clicking the View Permission button will direct you to the permissions detail screen where you can review/edit all permissions set for the current security user.  Clicking the Edit Permission button will direct you to the edit screen where you can make changes to the permissions set for the current security user.

Edit User Permissions

Access to certain modules in the AutoCrib software can be restricted for each user through the security user permission EDIT screen.  To Add or Edit permissions to a module complete the following steps:
  1. Click the Menu name tab that you would like to Edit (example; Cribs, Inventory, Database, Transactions, Purchasing, Report, Tools).
  2. Click the arrow next to each module name to view additional permission options for example, under the Cribs menu you will see the Cribs , Bins, and Access modules. Select the desired check box(s) or check the box next to the module name to automatically select all check boxes listed under that module.
  3. To provide complete access to the entire menu check the Select All check box.
  4. Repeat steps for each Menu.
  5. Click the Update button to save your changes.

The view permission DETAIL screen allows you to view all permissions currently set for the selected security user.

Employee Badges

The EMPLOYEE BADGES screen allows you to print employee badges to the Avery 5095 address labels.  To print employee badges complete the following steps:
  1. Select the employees you wish to print the badges or click Select All to select all employees.
  2. Click the Insert Badges link, selected employees will display in the Badges box.
  3. To remove an employee badge from the badges box select the badge number and click the Delete Badge s link, or click Clear All link to remove all badges.
  4. Click on a location under the Start Location column to indicate where on the address label sheet should the employees badges start printing.
  5. Click the Preview/Print button to preview the report, then click the Print icon to print.

Bin Labels

The BIN LABELS screen prints bin labels to the standard Avery 5160 mailing labels and the Dymo Label Writer labels for use with the Dymo Label Writer printer.  To print the bin labels complete the following steps:
  1. Select the Crib number from the Crib selection box.
  2. Select the Bins you wish to print the labels for from the Bin selection box and click Insert.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to select additional crib and bins to be printed.
  4. The Selected Crib(s) and Bin(s) will display in the crib box in the bottom of the page.
  5. To delete a bin check the box next to the bin number and click Delete.
  6. Enter the Qty of labels to be printed for each bin using the Qty field (the default is set to 1) check the checkbox next to that crib/bin then click Update.
  7. Select the Start Location under the Start Location column to indicate where on the address label sheet should the bin labels start printing.
  8. Click the Preview/Print button to preview the report then click the print icon to print.

Fast Edit

In the FAST EDIT (ITEM) screen you can make changes to the details of multiple items as opposed to making changes individually via the Inventory > Items module. 

Important Note:  Changes made through this module cannot be reverted, please use extreme caution when making changes!

To make changes to the item details complete the following steps:
  1. Select the database(s) containing the items, by checking the box(s) next to the desired database(s) under the Select Databases section.
  2. Select a Field, Comparison, and Value from the dropdown fields.
  3. Click the Insert button to add the query to the query box (more than one query can be placed in the large white box when making a number of changes).
  4. Click the Run Query button to subset the database with the query you have built.
  5. The list of items displayed at the bottom of the screen is narrowed down according to the query.
  6. Click and update each line item OR use the Update statement to update all the items displayed at the bottom of the screen at the same time. 
  7. To run the Update statement select Update from the dropdown list, enter data in the = field and select the Where: dropdown fields, then click the Run Update button.
For example; Let's say you want to increase the issue cost for all items under this supplier by 10%.  Set the Update field to Issue Cost, then set it to be equal to IssueCost*1.10, then click the Run Update button.

In the FAST EDIT (EMPLOYEE) screen you can make changes to the details of multiple employees as opposed to making changes individually via the Database > Employee module.

Important Note:  Changes made through this module cannot be reverted, please use extreme caution when making changes!

To make changes to the Employee details complete the following steps:
  1. Select the database(s) containing the employees, by checking the box(s) next to the desired database(s) under the Select Databases section.
  2. Select a Field, Comparison, and Value from the dropdown fields.
  3. Click the Insert button to add the query to the query box (more than one query can be placed in the large white box when making a number of changes).
  4. Click the Run Query button to subset the database with the query you have built.
  5. The list of employees displayed at the bottom of the screen is narrowed down according to the query.
  6. Click and update each employee line OR use the Update statement to update all the employees displayed at the bottom of the screen at the same time.
  7. To run the Update statement select Update from the dropdown list, enter data in the = field and select the Where: dropdown fields, then click the Run Update button.

In the FAST EDIT (SUPPLIER) screen you can make changes to the details of multiple items as opposed to making changes individually via the Purchasing > Suppliers module.  

Important Note
:  Changes made through this module cannot be reverted, please use extreme caution when making changes!

To make changes to the Supplier details complete the following steps:
  1. Select the database(s) containing the employees, by checking the box(s) next to the desired database(s) under the Select Databases section.
  2. Select a Field, Comparison, and Value from the dropdown fields.
  3. Click the Insert button to add the query to the query box (more than one query can be placed in the large white box when making a number of changes).
  4. Click the Run Query button to subset the database with the query you have built.
  5. The list of suppliers displayed at the bottom of the screen is narrowed down according to the query.
  6. Click and update each suppliers line OR use the Update statement to update all the suppliers displayed at the bottom of the screen at the same time .  
  7. To run the Update statement select Update from the dropdown list, enter data in the = field and select the Where: dropdown fields, then click the Run Update button.

Bulk Upload

The UPLOAD ITEM IMAGE screen allows you to bulk upload item images to the AutoCrib database.  Once uploaded, these images will be visible in the AutoCrib .NET software Items module as well as the Machine software when searching for items.

Complete the following steps to bulk upload the item images:

  1. Click the Download Template link, the template will automatically download to your computer in Excel format
  2. Open the Template with Excel, In column A enter Item Cod e, In column B enter the File Path and File name (Example:  C:\Images\GloveLeather.jpg) Note:  Make sure to remove the sample data from the columns and save your file.
  3. Upload your item images by clicking on the Upload Images button, the Upload File pop up will appear
  4. Click the Choose Files button from the pop up screen and navigate to the folder containing the item image files
  5. Select the file or files you wish to upload, then click the Open button.  Note:  You may use the ctrl key on the keyboard to select several files, or shift to select a block of files.
  6. Click the Start Upload button from the pop up screen.  Note:  you will see the message "File completely processed.  Please click "Close Lookup" button."
  7. Click the Close Lookup button
  8. Click the Browse button next to the Upload Item Image Excel File (Choose File) field
  9. Select the All Files (*.*) option from the File Name dropdown field
  10. Navigate to the completed Excel Template file and click on Open
  11. Click the Upload File button.  Note: The Log section of the screen will display successful and unsuccessful image uploads.

upload item image

The CATEGORY UPLOAD  screen allows you to bulk upload and or delete Categories and their Images to the AutoCrib database. The Category selection filters the selectable list of Families.

Complete the following steps to bulk upload and/or delete a list of categories:
  1. Click the Download Template link, the template will automatically download to your computer in Excel format
  2. Open the Template with Excel, In column A enter the Category Name, In column B enter the Category Description, In column C enter the Image file path and file name (Example:  C:\Images\GloveLeather.jpg), In column D enter the letter N if the category should not be deleted, and enter Y if the category should be deleted from the database (if the column is left blank the Category and image will be added to the database).  Note:  Make sure to remove the sample data from the columns and save your file.
  3. Upload the Categories Image files by clicking the Upload Images button, the Upload File pop up will appear
  4. Click the Choose Files button from the pop-up screen and navigate to the folder containing the image files.
  5. Select the file or files you wish to upload, then click the Open button.  Note:  You may use the ctrl key on the keyboard to select several files, or shift to select a block of files.
  6. Click the Start Upload button from the pop up screen.  Note:  you will see the message "File completely processed.  Please click "Close Lookup" button."
  7. Click the Close Lookup button
  8. Click the Browse button next to the Upload Category Excel File (Choose File) field
  9. Select the All Files (*.*) option from the File Name dropdown field
  10. Navigate to the completed Excel Template file and click on Open
  11. Click the Upload File button.  Note: The Log section of the screen will display successful and unsuccessful uploads and or deletions.
category upload

The FAMILY UPLOAD  screen allows you to bulk upload and or delete Families and their Images to the AutoCrib database. The Family selection filters the selectable list of Types.

Complete the following steps to bulk upload and/or delete a list of families:
  1. Click the Download Template link, the template will automatically download to your computer in Excel format
  2. Open the Template with Excel, In column A enter the Family Name, In column B enter the Family Description, In column C enter the Image file path and file name (Example:  C:\Images\GloveLeather.jpg), In column D enter the letter N if the family should not be deleted, and enter Y if the family should be deleted from the database (if  the column is left blank the Family and image will be added to the database).  Note:  Make sure to remove the sample data from the columns and save your file.
  3. Upload the Family Image files by clicking the Upload Images button, the Upload File pop up will appear
  4. Click the Choose Files button from the pop-up screen and navigate to the folder containing the image files.
  5. Select the file or files you wish to upload, then click the Open button.  Note:  You may use the ctrl key on the keyboard to select several files, or shift to select a block of files.
  6. Click the Start Upload button from the pop up screen.  Note:  you will see the message "File completely processed.  Please click "Close Lookup" button."
  7. Click the Close Lookup button
  8. Click the Browse button next to the Upload Family Excel File (Choose File) field
  9. Select the All Files (*.*) option from the File Name dropdown field
  10. Navigate to the completed Excel Template file and click on Open
  11. Click the Upload File button.  Note: The Log section of the screen will display successful and unsuccessful uploads and/or deletions.

The TYPE UPLOAD  screen allows you to bulk upload and or delete Types and their Images to the AutoCrib database. The Type selection filters the list of Items.

Complete the following steps to bulk upload and/or delete a list of Types:
  1. Click the Download Template link, the template will automatically download to your computer in Excel format
  2. Open the Template with Excel, In column A enter the Type Name, In column B enter the Type Description, In column C enter the Image file path and file name (Example:  C:\Images\GloveLeather.jpg), In column D enter the letter N if the Type should not be deleted, and enter Y if the Type should be deleted from the database (if  the column is left blank the type and image will be added to the database).  Note:  Make sure to remove the sample data from the columns and save your file.
  3. Upload the Type Image files by clicking the Upload Images button, the Upload File pop up will appear
  4. Click the Choose Files button from the pop-up screen and navigate to the folder containing the image files.
  5. Select the file or files you wish to upload, then click the Open button.  Note:  You may use the ctrl key on the keyboard to select several files, or shift to select a block of files.
  6. Click the Start Upload button from the pop up screen.  Note:  you will see the message "File completely processed.  Please click "Close Lookup" button."
  7. Click the Close Lookup button
  8. Click the Browse button next to the Upload Type Excel File (Choose File) field
  9. Select the All Files (*.*) option from the File Name dropdown field
  10. Navigate to the completed Excel Template file and click on Open
  11. Click the Upload File button.  Note: The Log section of the screen will display successful and unsuccessful uploads and/or deletions.

The CATEGORYFAMILY UPLOAD  screen allows you to bulk upload and/or delete a list of Category to Family associations, so that when a category is selected it will filter the selectable list of families.

Complete the following steps to bulk upload and/or delete a list of Category to Family associations:

Note:  Before completing the steps below make sure that the list of Categories and Families already exist in the database!
  1. Click the Download Template link, the template will automatically download to your computer in Excel format
  2. Open the Template with Excel, In column A enter the Category Name, In column B enter the associated Family Name, In column C enter the letter N if the Category to Family association should not be deleted, and enter Y if the Category to Family association should be deleted from the database (if  the column is left blank it will default to N).  Note:  Make sure to remove the sample data from the columns and save your file.
  3. Click the Browse button next to the Upload Type Excel File (Choose File) field
  4. Navigate to the completed Excel Template file and click on Open
  5. Click the Upload File button.  Note: The Log section of the screen will display successful and unsuccessful uploads and/or deletions.

The FAMILYTYPE UPLOAD  screen allows you to bulk upload and/or delete a list of Family to Type associations, so that when a Family is selected it will filter the selected list of types.

Complete the following steps to bulk upload and/or delete a list of Family to Type associations:

Note:  Before completing the steps below make sure that the list of Families and Types already exist in the database!
  1. Click the Download Template link, the template will automatically download to your computer in Excel format
  2. Open the Template with Excel, In column A enter the Family Name, In column B enter the associated Type Name, In column C enter the letter N if the Family to Type association should not be deleted, and enter Y if the Family to Type association should be deleted from the database (if  the column is left blank it will default to N).  Note:  Make sure to remove the sample data from the columns and save your file.
  3. Click the Browse button next to the Upload Type Excel File (Choose File) field
  4. Navigate to the completed Excel Template file and click on Open
  5. Click the Upload File button.  Note: The Log section of the screen will display successful and unsuccessful uploads and/or deletions.

The TYPEITEM UPLOAD  screen allows you to bulk upload and/or delete a list of Type to Item associations, so that when a Type is selected it will filter the selectable list of items.

Complete the following steps to bulk upload and/or delete a list of Type to Item associations:

Note:  Before completing the steps below make sure that the list Types and Items already exist in the database!
  1. Click the Download Template link, the template will automatically download to your computer in Excel format
  2. Open the Template with Excel, In column A enter the Type Name, In column B enter the associated Item Code, In column C enter the letter N if the Type to Item association should not be deleted, and enter Y if the Type to Item association should be deleted from the database (if  the column is left blank it will default to N).  Note:  Make sure to remove the sample data from the columns and save your file.
  3. Click the Browse button next to the Upload Type Excel File (Choose File) field
  4. Navigate to the completed Excel Template file and click on Open
  5. Click the Upload File button.  Note: The Log section of the screen will display successful and unsuccessful uploads and/or deletions.


Update History

The UPDATE HISTORY screen allows you to update the history of usage for month-to-date and year-to-date figures.  The update history can be ran manually by clicking the the Proceed button.  It can also be scheduled to run automatically once a month.  To schedule automatic updates enter the Update Time in the Update Time fields and enter the Day of the month you wish the updates to run in the Update Date field (for example enter 15 for the update history to run on the 15th of each month).

Price Update

The PRICE UPDATE screen allows you to modify prices by Item or Supplier Item codes.  The price update can be ran manually or automatically.

To run the price update manually first build a tab-delimited text file for the items for which you want to modify pricing using the following format:

 item code/supplier item code[tab]unit price[tab]issue cost[tab]unit cost

Example text file built using Notepad (you could also do this in Microsoft Excel and save as a tab delimited text file):

Select the supplier from the Supplier dropdown field and select a Method Item, or Supplier Item.  Click the Browse button next to the Price Update Folder field, select your .txt file and click Open, click the Upload button, then click Proceed.

To schedule an automatic price update enter the update time in the Update Time field, enter the day of the month to run the update in the Update Date field, select a Method Item or Supplier Item, click the Browse button next to the Price Update Folder field and browse to the .txt file location, click on Upload and then Save.

Item Change

The ITEM CHANGE screen allows users to modify the Item Code while maintaining a relationship with the prior Item Code’s transactional history.  Any change made using this function will be effective throughout ALL tables in the database including transaction history!

To edit or change the item codes complete the following steps:
  1. Export or build a text file in the following format:  existing item code [tab] new item code.
  2. Select the database or databases where the item code(s) you wish to change exists.
  3. Select a Filter Method:  Item to change the Item code field or Supplier Item to update the Supplier Item code field.
  4. Click the Upload File button.
  5.  Click the Choose File button, browse to the file location, select the file to upload and click Open.
  6. Click the Start Upload button.
  7. Click Close Lookup when you see the message " File Uploaded.  Please click "Close Lookup" button to move item grid" .
  8. Click the Proceed button to complete the item change process, you will see the message "Item code updated of selected Databases".


Database Change

The Database Change module is a data manipulation tool that allows you to add and change Bin, Item , Employee, Job, and Supplier information by completing a text file upload instead of editing the line items individually one by one.  Note: This tool will accept what you provide in the file, so be absolutely certain you have a good file.  If you're not sure, please contact support to make sure you're not risking unintended data changes. 
WARNING:  This tool will insert or append existing data. Please review your flat file to ensure that all data entries are valid.  Incorrect data entries may result in data corruption.  All changes made by this tool are final. Please create a case with AutoCrib Tech Support if you have any questions.

The default screen of the Database Change module is the BIN CHANGE screen.  To make changes to the bins first create a .csv file using the following format:

Crib ,Bin,Item,PackQty,RefBin,Restock,Max,Min,Helix,Count,Type,Size,BinSize,Critical,CriticalLevel,Door,FrontRow,Row,Button

Notes regarding the .csv file format:
  • The fields are separated by commas.
  • The field in bold are required.
  • The field in italics can have values of either 0 for False, or 1 for True.
  • When the non-required fields are not known leave them blank however make sure that the line still has 18 commas.
  • The Helix, Count, Type, and Size fields can be any of the following:
Helix Description Count Type Size
490-28 30 Cnt, Single 30 S 1
490-29 24 Cnt, Single 24 S 1
490-30 18 Cnt, Single 18 S 1
490-31 15 Cnt, Single 15 S 1
490-32 15 Cnt, Single, Wide 15 S 2
490-33 12 Cnt, Single, Wide 12 S 2
490-34 10 Cnt, Single, Wide 10 S 2
493-15 12 Cnt, Single 12 S 1
493-16 10 Cnt, Single 10 S 1
493-9 9 Cnt, Single 9 S 1
593-07 7 Cnt, Single 7 S 1
593-07W 7 Cnt, Single, Wide 7 S 2
593-11 15 Cnt, Dual, Wide 15 D 2
593-12 12 Cnt, Dual, Wide 12 D 2
593-13 10 Cnt, Dual, Wide 10 D 2
593-14 6 Cnt, Single, Wide 6 S 2
593-14D 6 Cnt, Dual, Wide 6 D 2
593-14S 6 Cnt, Single 6 S 1
593-15 30 Cnt, Dual, Wide 30 D 2
593-18W 18 Cnt, Single, Wide 18 S 2
593-LC100 100 Cnt, Locker 100 L 1
593-LCKR 1 Cnt, Locker 1 L 1
AddOn 1/3 7483647 A 1
CRIB Unlimited 2147483647 S 1
DoubleT 1/2 7483647 T 2
FullD Full 7483647 H 2
FullT Full 7483647 T 3
ROBO1 1 Item 1 R 1
ROBO100 100 Items 100 R 100
ROBO2 2 Items 2 R 2
ROBO20 20 Items 20 R 20
ROBO3 3 Items 3 R 3
ROBO30 30 Items 30 R 30
ROBO4 4 Items 4 R 4
ROBO40 40 Items 40 R 40
ROBO50 50 Items 50 R 50
SingleD 1/2 7483647 H 1
SingleT 1/3 7483647 T 1
Unlimited Unlimited 2147483647 S 1


  • The BinSize can be any of the following:

    RoboCrib bin size BinSize
    12th pie 1
    6th pie 6
    4th pie 4
    3rd pie 3
    half-pie 2


     **For all other types of machines, the BinSize is 0.

    Once you have created your .csv file follow the steps below to complete the bin change:
    1. Select the database(s) where changes should be made.
    2. Click the Upload file button, then click the Choose File button.
    3. Browse to the file location and select the file then click Open.
    4. Click the Upload button, then click the Proceed button.
    5. Click OK on the message that the change completed successfully.
    Note:  The number of lines processed and any errors encountered will appear right above the Upload File button.  If errors were encountered click the View log link to review the errors (number of errors should be zero for the database change to be successful)

    Item Change

    The ITEM CHANGE screen allows you to add and change Item information by completing a text file upload instead of editing the line items individually one by one.  Note: This tool will accept what you provide in the file, so be absolutely certain you have a good file.  If you're not sure, please contact support to make sure you're not risking unintended data changes.
    WARNING:  This tool will insert or append existing data.  Please review your flat file to ensure that all data entries are valid.  Incorrect data entries may result in data corruption.  All changes made by this tool are final.  Please create a case with AutoCrib Tech Support if you have any questions.

    To make changes to the items first create a .csv file using the following format:

    ItemCode ,Description1,Description2,ItemType,OrderQty,UnitPrice,IssueCost,UnitCost,Supplier,SupplierItem, Mfg,MfgItem,Class,MaxSysQty,Notes,Physical,ItemRef,ItemGroup,Account#,FOD,LotControl,Serialize, Weigh

    Notes regarding the .csv file format:
    • The fields are separated by commas.
    • The field in bold are required.
    • The field in italics can have values of either 0 for False, or 1 for True.
    • When the non-required fields are not known leave them blank however make sure that the line still has 18 commas.
    • The ItemType filed can be any of the following:
    0           Expendable
    1           Perishable
    2           Durable
    3           Kit
    4           Gage

    Once you have created your .csv file follow the steps below to complete the bin change:
    1. Select the database(s) where changes should be made.
    2. Click the Upload file button, then click the Choose File button.
    3. Browse to the file location and select the file then click Open.
    4. Click the Upload button, then click the Proceed button.
    5. Click OK on the message that the change completed successfully.
    Note:  The number of lines processed and any errors encountered will appear right above the Upload File button.  If errors were encountered click the View log link to review the errors (number of errors should be zero for the database change to be successful).

    Employee Change

    The EMPLOYEE CHANGE screen allows you to add and change Employee information by completing a text file upload instead of editing the line items individually one by one.   Note : This tool will accept what you provide in the file, so be absolutely certain you have a good file.  If you're not sure, please contact support to make sure you're not risking unintended data changes.
    WARNING:  This tool will insert or append existing data.  Please review your flat file to ensure that all data entries are valid.  Incorrect data entries may result in data corruption.  All changes made by this tool are final.  Please create a case with AutoCrib Tech Support if you have any questions.

    To make changes to the employees first create a .csv file using the following format:


    Notes regarding the .csv file format:
    • The fields are separated by commas.
    • The fields in bold are required.
    • The fields in italics can have values of either 0 for False, or 1 for True.
    • When the non-required fields are not know leave them blank however, make sure that the line still has 9 commas.
    Once you have created your .csv file follow the steps below to complete the bin change:
    1. Select the database(s) where changes should be made.
    2. Click the Upload file button, then click the Choose File button.
    3. Browse to the file location and select the file then click Open.
    4. Click the Upload button, then click the Proceed button.
    5. Click OK on the message that the change completed successfully.
    Note:  The number of lines processed and any errors encountered will appear right above the Upload File button.  If errors were encountered click the View log link to review the errors (number of errors should be zero for the database change to be successful).

    Job Change

    The JOB CHANGE screen allows you to add and change Job information by completing a text file upload instead of editing the line items individually one by one.  Note: This tool will accept what you provide in the file, so be absolutely certain you have a good file.  If you're not sure, please contact support to make sure you're not risking unintended data changes.

    WARNING:  This tool will insert or append existing data. Please review your flat file to ensure that all data entries are valid.  Incorrect data entries may result in data corruption.  All changes made by this tool are final.  Please create a case with AutoCrib Tech Support if you have any questions.

    To make changes to the Jobs first create a .csv file using the following format:


    To make changes to the Job Items first create a .csv file using the following format:


    Notes regarding the .csv file format:
    • The fields are separated by commas.
    • The fields in bold are required.
    • The fields in italics can have values of either 0 for False, or 1 for True.
    • When the non-required fields are not know leave them blank however, make sure that the line still has the same number commas.
    Once you have created your .csv file follow the steps below to complete the bin change:
    1. Select the database(s) where changes should be made.
    2. Click the Upload file button, then click the Choose File button.
    3. Browse to the file location and select the file then click Open.
    4. Click the Upload button, then click the Proceed button.
    5. Click OK on the message that the change completed successfully.
    Note:  The number of lines processed and any errors encountered will appear right above the Upload File button.  If errors were encountered click the View log link to review the errors (number of errors should be zero for the database change to be successful).

    Once you have created your .csv file follow the steps below to complete the bin change:
    1. Select the database(s) where changes should be made.
    2. Select Job to changes to the jobs OR select Job Item to make changes to the job items.
    3. Click the Upload file button, then click the Choose File button.
    4. Browse to the file location and select the file then click Open.
    5. Click the Upload button, then click the Proceed button.
    6. Click OK on the message that the change completed successfully.
    Note:  The number of lines processed and any errors encountered will appear right above the Upload File button.  If errors were encountered click the View log link to review the errors (number of errors should be zero for the database change to be successful).

    Supplier Change

    The SUPPLIER CHANGE screen allows you to add and change supplier information by completing a text file upload instead of editing the line items individually one by one.  Note: This tool will accept what you provide in the file, so be absolutely certain you have a good file.  If you're not sure, please contact support to make sure you're not risking unintended data changes.

    WARNING:  This tool will insert or append existing data.  Please review your flat file to ensure that all data entries are valid.  Incorrect data entries may result in data corruption.  All changes made by this tool are final.  Please create a case with AutoCrib Tech Support if you have any questions.

    To make changes to the Suppliers first create a .csv file using the following format:

    Supplier ,Name,Addr1,Addr2,City,State,Zip,Country,Phone,Fax,Contact,Email,Notes,Regrinder,TaxRate,POTime,Monday,

    Notes regarding the .csv file format:
    • The fields are separated by commas.
    • The fields in bold are required.
    • The fields in italics can have values of either 0 for False, or 1 for True.
    • When the non-required fields are not know leave them blank however, make sure that the line still has the same number commas.
    Once you have created your .csv file follow the steps below to complete the supplier change:
    1. Select the database(s) where changes should be made.
    2. Click the Upload file button, then click the Choose File button.
    3. Browse to the file location and select the file then click Open.
    4. Click the Upload button, then click the Proceed button.
    5. Click OK on the message that the change completed successfully.
    Note:  The number of lines processed and any errors encountered will appear right above the Upload File button.  If errors were encountered click the View log link to review the errors (number of errors should be zero for the database change to be successful).

    MinMax Update

    The MINMAX UPDATE tool allows you to change the minimum and maximum levels of bins for all crib types EXCEPT ROBOCRIBS , via uploading a text file using the following format:


    01    01    HAN-4B0210074A    2    3
    02    02    OSG-290001    2    4

    Once you have created your .txt file follow the steps below to complete the minmax update:
    1. Select the database(s) where changes should be made.
    2. Click the Browse button from the MinMax Update section.
    3. Browse to the file location and select the file then click Open.
    4. Click the Proceed button.
    5. Click OK on the message that the change completed successfully.

    Note:  The number of lines processed and any errors encountered will appear right above the Upload File button.  If errors were encountered click the View log link to review the errors (number of errors should be zero for the database change to be successful).

    Note:  To make the .txt file creation faster, you may export a text file which includes all the fields with the current min and max, so all you will need to do is updated the min and max for each item on the file.  To export the file from the Export File section select a Supplier and Crib from the dropdown fields, then click the Export button.

    Robo MinMax Update

    The ROBO MINMAX UPDATE tool allows you to change the minimum and maximum levels of bins for ROBOCRIB MACHINES ONLY , via uploading a text file using the following format:


    06    3M14661    1    4    5
    06    3M14662    1    2    3

    Once you have created your .txt file follow the steps below to complete the robo minmax update:
    1. Select the database(s) where changes should be made.
    2. Click the Browse button from the Robo MinMax Update section.
    3. Browse to the file location and select the file then click Open.
    4. Click the Proceed button.
    5. Click OK on the message that the change completed successfully.

    Note:  The number of lines processed and any errors encountered will appear right above the Upload File button.  If errors were encountered click the View log link to review the errors (number of errors should be zero for the database change to be successful).

    Note:  To make the .txt file creation faster, you may export a text file which includes all the fields with the current min and max, so all you will need to do is updated the min and max for each item in the file.  To export the file from the Export File section select a Supplier and Crib from the dropdown fields, then click the Export button.


     The SHOW ALL GROUPS screen provides a list of all the user groups that have been added to the system.  These user groups can be assigned to the users that are set up in the  Tools > Security module. The assigned user will inherit the permissions of the assigned group.  To view the details of a specific group, click on the desired group from the list, you will then be directed to the DETIAL screen.  To add a new group click the + icon.

    The group EDIT screen allows you to make changes to the existing permissions of the selected group.  Click the Update button to save your changes.

    The Group DETAIL screen displays the detail fields for the selected group.  To make changes click the Edit button.

    The ADD GROUP screen allows you to add security groups to the AutoCrib.NET system.  You can create security user groups with specific insert, edit, and delete permissions to each of the AutoCrib.NET modules.  These user groups can then be assigned to users set up in Tools > Security, and the users will inherit the permissions of the assigned user group.

    Complete the steps below to add a new group:
    1. Enter a unique Group Id, and a Group Name
    2. The menus appear as tabs, each tab lists its related modules, and under each module various options are available to be enabled.  Examples of the common options are as follows:
    • Create - Allows you  to Add records to the selected module.
    • Update - Allows you to Edit records in the selected module.
    • Delete - Allows you to Delete records from the selected module
    • View - Grants access to the view tab of the selected module.
    • Notes - Grants access to the notes tab of the selected module
    • Issue - Grants access to the Issue tab of the selected module.
    • History -  Grants access to the History tab of the selected module.
    • Transaction -  Grants access to the Transaction tab of the selected module.
    1. Select the desired check boxes under each Menu and Module and/or click the Select All check box for each module to grant access to everything.
    2. When all desired check boxes have been selected click the Save button.

    The RESET MOVING AVEREAGE COST screen allows you to reset the Moving Average Costs and Prices to zero, hence a new Moving Avg Cost and Price will be established starting from the next stock transaction.  Click the Proceed button to reset the Moving Average Costs and Prices to zero.